Metastasis to liver

Sandis Member Posts: 85
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
What are the symptoms of liver metastasis? I have had an intermittent pain under my rib cage on my right for about a month. Its the kind of pain that if you hadn't had cancer, you'd ignore. I keep feeling like a hypochonriac. 6 weeks ago the doctor said my tumor marker was somewhat high. It hasn't gotten higher, so she's just going to wait another 6 weeks to test it again. I didn't get a chance to ask her about the pain (discomfort?) because she left a message on my machine. Does anyone know what the symtoms are? Thanks. Sandi


  • jeancmici
    jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member
    Don't worry ahead of time as it gets you nowhere.
    I have liver mets and no pain there nor any real change in my liver blood tests. Is the pain on the same side as your cancer - possible delayed pain from radiation on your breast. I know I had quite a bit of pain after radiation - was told it was normal. with my outcome I'm sorry I bothered going there six weeks to get a radiation which only made my breast feel worse and had no bearing on my present condition.

    I found this for you - should be helpful, I hope!
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    It may be gallbladder, radiation changes, like Jean said or just gas. Everything is perceived "differently" after the diagnosis. My personnel suggestion is a CT scan of lung and abdomen and a bone scan since tumor markers went up. I tend to err on the side of caution. Better to be safe than sorry, and no I don't think you are a hypochondriac.
    God bless. hummingbyrd
  • nan06
    nan06 Member Posts: 5
    Hello Sandi, I don't think you are a hypochondriac either and don't let anyone make you feel that you are. Cancer is scarey business and we have a right to be jumpy about unusual symptoms. I would also ask for follow up scans. I had the same pain that you did and my oncologist ordered a liver scan. It was normal and both my MD and I were relieved! My oncologist says that more people die from worry than anything. I hope you have an understanding MD too. Have it checked out....and keep us posted......Nan
  • cindyd1111
    cindyd1111 Member Posts: 9
    Hi Sandi, I always felt the same way about bothering my doctor with every little pain afraid I would be labeled a hypochondriac. Who Cares? It's your Life!! Better to know and get it taken care of even though its so scary. Its probably not liver mets as they don't usually hurt at first, but I had a similar pain and did have mets to liver. Ask for a PET scan... more detailed than CT. If the worst happens, check into radioablation for liver, a very successful treatment when only liver is involved