erbitux rash

dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone again. My husband has been on erbitux with irinotecan for 3 1/2 months. He had one break in his treatment the first month because his rash(which we expected as the side effect) was so severe he was running a fever from it. With antibiotics and ointments it became stabilized. This past week it is so severe again-they needed to postpone treatment because the rash is now becoming a health concern. His oncologists have not seen anyone with a rash this severe and we are going to a dermatologist on Tuesday for more ideas. Any ideas or thoughts that you have tried and works for you? Thanks again for all your input.


  • carmen07
    carmen07 Member Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Dash,
    I read your earlier post and my husband Stage IV 10/03. Liver resect 6/04. Reoccurrence to pelvis area 6/05. He is on the same chemo treatment. He was prescribed cortisone for the rash which he uses on his face. They just gave him a new cream CLINDAMYCIN. We just filled it today. Will let you know how it works. He is covered real bad on chest and back. We did meet a patient that had a real severe reaction. They sent him to a dermatologist and I know that it helped him. Also he uses Netrogena body wash (oncologist recomended).
    Wishing your husband NED so he can get off the drugs.
  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    carmen07 said:

    Hi Dash,
    I read your earlier post and my husband Stage IV 10/03. Liver resect 6/04. Reoccurrence to pelvis area 6/05. He is on the same chemo treatment. He was prescribed cortisone for the rash which he uses on his face. They just gave him a new cream CLINDAMYCIN. We just filled it today. Will let you know how it works. He is covered real bad on chest and back. We did meet a patient that had a real severe reaction. They sent him to a dermatologist and I know that it helped him. Also he uses Netrogena body wash (oncologist recomended).
    Wishing your husband NED so he can get off the drugs.

    I use Erbitux and have had a rash from it, although not as severe a problem as maybe your husband has faced. Anyway, I started on Erbitux late last November, and the rash was at its worst in late December/early January. It was on my chest, face and scalp, and hurt and itched all at once. Showering was particularly unpleasant! I started Clindamycin (topical antibiotic) in January and added Minocycline (oral antibiotic) a few weeks later. The seemed to help a lot, but the rash persisted. Now I'm only using Clindamycin and the rash is still there but much, much better than it was in December/January. I am also using Nuetrogena Acne facial wash, Jason astringent/balancing toner, Jason hydrating cream, and about every other day I use Stridex for sensitive skin. As I said, the rash is still there but is much better. I cannot wait for it to be gone entirely!

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you and your husband.

  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Recommendations for Rash Management:
    Think CALM:
    Cleanse: liquid soap-(ivory, Neutrogena, Dove)
    Patient's subjective assessment of severity
    Pruritus, burning, cosmetic appearance
    For erythema, pustular/papular appearance
    Location on body: (usually involves the face, head and upper torso)
    Presence of paronychia, fissures, mucosal lesions
    For signs of seconcary infection
    Significant oozing of fluid from lesions
    Abrupt change in appearance of lesions (esp. if lesions differ from those in other areas)
    Refer to dermatology if:
    Lesions have an uncharacteristic appearance or distribution.
    There is necrosis, blistering, or petechial/purpuric lesions
    Patient has atypical dermatological manifestations unrelated to rash.

    exposure to sun, drying products.
    avoid acne products like topical retnoids, benzoyl peroxide

    Cetaphil Creme
    Eucerin creme
    Aquaphor healing ointment
    bag balm
    udderly sooth udder creme
    Zim's crack creme products
    Regenecare wound gel
    lindi skin face serum