33 weeks pregnant diagnosed with HD

MichelleK Member Posts: 2
Hi, new to the board. I was 33 weeks pregnant with my third baby (children ages 5 & 3) when I was diagnosed with HD, December of 2002. They took my baby a month early so I could start my treatments as soon as possible. I was stage 2B. Fortunately I had some really really awesome doctors. They moved quickly to diagnose and treat as much as they could as soon as possible. I was first put on prednisone to help my baby's lung develop which also helped a bit with my mass in my chest. When they did the biopsy they also put the porta cath in and did a bone marrow biopsy at the same time to spare me three different procedures. Unfortunately the day before I was scheduled to deliver my baby I ended up in the ER with an infection in my porta cath site so I had to go back into surgery and have it taken out. Then that night I developed a fever to 103 which set my uterus contracting. They were packing me in ice to try to bring down my fever and they wanted to hold off on delivering my baby just because of the high risk of greater infection but there was no stopping and my baby was delivered, healthy, four weeks early at 6 lbs 14 oz. I started chemo two weeks after. I have had four treatments of ABVD and my tumor has shrunk in half. I have just recently had my porta cath put back in and things are going well, as well as can be expected for cancer. My husband just shaved my hair off this past weekend because it was becoming a mess. I got the Sinead O'Connor look going and it is fine with me. I am very fortunate to have a loving family, friends, co-workers, and community. If anyone wants to talk, let me know.