Thinking of Scouty

kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Jen and I have Scouty on our minds this evening as she goes for her flex. sig. today. We pray that all will be ok and know that you all have her in your hearts and prayers.
We love you Lisa.........Ross and Jen


  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Hi Kanga and Mrs. Kanga.

    Was thinking of Lisa this morning, too. Prayers and Hugs are surrounding you, my friend.

    Let us know the good news.

    Love to you,

    Barb. ( who is calling for her CEA results today..ack !)
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Yes, Kanga! My thoughts exactly. When I woke up this morning, I was wondering how Lisa's test was going. Hopefully we will hear good news from her soon.

  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Good Luck Lisa! The force is with you, US!
  • BusterBrown
    BusterBrown Member Posts: 221 Member
    An idea for Lance Armstrong..
    I have a great idea for Lance Armstrong if and when he's looking for something to do. Wouldn't it be cool if he bicycled across the US. Imagine how many people would turn out to see him? He we heralded and celabrated for this Tour wins, he could promote cycling as a real sport, and most importantly, he could promote cancer screening and prevention...
    It would certainly be a worthwhile endeavor!!!