
phil8008 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I've been reading most of the messages here and it really makes me happy to see such a large group of people with positive attitudes. What brought me to this board is my sister (35yo) who was diagnosed with CRC 2.5 months ago (stg. 3 1of34 nodes) she just began her chemo treatment last week and so far it hasn't been going very well, just a lot of vomiting, stomach pain and bowel movements... but today she broke down and felt like giving up I tried giving her a pep talk, but honestly don't think she was listening... but i'm glad i found this community and i hope i can get her to be a part of this, in hopes that she will find the strength and the courage that i see in all of you survivors and those soon to be survivors.
God Bless.
Phil- SoCal


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, Phil....welcome to the family....sigh....35...just too young to be having to go through this!
    I, too, was stage III, 1 node....chemo is HELL. But, the alternative is worse. Tell her to focus on something BEYOND this....plan a big celebration, or a trip, to treat herself after all of this fight with the beast is passed.
    We ALL feel like giving up occasionally, but with the support from warm hearts like yours, we find the strength to go on....
    My chemo was awful, too....I had every side effect in the book...and twice I felt like dying MUST be better than me drooling and not being able to lie down because my SKIN hurt!!!! But it passed, and I got VERY MAD at the beast...how DARE it try to take my life!!!!
    If you have been reading the posts, you see that I am a BIG fan of water....contrary to others, all I could get down was ICE COLD....sips....
    Hugs to you and your sister!
    BTW, we become survivors the day we are diagnosed...share that with your sister, and encourage her to come here...we semi-colons are a great group to vent to!!!! (Been there/done that stuff)
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    KathiM said:

    Oh, Phil....welcome to the family....sigh....35...just too young to be having to go through this!
    I, too, was stage III, 1 node....chemo is HELL. But, the alternative is worse. Tell her to focus on something BEYOND this....plan a big celebration, or a trip, to treat herself after all of this fight with the beast is passed.
    We ALL feel like giving up occasionally, but with the support from warm hearts like yours, we find the strength to go on....
    My chemo was awful, too....I had every side effect in the book...and twice I felt like dying MUST be better than me drooling and not being able to lie down because my SKIN hurt!!!! But it passed, and I got VERY MAD at the beast...how DARE it try to take my life!!!!
    If you have been reading the posts, you see that I am a BIG fan of water....contrary to others, all I could get down was ICE COLD....sips....
    Hugs to you and your sister!
    BTW, we become survivors the day we are diagnosed...share that with your sister, and encourage her to come here...we semi-colons are a great group to vent to!!!! (Been there/done that stuff)

    Hi Phil...nice of you to impart some kind words mate.I think the best part about our "family" here is that the "taboo" of talking about bodily functions is thrown right out tha door. There is no embarrassment here nor are replies judgemental. The great thing is that everyone here knows that there are good times and bad...and we are all supportive of anyone that has a question, no matter how trivial it may seem to the poster. Each of us, patient and carer alike have throughout their journey had physical or emotional issues that are difficult to deal with and it is a comfort to know that we are never alone. I can tell you that after coming here for almost 3 years I have read and shared many good and sad times. The beauty is that I know that these guys will always be here for a shoulder to lean on.
    I hope that you may be able to convince your sister to join us and that you tell her that we are here to help her in any way she needs it.
    Your input into this board tells us all how much you care for and love your sister.Good on yah mate.....via you we might make a difference to your sister coping with this.
    Ross n Jen
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Phil,

    I'm glad you found us too. We are a very informative group and great to be around. Give you sister a big HUG from us since we know what she is going through. Now for the practical stuff. Did she call the onc to tell them she was vomitting? Does she has a RX for this? She needs to have one on hand. I'm sure you read in some of the posts that she needs to drink a lot of water. If she is on folfox I know this is hard. I can't stand the tepid water. Tell her to try some crystal light in it. They have the "to go" packs that are great. Make sure she is eating yogurt or taking acidophilus (sp?) to put back the good bacteria in her bowels that the chemo kills. That helps some with the diarehea. Also have lots of immodium on hand. I have it stashed every where just in case. If it gets too bad it is ok to use immodium. Also have on hand Senekot for the other side of the coin. Bowels are a mess when on chemo. Tell her to have "easy" snacks around when she is feeling bad. Crackers, pretzels. The salt helps the naucea too. She can e-mail any of us on this site if she goes to our webpages. I'm stage 3 with one node and just finished my folfox chemo. Like Kathi said we have all "been there, done that" and spongebob adds "and have the t-shirt". LOL. Please use us for anything. Venting, questions, happy times. HUGS to you too for being such a good brother. Tell us how she is doing. The chat is great too! All kinds of people at all times during the day to talk to.

    Lisa F.
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Hi Phil...nice of you to impart some kind words mate.I think the best part about our "family" here is that the "taboo" of talking about bodily functions is thrown right out tha door. There is no embarrassment here nor are replies judgemental. The great thing is that everyone here knows that there are good times and bad...and we are all supportive of anyone that has a question, no matter how trivial it may seem to the poster. Each of us, patient and carer alike have throughout their journey had physical or emotional issues that are difficult to deal with and it is a comfort to know that we are never alone. I can tell you that after coming here for almost 3 years I have read and shared many good and sad times. The beauty is that I know that these guys will always be here for a shoulder to lean on.
    I hope that you may be able to convince your sister to join us and that you tell her that we are here to help her in any way she needs it.
    Your input into this board tells us all how much you care for and love your sister.Good on yah mate.....via you we might make a difference to your sister coping with this.
    Ross n Jen

    Hi Phil,

    I'm sorry that you had to come find us and I hope you find us as helpful as we think we are. Actually, this site was a lifesaver for me. This cancer stuff is no joke. I too am a young survivor, DX 10/04 the day after my 27th birthday at Stage III 1 Node involved.

    My Oncologist was a HUGE believer in dealing with a side effect (if it could be dealt with) before it spiraled out of control. I had a presciption for a light nausea med to be taken at the first sign of upset tummy and a HEAVY DUTY med to be taken only in the instance of really bad nausea. The second script was very expensive at somewhere around $5 a pill after insurance... but in the two times I had to use it, it did wonders. During chemo, I felt like crap (and had that too) but I only vomitted maybe twice and that was because I didn't deal with the issue before it got out of hand. Ginger is also a natural approach to try to settle the tummy.

    Immodium A-D was my friend and I eventually learned to just take one the second morning of treatment and things didn't get so bad. Again, the key is to do something before it get's out of control.

    same with the mouth sores... I was told to rinse my mouth with a solution every time I used the restroom to prevent them. Never did get one either.

    If your sister is having this much trouble with the nausea and bowel movements, she needs to be communicating this to the Dr. They have lot's of ways to help. If she has a script for nausea meds and it's not working, they have other's to try. Same with the diahrea (still can't spell that darn word)...

    The stomach pain will gradually subside. I remember having a bit of pain for quite a while after surgery. I found lots of easy to digest foods (I used chicken broth and chicken noodle soup a lot) and small frequent meals were best. It's hard to eat during chemo, but she should at least try to get something easy down. And, as Kathi said, Lots and lots and lots of pure water. It is excellent for flushing out the chemo as well as hydrating after the bouts of being sick. Plus, it helps the bowels a lot.

    Your sister is very lucky to have such a caring brother. Sometimes family and friends have printed off stories and posts from these boards and given them to their loved ones. Maybe you can get her here to listen to us. We really are quite the family and there is a lot of support, smiles, laughs, and sometimes even tears.

    It does get better. During chemo I just kept repeating, "this to shall end." Or my other was, "Only six months. I can do six months on my head."

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hi Phil,

    I sent you an email on this site......check it out.

    Lisa P.
  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    Hi Phil!!
    Tell your sister about this web site. We are here to listen and help. What chemo is she on? There are meds out there that should help with these problems. Most of us have been where your sister is. Hang in there and fight! Do not give up!! It will get better with help from her docs, family, and friends. My prayers and thoughts are with your family. Terri
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    Hi Phil,
    What chemo is your sister on? I had quite alot of diarrhea after my first cycle of Folfox/Avastin but none for the last 3 cycles. I eat one or two bananas a day and have also found that eating frequent small meals or snacks works better than large meals. As the others have said it is important to communicate to her oncologist the problems she is having. It also can help her to read the posts here and ask questions here as I suspect all the side effects from chemo have been experienced by one or more of us.

    It helps to have a kind and caring brother like you. Tell her to hang in there.

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