Health Insurance

creetcreet Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello: I'm new to this, so excuse me, if I sound dumb. I'm a breast cancer survivor of 3 years. I haven't had a check-up in about a year, because I haven't been able to afford the insurance, or mammograms, etc., and I'm above the income level for State Aid. I live in SF and although I've tried to get health insurance they will not cover my pre-existing condition. I'm wondering if anyone knows of anything that will cover my check-ups, mammograms, etc. My cancer was infiltrating ductal carcinoma, and I had a lumpectomy.
Thanks for listening.


  • Duck5373
    Duck5373 Member Posts: 8
    creetcreet, I live in Florida, so I don't know if the laws are different in this state or what. But here, if you've been cancer free for 1 year from the date of your last preventative cancer action, the insurance company must insure you. Have you checked with the American Cancer Society or California's Insurance Commissioner to see if they have a specific law relating to this? It may help. Good luck.
  • creetcreet
    creetcreet Member Posts: 5
    Duck5373 said:

    creetcreet, I live in Florida, so I don't know if the laws are different in this state or what. But here, if you've been cancer free for 1 year from the date of your last preventative cancer action, the insurance company must insure you. Have you checked with the American Cancer Society or California's Insurance Commissioner to see if they have a specific law relating to this? It may help. Good luck.

    I've been searching... but I've contacted Blue Cross, and they said, my insurance premiums would be higher. I would already be paying $308/mo, but it would be more, for my pre-existing condition. I'm a single parent too. I'll check though more indepth. Thanks for the information, I surely appreciate it!
  • lindatn
    lindatn Member Posts: 229
    try the ACS and or the Susan Koman Found. These two are always begging for money see if they can put it to use for you. Linda
  • creetcreet
    creetcreet Member Posts: 5
    lindatn said:

    try the ACS and or the Susan Koman Found. These two are always begging for money see if they can put it to use for you. Linda

    Thanks, I've been trying both of those... 1) either I don't hear back or 2) my income is a level they can't help me ---- it's a double-edged sword... da** if you do, da** if you don't...
  • billandpatty
    billandpatty Member Posts: 86
    Since you live in San Francisco, one group to try is the Marin Breast Cancer Council (here is their address: P. O. Box 511, Kentfiled, CA 94914). I know they try to help not only in their own county but they do outreach to breast cancer survivors in surrounding areas. If they aren't able to help financially, they may have some answers for you or help you get answers. They are a very active group of people that seem to get involved. Also, have you tried to see if there is any help at the UCSF Breast Cancer Center (or Stanford)? I don't know what they could do, but sometimes if you can get to someone in person, they can put you in touch with someone that may be able to help. Insurance coverage is such a HUGE problem not only for breast cancer survivors, but all Americans. I don't hear Bush or Kerry addressing this problem!!!
  • sunnyskye
    sunnyskye Member Posts: 31
    I had infiltrating ducta carncinoma also. You really need to get at least that mammo done. Sometimes States offer free mamoms but with your history you need "GOOD" doctors reading them. Finding a good doctor who reads mammos is not easy. Trust me on this .... my first mammo was misread by a doctor who was in a hurry as most "women's" clinics are like meat markets. get them in, get them out and lets "wait and watch it". I'd be dead if I listened to him. Here's what I know about health insurance. I've tried to get disability insurance on my own and found I can't...most conditions are considered pre-existing for 12 months and with cancer, after you have been cancer-free for 5 years, you ought to be able to get insurance. BUT, YOU CANNOT WAIT FIVE YEARS. It's important for you, especially! Do you work? I've changed jobs since I had cancer as my first employer made having cancer worse so after the 6 month checkup I quit without even having another job. HIPAA ... new law to protect patients .... cannot give out any information about you everything is very private. If you start working at a job that offers health insurance and disability benefits, THEY MUST GIVE IT TO YOU without you completing any questionnaires and without any pre-existing conditions being considered. But, only if you begin a job that offers that to all emloyees...they cannot treat you any different. If I were you I would write to your State Insurance Commissioner's Office. It is horrible that you cannot get those tests done because of the insurance issues. You need to make some loud noises about it there. I'm angry just reading your letter. I work for malpractice attorneys ... I will go into work on Monday and ask them and try to get some information for you. My email is please keep in touch with me about this. I cannot imagine not being able to go for my tests and office visits. I still worry about cancer and I get the visits and the tests ....... I'd be a basket case if I couldn't do that so anything I may be able to do to help you, I will do! My email is Diana
  • sunnyskye
    sunnyskye Member Posts: 31
    Here's another idea...this really has me upset right now. Go to the Johns Hopkins Hospital Breast Cancer website and click on Email Us ... you ought to be connected with a wonderful woman and human being, Lillie Shockley. Lillie runs the breast cancer center and is most knowledgeable about every aspect of the cancer itself and other things, like insurance, doctors, etc. She had cancer so knows where your coming from and she helped me a great deal to get thru mine. When the first radiologist said come back in 6 months I went to that website and emailed her not knowing who she was. I explained what happened, etc. etc. and she had me in there in less than a week and in one week I found out I had cancer. She's a caring individual and even tho you are halfway across the country, if there is something she can do to help you I am confident she will.
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    I found a product that I think everyone should take, and I take it too. It's called THE GREATEST VITAMIN IN THE WORLD. I have a website that you can go to to find out some very interesting stuff about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, indigestion, weight loss, and why it is proven to be the best in the world. It is made from whole foods, and is the most complete, highest grade, and most absorbable vitamins, minerals(amino acid chelated), enzymes, and probiotics known on the planet ALL IN ONE CHEAP BOTTLE!! It has everything you need to nutritionally support your entire body and it's all for $40 bucks. Some of the ingredients cost more than that for a single ingredient, not to mention that most of what you buy in the store can actually cause cancer, heart disease, and more. Just read the label, if it doesn't say words like carrots, wild yams, and other vegetable words that you know, then they are synthetic and they could be hurting you, and eveen if they're not they not doing you much good either. Please for you and everyone you know, share this website- it's
  • RoyR
    RoyR Member Posts: 4

    I found a product that I think everyone should take, and I take it too. It's called THE GREATEST VITAMIN IN THE WORLD. I have a website that you can go to to find out some very interesting stuff about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, indigestion, weight loss, and why it is proven to be the best in the world. It is made from whole foods, and is the most complete, highest grade, and most absorbable vitamins, minerals(amino acid chelated), enzymes, and probiotics known on the planet ALL IN ONE CHEAP BOTTLE!! It has everything you need to nutritionally support your entire body and it's all for $40 bucks. Some of the ingredients cost more than that for a single ingredient, not to mention that most of what you buy in the store can actually cause cancer, heart disease, and more. Just read the label, if it doesn't say words like carrots, wild yams, and other vegetable words that you know, then they are synthetic and they could be hurting you, and eveen if they're not they not doing you much good either. Please for you and everyone you know, share this website- it's

    I find this solicitation on multiple sites independent of the content to which replies are ostensibly made. Solicitations are explicitly forbidden under the conditions of participation in this discussion group. Would someone please remove this participant ChrisWiley's contributions and access rights.
  • sunnyskye
    sunnyskye Member Posts: 31
    RoyR said:

    I find this solicitation on multiple sites independent of the content to which replies are ostensibly made. Solicitations are explicitly forbidden under the conditions of participation in this discussion group. Would someone please remove this participant ChrisWiley's contributions and access rights.

    I agreed! Kind of makes you feel like someone else wants to make a buck off your hardship!
  • SanFranciscan
    SanFranciscan Member Posts: 9
    Hello, creetcreet. I'm in SF also. I'm "lucky" that I'm covered by a $300/mo. individual health insurance policy with a high deductible that I purchased about six months before my dx of breast cancer, and I sympathize with the quandry you're facing. I haven't worked in over a year and have made many sacrifices to keep health insurance in place to offset the hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs I've incurred during my treatment and to assure that I have ongoing coverage.

    In addition to the suggestions given so far, you might try the Lyon-Martin clinic (415) 565-7667. I got excellent care there years ago when I had an abnormal pap smear. They have a sliding scale; although they emphasize services to GLBT women, I believe they serve all women. The UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center (885-3693) has monthly benefits counseling sessions. They may be able to assist you in locating affordable care. The Women's Cancer Resource Center in Berkelely (510)601-7660 may also be useful. If your income is below $1900/mo., you can apply for assistance from the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (415-558-6999x1) to cover the cost of a mammogram.

    Best of luck to you. It's critical that you maintain your followups. I hope you find a way to get a comprehensive checkup soon.