laxative dependance

curly88 Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Help! I got an impaction from my steroids and chemo 2 mos ago, and since that was cleared I've been taking laxatives to make sure things keep moving. I want off them, but am so afraid of another impaction. Had chemo a week ago; been eating mostly fruits, vegies, and afraid to take the leap and trust my bowels. The laxatives (senecot) have imflamed my rectum, so I must stop them. Any ideas?


  • jamilou
    jamilou Member Posts: 200
    What does your doctor say? Is he concerned about the laxatives? I would start my laxative 2 days before chemo and continue with them for 1 week. This did the trick for me. You may want to try every other day starting a week after your chemo if your bowels are normal and then every third day etc... Then before chemo start back on an every day dose. During chemo I had a hard time drinking a lot of water even though that is so important when you are taking laxatives. I would supplement with other fluids to make sure I got about 40 - 60 ounces a day. Good luck!
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    I agree with Jamilou. I also have found the flavored dry prunes and eat them for a snack. I really like the cherry flavored ones. I don't cook them, just eat out of the sack.
  • paula2
    paula2 Member Posts: 162
    I have the same problem and can totally relate to the trauma of serious constipation. Don't trust your body when you are on chemo. Your doctors may not even give the best advice. My doc's office told me they were having problems with gemzar and diareah (spell?) and so I stopped laxatives for that new treatment and got all backed up. I am so dismayed that this could happen because it's the one thing that I swore would not happen to me again if within my power. I'm going to switch from sennacot to miralax and see if there is a difference in the way the body handles that. Your fiber intake may be causing the inflamation too..depending on how much senna you are doing. You may be getting too much all together.

    On 'normal' days, like a week after chemo, I can usually take 2 oz. of prune juice instead of any senna. If I eat refries or vegies or salad the night before, that is often enough, in normal times only. Now, with pain meds and chemo cocktails, that's the time I'd rather be safe than sorry and will take 2 sennakot and 1 sennakot s before bed.

    All the best of luck to you. I think the girls here are right on with advice and even tho we all respond differently, most of us have been troubled with laxative problems.

    God Bless.
  • collins
    collins Member Posts: 69

    I have battled constipation all of my due to IBS and colon problems. I found the problem especially bad with chemo. I tried senecot and several other therapies. I went to my GI and once again he recommended Phillips Milk of Magnesia. I have found that PMM works better than anything else I have tried. You can get it in pills or liquid form. The liquid tastes terrible but you can control how much you need. The berry flavored is more tolerable. I am currently on chemo again and have found that taking Milk of Magnesia the day of chemo and as long as I need it has worked great.

    Love, hugs and prayers as you go through this
