Dx Lymphoma lungs

RobOlga Member Posts: 3
Hi, my husband Robert was diagnosed with lymphoma in the lungs by CT scan. Oncologists circled the spots on both his lungs. Robert also had enlarged lymph nodes in the windpipe and clusters surrounding the windpipe. A biospy was done by inserting a long needle to the area where the most enlarged lymph nodes are at. Results were inclusive. We just talked with the oncologists staff who tells us that the oncologists wants to do a surgical biopsy by having a cardiovascular surgeon go in and remove a lymph node. We are told that the biopsy will help determine the kind of cancer and the stage it is at. We found out the initial DX on 6/27 and feel like the waiting is worse then actually knowing and treating the monster. Those of you who have been there is this normal to wait on the doctors? We are just full of questions! If you can help, please respond or e-mail at robertnolga@satx.rr.com.
Thank you! Robert & Olga, Warriors for God


  • mc2001
    mc2001 Member Posts: 343
    Hello Folks!
    I know from personal experience that waiting for test results is a pain. Your mind lets in a bunch of possibilities, none of which are helpful. Yes, waiting for results and doctors to call you back is all part of the process. There are so many cancer patients to treat and they all work so hard (not ALL but most) to be timely. However, dont feel at all worried about calling and keeping them or thier office on their toes. Remember this is about you, not the feelings of the health care providers. And sometimes it is necessary to be aggressive! By the way, I am a leukemia survivor. Here is my leukemia and lymphoma web site.

    God Bless, and prayers.
  • sdeselle
    sdeselle Member Posts: 19
    Rob & Olga,
    I agree with Michael, waiting is tough.
    I had to wait over 8 weeks to get a final Dx on my NHL. It finally came from a biopsy of a removed lymph node.
    Be patient, but persistant! If you don't feel like you're getting the answers you want or need to hear, then keep asking or get 2nd or 3rd opinions.
    My web page is here on the CSN site if you care to look at it.

  • 7fergie
    7fergie Member Posts: 19
    I have breast cancer and after the diagnosis I went through about a week before I talked to a doctor about the diagnosis--that limbo period is horrible--My thinking was in a whirl--couldn't focus, concentrate. Once things got going and scheduled I was OK--it's just the waiting that extremely hard to do. I wish you the best and hang in there-it does get easier.

  • iowagal56
    iowagal56 Member Posts: 3
    I would like to hear about anyones experience with zevalin therapy? my husband had it in december of 2003 and his counts are so very low and jsut got out of the hospital with pnemumonia, anyones personal experience would be greatly appreciated. please email iowagal56@aol.com thanks