Nipple Survey

Junebride04 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am taking a nipple survey.... I am in the middle of my reconstruction and am at the point where I have to make a decision about getting nipples or not. Please share your experience, whether you got them or not and If anyone got new nipples... can you please tell me if you like them or not and if you had tattoos done or areolas made from skin? I know the medical facts about it and am looking for the personal and emotional side of it.


  • DJC
    DJC Member Posts: 52
    Hi June Bride:
    I had my right nipple reconstructed from a skin graft taken from my groin area. I am very pleased with the shape (as compared to my natural left nipple) and, for the most part, the color - also, the scarring at both graft sites is minimal, but use scar revision gel liberally. A couple of things to know if you go this route - the reconstructed nipple will lay fairly flat against the skin of the reconstructed breast - some proturbance may be acheived, but for the most part the definition between the nipple and areola will be cosmetic. Obviously, you will have very little or no sensation with a reconstructed nipple. Additionally, expect pubic hair regrowth at the site if the skin graft is taken from your groin area - and the graft may be a shade or more lighter than your corresponding natural nipple - tattooing (considered a cosmetic procedure for insurance purposes) may be required in order to bring it into color symmetry. Also, I find that I need to wear padded bras under tight clothing in cold environments in order to avoid the appearance of a sole erect nipple. I hoped I've helped you to make a decision regarding your own reconstruction. My very best to you, Donna
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    DJC said:

    Hi June Bride:
    I had my right nipple reconstructed from a skin graft taken from my groin area. I am very pleased with the shape (as compared to my natural left nipple) and, for the most part, the color - also, the scarring at both graft sites is minimal, but use scar revision gel liberally. A couple of things to know if you go this route - the reconstructed nipple will lay fairly flat against the skin of the reconstructed breast - some proturbance may be acheived, but for the most part the definition between the nipple and areola will be cosmetic. Obviously, you will have very little or no sensation with a reconstructed nipple. Additionally, expect pubic hair regrowth at the site if the skin graft is taken from your groin area - and the graft may be a shade or more lighter than your corresponding natural nipple - tattooing (considered a cosmetic procedure for insurance purposes) may be required in order to bring it into color symmetry. Also, I find that I need to wear padded bras under tight clothing in cold environments in order to avoid the appearance of a sole erect nipple. I hoped I've helped you to make a decision regarding your own reconstruction. My very best to you, Donna

    Hi Junebride! I also had a nipple and aerola reconstructed. Mine was taken from within the breast so there are no other scars. The nipple protruded well initially but did flatten out so I had it revised but it flattened also. I had the tatoo to get color. The first time it lightened too much so I had it done again and now it is darker than the other side. I don't love the color but it has faded alot and noone else looks at it(except my hubby and he doesn't care about the color)If I had to have the other side removed, I would do the nipple again because it makes me feel more normal. There is no sensation there. It's purely cosmetic. I,too,wear a padded bra for symmetry. Good luck with your decision. Let us know what you decide. HUGS!! Cathy
  • seeknpeace
    seeknpeace Member Posts: 259
    Hi June!

    I had a bilateral mastectomy with tram a year ago and I had nipples made a few months back. The only thing that I can say that you need to watch out for is the fact that they are totally numb, you can hurt yourself. I remember using a puff bathing thing in the shower and not realizing that I had torn the left side open and blood was everywhere. It took a long time to heal and a lot of work on my part. You have to keep the nipples from being smashed flat while healing, and as for my doc, he did not have anything to prevent that so I had to wrap strips of bandage around the nipples while they healed. Pain in the ****.

    The nipples do go down and lay flat to the body. My only complaint is that he put mine too low on my body. I went in to have the tattoo a couple of weeks ago and when asked if I was happy by the tattoo lady I told her no. She got some fake nipples and put them on me and both she and the nurse agreed that they were too low. So, they are being cut off on the 30th and redone after that heals.

    It is a totally numb area, no sensation or feeling. I really was not sure if I wanted nipples at first, why high beam all the time? But,I think that I do feel more normal with them.

    Good luck on making your decision. It is not an easy one to make...Jan
  • vac
    vac Member Posts: 97
    i had my areolas tattoo last nov. i did not get the nipples i have no fealing there so why go through with it. my ps said it might shrink or stay hard. thet sounds pretty bad
  • sandytrif525
    sandytrif525 Member Posts: 106
    dear junebride04, i am on the other side. i have not had any nipple or tattooing done. I had my mastectomy with tramflap reconstruction about 3 years ago this feb. I also wear a padded bra as to hide the fact that I have no natural nipple. It has not really affected me either way. maybe some day I will get it done, but now I am content. Good luck. Sandy
  • blkhwkwife
    blkhwkwife Member Posts: 12
    I underwent nipple reconstruction several months after my mastectomy. My mastectomy was in May and the nipple reconstruction was in August. By the time my nipples had been reconstructed I had become used to my appearance without them. I became more depressed following the nip recon because it seemed that my body was being defaced again. My docs used tissue from the surrounding area to reconstruct my nipples. I hated the nipple protectors which my hubby jokingly said made me look like a Fem-bot (from Austin Powers)! I had to wear them for 2 weeks and was self conscious going out in public because they were so prominent. The nipples were very large initially...but they decrease in size by about 30-50%. I am happy I had them done though it was hard at first. I will have my nipples tattooed in February. I feel my breast look great. Each surgery is a new journey and I can tell you that I am happy with the results. Just make sure that your doc is willing to listen to you and your cosmetic concerns. You have to live with how you look following all of these procedures so do not hesitate to point out a dimple or hole that doesn't seem right to you. The docs will constantly remind you that the new breasts will never feel like the old, but I have come to embrace mine and I am beginning to feel the new set to be as good if not better than the last! Good luck...I hope that I was helpful in all of my rambling.