Beer-NO, Wine-MAYBE, Grape Juice-YES

tkd3g Member Posts: 767
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Good morning all,

Here are the results of a study done by Dr.Joseph Anderson and his team from Stony Brook University, examining 2291 patients undergoing routine colonoscopy screenings.

Patients who drank 8 or more glasses a week of beer or stronger beverages were more than twice as likely to have precancers or full-blown cancers than those who drank less or those who chose red wine instead.

Apparently it is the increased amount of aldehyde, a noxious compound that forms as alcohol is processed.

These studies also have suggested that alcohol can instigate a perilous cascade of events: DNA damage, immune system suppression and the activation of a class of proteins known as P-450 enzymes that spur the liver to produce so-called pro-carcinogens.

This effects was not found in wine. And he found that red wine drinkers who consumed between 1 and 8 glasses a week of red wine experienced a decreased risk of colorectal polyps and cancers compared with those who chose stronger drinks.

The key is the antioxidant, resveratrol, which is found more abundantly in darker grapes.

He, does not recommend drinking wine to prevent cancer. Mixed results have been found in other studies.

So, what do we do? Drink grape juice!! No alcohol, plenty of great antioxidants.

Barb ( who got stage 3 rectal cancer in a period of 3 years and has never smoked, done drugs, was fit and exercised regularly, and never drank anything "harder" than water!) Go figure.


  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    Interesting info Barb. As I live in one of the world renowned wine growing areas(Barossa Valley) does that mean I can now spend more time wine tasting?!
  • Shandle
    Shandle Member Posts: 204
    Yes... that's interesting. I love wine, and used to enjoy a small glass about 3 times a week, but I haven't had any wine in a long time. I sort of lost my taste for it when I was on chemo the first time. I still have a drink socially now and then but not often. By the way Barb... I've never smoked or did drugs either..?? I was active on my job. I find that pretty interesting as well... wish I could explain it. Thanks for the info. ~ Wanda