Femara (letrozole)

nancys Member Posts: 323
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello All, Our friend, Jean Miller is in the hospital for tests. I am sure she will check into the CSN and post to everyone here on her return home. Lets all send up some strong prayers for Jean. Thanks, Nan


  • judiek
    judiek Member Posts: 71
    Thanks for letting us know. I was just thinking about Jean last night. I had not seen he post in awhile and was going to send her an email. So now I send Jean positive thoughts and prayer. Hope all turns out fine and look forward to her post.


  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Nan, thanks for the info. I haven't received any email or updates from Jean for a while now and have been thinking of her. Do you know what kind of tests she's having?

    As always, Jean is in my thoughts and I look forward to hearing news soon.

  • DeeNY711
    DeeNY711 Member Posts: 476 Member
    I know that Jean takes the love of her friends with her no matter where she goes, and I hope she has the indescribeable experience of recognizing that her name is spoken in prayer over and over again. Send her our love.