Broken out in hives

lynne502 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've been a really good sport for almost ten months now, but my patience is wearing thin...I have had 5 months of chemo, a bilateral mastectomy with expanders put in, and 6 weeks of radiation. There was a build up of fluid around the radiated expander which ended up in having to have the expander removed. Now, I have one side fully inflated and the other side concave and "bunched up" looking (and it's still draining). To top it all off, I have now broken out in hives but just in the breast area on both sides! My surgeon suggested I see my oncologist about it and my oncologist suggested I see a general practitioner. I feel and look like a freak - no wonder the plastic surgeon doesn't want to see me - I'm sure his cosmetic surgery patients are alot easier to work with.


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Lynne, I think "good sport" is putting it mildly. You have been brave beyond measure and are putting up a good fight. But I do understand about the surgeon telling you to see the oncologist and the oncologist telling you to see your family doctor. Who, if he's like mine, you will leave a message and HOPE they get back to you. I felt abandoned at times by the medicos. No one wants to order a test or med if its slightly, only slightly, out of their comfort zone. I had that happen right after my lumpectomy. My face turned beet red, my surgeon said get to the ER. I did. They couldn't find anything. They said call my surgeon. My surgeon said call my primary. My primary took three days to return my call. Ugh. Abandoned!!!! But, it all works out. I just get so frustrated at times and it seems so do you. Yell. Scream. Scramble a dozen eggs, as someone else suggested on this site a few days ago. Then, call your primary and see what she/he has to say. It may be nerves, an allergic reaction or just your system telling you that its not happy. Your primary should be able to help find the cause and help with a cure. Hang in there. Marilynn
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Just a thought...could you be allergic to the expanders???? My friend was. The material they use CAN be latex...I and many others are allergic to that....Shame on your surgeon (if he/she was the one that inserted them) that they didn't think of this....

    You are definately NOT a freak!!!!! You have battled harder than ANY of these doctors (unless they, too, are cancer survivors!) EVER will in their lives!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    I hate to say but they have been horrible to you and shame on them. I would call the ACS helpline 1800-227-2345 and see what they suggest. It sounds like you might want to get a second opinion on a new plastic surgeon. He should know what to do because this should not be his first rodeo with reconstruction. Sounds to me like the plastic surgeon and the oncologist do not have a relationship because they should figure out what to do and not send you everywhere. The oncologist should be making phone calls and figuring out what to do. Shame on them. The nurses that hook up the chemo might have better answers than the doctors. I pray some medical professional can help you. GRRRRRRRR for you and prayers. HUGS, Angela
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    You have the patience of a saint!! I think I would have gone ballistic by now. Maybe some benedryl (diphenhydramine) would help with your hives while you are figuring out what to do. You'd think someone would take the bull by the horns and help you out. I can understand your frustration. If the benedryl helps then you probably have an allergy and Kathi makes a good point about the expanders containing latex. A lot of people are allergic to latex. Good luck to you, wish I could help you out more.