Avastin/Cytoxan update

stryj Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
The first cycle is over--two IV treatments of Avastin and 21 days of oral Cytoxan. It's encouraging news. My wife's CA-125 # went from 98 to 80. Hopefully this will continue. Minimal to no side effects...achey(not painful) joints and a noticeable loss of energy


  • jy106
    jy106 Member Posts: 1
    That's great news. It is nice to see positive news on these boards. My mother may be starting avastin + chemo soon as a fourth or fifth line treatment. Sending positive energy...
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I'm so glad to hear that your wife is doing well, and responding so quickly to the treatment! It gives wonderful encouragement and hope to you, I'm sure, and all of us. Keep us up-to-date! Sending continued prayers for continued positive signs!