My Mother

shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi guys,
Well, my mother had a colonoscopy 2 years ago and had a total of 19 polyps removed, several of which were adenomas. She was supposed to go back last year for another scope but she put it off until this year. This time 15 polyps were found, 5 adenomas, two of which were too big to have removed during the scope.
So now she has to have a colon resection!! Yeek...
I would like to see her have a laproscopic procedure as these two are not yet cancerous. Has any one been to Dr. Chang at MD Anderson? Is that your doc Kerry?? I can't remember?
She is supposed to make an appt. to see him and hopefully have this done without a large incision since she is 71 and they don't have to take nodes and all that out.
Have any of you had the laproscopic procedure done?


  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi Susan - I'm sorry about your mother.

    I did have my resection done laproscopically. When I was first diagnosed, based upon colonsocopy only, it looked as if my tumor was in the descending colon right below the bend between transverse and descending colon. My surgeon said he would not do cancer surgery at that location except by open procedure, because he wanted to take no chances at not getting everything and that location is apparently more difficult via laparoscope. However, when I had the CT scan, it turned out that the tumor was actually in the sigmoid colon and thus a laparoscopic procedure was fine. So, I know at least one factor is tumor location. And if they are actually removing a sizeable piece of your mother's colon, then you have to have 1 incision that is not just a keyhole, so they can remove the colon. Recovery still takes time, but I am sure it is much easier than with a fully open procedure.

    I wish your mother the best.

  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hi Susan,

    Your Mom is at the best place for colon resection (in my opinion). My first Dr. there was Dr. Edward Lin - he has since moved to Seattle and now I go to Dr. Abruzzesse. I really like him as well and he is Chairman of the Gastrointerology Department. All the docs there are top notch.

    I think Knort had laproscopic surgery when she had her colon resection. Maybe you will hear from her. Her scar is very small.

    Take care. When will your Mother be at MDA? I will be there March 5 - 7.

  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Hello again. Well, my Mom tried to make her appointment today but she called the wrong scheduler or something, yada, yada, so she probably won't be able to make her appt. till Monday and I am not sure when it will be. Whenever it is I will probably come down to Houston. For one thing I can help her navigate MD Anderson since I had my liver and lung resections there and up till recently was going there for followups. I had my colon resection done here locally, so I am unfamilliar with the docs that do that down there. Her polyps are in the cecum (sp?), so I am not sure if that can be done laproscopically or what - I guess we shall see. I hope so because I had an open procedure, but I was only 31, you know? So, anyway, looks like we won't know anything until Monday....
    If anyone else has experience with the laproscopy or Dr. Chang please let me know.
    Thanks again,
  • Mickeyw
    Mickeyw Member Posts: 28
    I had mine done labroscopy Deember 20th. I was home right after lunch on Christmas day. I am 60, and in good health and physical condition. It wasn't a piece of cake, but very tolerable. The night all of the intestines and the stomach wake up is the worse part. Until the gas starts moving around and getting out it is quite uncomfortable. I had a morphine button that would allow me to administer my own goodies as long as you don't do it too often. I was back at work half days in 3 weeeks and full days the fourth week. I will find out this Monday what lays in store for me for future treatments.
  • Monicaemilia
    Monicaemilia Member Posts: 455 Member
    Hi Susan: I had a full colectomy done laparascopically (they removed my whole large intestine). I only had four little incisions and the recuperation would have been great except for the infection I got. I remember my surgeon telling me that my recup time would be much less if done laparascopically. If there is any way the surgeons can go that way, it is certainly preferable (I've had both). Monica
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Susan,
    I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My colon surgery was not laporoscopic, but I know it would be great if they can get by with that. A word of encouragement: my dad had a major colectomy at age 80 and did very well post op. You and your mom are in my prayers. Judy
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Hello again. Well, my Mom tried to make her appointment today but she called the wrong scheduler or something, yada, yada, so she probably won't be able to make her appt. till Monday and I am not sure when it will be. Whenever it is I will probably come down to Houston. For one thing I can help her navigate MD Anderson since I had my liver and lung resections there and up till recently was going there for followups. I had my colon resection done here locally, so I am unfamilliar with the docs that do that down there. Her polyps are in the cecum (sp?), so I am not sure if that can be done laproscopically or what - I guess we shall see. I hope so because I had an open procedure, but I was only 31, you know? So, anyway, looks like we won't know anything until Monday....
    If anyone else has experience with the laproscopy or Dr. Chang please let me know.
    Thanks again,


    Here is some information I found on Dr. Chang. Again, MDA is great, as you already know. I would have my surgery there anyday. Also, Dr. Chang specialized in minimally invasive surgery.


    George J. Chang
    Degree: MD
    Title: Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology

    How To Contact: phone: 713.563.1875 fax: 713.745.7468
    Clinical Interests: Colon, rectal, anal cancer; Minimally invasive surgery for colon and rectal cancer and hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes; Sphincter preservation for rectal cancer.
    Types of Patients: Colon, Rectal, Anal Cancer
    Care Centers: Gastrointestinal Center

    Medical School: UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

    Internship: University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

    Residency: University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

    Fellowship: Mayo Clinic , Rochester, MN

    Board Certification: American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery
    American Board of Surgery
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    kerry said:


    Here is some information I found on Dr. Chang. Again, MDA is great, as you already know. I would have my surgery there anyday. Also, Dr. Chang specialized in minimally invasive surgery.


    George J. Chang
    Degree: MD
    Title: Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology

    How To Contact: phone: 713.563.1875 fax: 713.745.7468
    Clinical Interests: Colon, rectal, anal cancer; Minimally invasive surgery for colon and rectal cancer and hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes; Sphincter preservation for rectal cancer.
    Types of Patients: Colon, Rectal, Anal Cancer
    Care Centers: Gastrointestinal Center

    Medical School: UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

    Internship: University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

    Residency: University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

    Fellowship: Mayo Clinic , Rochester, MN

    Board Certification: American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery
    American Board of Surgery


    There is another Dr. Chang at MDA. He is a GI oncologist. The other Dr. George Chang is a oncology surgeon. Here is the data on Dr. David Z. Chang.

    David Z. Chang
    Degree: MD, PHD
    Title: Assistant Professor, GI Medical Oncology

    How To Contact: phone: 713.792.6156 fax: 713.563.0541
    Clinical Interests: Pancreatic Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Neuroendocrine Tumors, Cancer Immunotherapy (including Monoclonal Antibodies, Cancer Vaccines, Biological Modifiers); Molecular Targeting
    Types of Patients: Adult Gastrointestinal Cancer
    Care Centers: Gastrointestinal Center

    Medical School: Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH

    Internship: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH

    Residency: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH

    Fellowship: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

    Board Certification: American Board Internal Medicine
    American Board Medical Oncology
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Thanks for the info. everyone! I have passed it along to my mother and she is glad to know, Mickey, that there is someone in a very simmilar situation who was able to have laproscopic surgery. I told my Mom to come on the forums and read this for herself. I also told her to get a user name and password so if she has any other questions she can post them or e-maill you all individually.
    Thank you again!
  • KFalvey
    KFalvey Member Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Susan,
    I had a hand assisted laproscopic surgery where they go in laproscopically first then cut a 3" opening to bring out the part of colon to be resected. Mine was the ascending that was removed. I was operated on Friday afternoon and went home on Sunday afternoon. I was 54 and it wasn't bad at all. I was feeling relatively good in a week. This was done in Tampa, Florida. I really hope all goes well with your Mother. If you have any questions, feel free to E-mail me.