Hormone Replacement Therapy

Rudolphse Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Childhood Cancers #1
I was diagnosed with cancer at 15. I'm 21 now and still on Birth control pills to "maintain bone density and perserve any chance of future children" according to my OBGYN. I've always felt uneasy about being on synthetic hormones, especially with all the studies out about the link to BC. My doctor claims that the link is only in "older women." The fact is that it is still a link!
I want to be off these pills, but my OBGYN won't even talk to me about alternatives. Does anyone know of any options? Possibly natural options for young adults? Even a name and number of a doctor that knows more about the subject? Please let me know if anyone knows anything.


  • lindazame
    lindazame Member Posts: 46
    There are a number of resourcers that might help you with this important question. First is Nancy Keene's book Childhood Cancer Survivors. Even though you were an adolescent when you were treated this book will have a lot of helpful advice. You can find it at your local public library or sometimes used. There are also some clinics around the country that are working with long term survivors. If you haven't been evaluated in one of these clinics you might want to find one near you. And finally there is the long term survivors discussion group...this is a pretty common thread and we have information from survivors and the physicians who treat them. You can find the discussion group at www.ACOR.org click on mailing lists and then click on the LTS group to join. Whether you stay on hormone replacement or birth control pills is a complicated question but these resources might begin to help you answer the question.
    Hope this helps,
    Linda Zame (zame@earthlink.net)
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