6 down, unknown to go...

lindachris Member Posts: 173
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello all. My wife Linda finished her "last" of 6 chemo cycles (2 rounds each cycle) this past Friday. CAT scan this Friday, then meet with the doc on the 13th. We know he'll ask us to do probably two more cycles of Cisplatin/Gemzar, and our heads tell us to do so, but Linda is really, really tired. Breathless, etc. So it's that weird zone of choice...will 2 more be what delivers remission? Hard to tell, isn't it? So, I'm simply asking all of you for perspective. We're having a healing at our church tonight. First time our congregation has ever done anything like this, and a big step for two rationalists like us. But we've had so much help and so many signs that we trust this is a good thing to do. Hope those of you facing challenges and fears find answers as well. cc


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    I just had to take what my doctor told me (my gyn/onc/surg) which was my 12 months of consolidation treatment was new and there was only one study that showed an average of 10 more months or remission for Stage IV. That was a pretty slip rope he handed me but my husband and I decided to grab it. I took into consideration that the breathlessness and fatigue was the most troubling side effect for me. I will watch the neuropathy and if it increases we may have to stop. I do my 4th lower dose of Taxol on the 14th after seeing my surgeon on the 13th. I believe that my faith and the prayers of people all over the world have gotten me this far...NED in 10 months. Praying for a clean CAT scan for Linda on Friday. (((HUGS))) Saundra
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  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    Chris - I'd say go with your gut, trust your instincts. Linda has been through so much already - you guys know what she can handle. If they are giving you great statistics about what 2 more rounds can do - then how can you say no, unless as Nancy says - the benefits do not outweigh the costs of what has to be endured.

    Didn't you say that her numbers are down to 3? I think that's great. Maybe the 2 extra rounds will keep it there for a couple of years instead of just months. Who really knows?

    I will be thinking good thoughts for you both and will say a prayer for you as well tonight when you are at your church. What a neat idea.

    Take good care and let us know what you decide to do. Kris
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    This is one of those questions that only you and your wife can answer. I can say that I agree with has been already been said. Get your questions together and then ask your Dr. Having so many people praying for you is a great thing..and it does work!! Good luck,I hope that no matter wht you both decide that she'll be NED forever....(((hugz))~~Joanne
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I know that 'bring on a few more rounds' isn't really in your wife's vocabulary right now. But I'm sure once you meet with the doctor you'll know what to do. The fatigue and breathlessness is hard to deal with. But there are also lots of reasons. Of course, there's the low red blood cell counts - red blood cells deliver oxygen to the body, so lower counts means less oxygen. All of our organs need that. Maybe the Procrit or Neulasta shots would help? The biggest reason for breathlessness for me was low blood pressure. My 'normal' is about 106/65. And the chemo tends to lower it even more, so at times it was as low as 85/70. I felt horribly - could not get oxygen to my head, felt as though I would pass out at any moment. And there are ways to work with that also. So, maybe Linda's symptoms can be helped, and if need be, she can get through a couple of more rounds.

    I don't know how your healing service will work, but it sure doesn't hurt to go. We are all intercessors for each other, and the Lord brings us healing power through many different avenues. Count me in to intercede for Linda, AND you, and be in agreement for healing, strength and peace.
  • lindachris
    lindachris Member Posts: 173
    mopar said:

    I know that 'bring on a few more rounds' isn't really in your wife's vocabulary right now. But I'm sure once you meet with the doctor you'll know what to do. The fatigue and breathlessness is hard to deal with. But there are also lots of reasons. Of course, there's the low red blood cell counts - red blood cells deliver oxygen to the body, so lower counts means less oxygen. All of our organs need that. Maybe the Procrit or Neulasta shots would help? The biggest reason for breathlessness for me was low blood pressure. My 'normal' is about 106/65. And the chemo tends to lower it even more, so at times it was as low as 85/70. I felt horribly - could not get oxygen to my head, felt as though I would pass out at any moment. And there are ways to work with that also. So, maybe Linda's symptoms can be helped, and if need be, she can get through a couple of more rounds.

    I don't know how your healing service will work, but it sure doesn't hurt to go. We are all intercessors for each other, and the Lord brings us healing power through many different avenues. Count me in to intercede for Linda, AND you, and be in agreement for healing, strength and peace.

    Excellent perspective and advice from you all. As always. Much thanks. The healing ceremony went well. Quiet and reverent. And a birthday party I threw together last minute worked out rather well. Linda has a table full of flowers and blooming plants to show for it. She loves her garden! (:-) I think we'll follow what you advise, wait and see what the scan shows and what the doctor says. Thanks for the support.