Great news..Tumors haven't grown

jenalynet Member Posts: 361 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,
I finished my 6weeks of 5FU and radiation last Thursday for Stg.4 rectal cancer..I had a cat scan on Monday and the oncologist went over the results with me today and the 7 tumors in my liver have remained the same which is great news for me. I had my first scan on Oct.12th and 2nd scan on Dec.8th which resulted in the tumors doubling in size without any treatment plan started..Today we decided to do a 14 day cycle of Folfox 6..Oxaliplatin..leucovorin..5FU push..5FU 4-6 hr infusion before my surgery March 7th to remove the primary tumor which doesn't even show on the scan anymore. All the tumors are in the right lobe of my liver and we discussed removing the lobe and he needs to see the radiologist and then talk to the surgeon at a later date. Me, I take this one day at a time. I am happy to be here alive and feeling great. I will get through all of this as I am a fighter like all survivors are. God is great..I wish everyone a great weekend, getting ready for the Super Bowl on Sunday..Go Steelers ..(even though I am in Oregon close to the Seahawks..I will always remain a Pennsylvanian)..Audrey


  • mikew42
    mikew42 Member Posts: 114 Member
    That's fantastic news. I am so happy for you.It's also great news that you are able to talk about liver resection and that the primary tumor has responded to the chemo and radiation. Keep us posted when you find out about resection. Mikew42
    P.S. Sorry Audrey,being an Oregonian..Go Seahawks!!
  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    Congrats Audrey!!! God is good. My thoughts and prayers to and your family. Keep the positive attitude!!!
    P.S. Go dad is from Pittsburgh
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Hi Audrey:
    Talk of a re-section is awesome news since then you can use the cure word..let us know-
    So- what are the Seahawks and the Steelers...??
    (smile :)
    Bev (who knows about Canadian football and thinks it is wonderful that American football gets an extra down !!!- much more exciting
  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    From one stage 4 to another.... CONGRATULATIONS. Good news is so welcome! My mets are in my lungs - ugh. Liver regenerates, taking out a lobe is no biggie!

    So glad your tumors have responded- hopefully when they go in to remove it all, it will all be dead and pulverized by the powerful drugs!

    Hurray - make sure to celebrate every single little accomplishment.

    Sorry, go seahawks. I was born in Seattle and my brother lives there now, and they ARE the underdog. :)

    Stay well. jana
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi Audrey - impending liver surgery is scary, I know, but great news actually. I'll be thinking of you in early March. This is the "textbook cure" although, thankfully, my oncologist says that depending upon patient response to chemo, this is probably no longer the only cure.

    I am currently NED, but (in spite of my positive attitude) I may end up with liver met reappearing. At that time I will probably face liver surgery. So, I'll be interested in how you react to it (of course I am wishing for a POSITIVE outcome from the surgery!).

    Best wishes, good vibes etc.
