spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
Re-posting a message received from scotty2 at the Leukemia discussion board:

SpongeBob it is interesting that u are serching for cancer survivors. I served on the USS Midway attached to VA115 squadron during Vietnam, and crawled around the A-6 intruder aircraft. I have developed a blood disorder called porphuria cutania tarda that is associated with agent orange or jet fuels. My job was a AME that maintained the ejection seats as well as the liquid oxygen which was located under the belly of the aircraft. I am currently getting 70% disability I think. I also came down with a little bit of AML leukemia and had a complete bone marrow transplant 10 years after my discharge and am on 100% disability for short term memory disorder. The reason why I am telling you all of this is I now believe that these two diseases could be related to the contact of all those chemicals and forign matter that I came in contact with and that the airmen today might still be swabbing around in today without proper protection. I might be able to save someone else life that I was very lucky to have survived. If you need to contact me feel free at Sorry for the spelling errors