
2/11/02 my mothers kidneys failed and although I had been her caregiver, I became her 24/7 caregiver.
On March 5, 2002 my sister-in-law died of leukemia, she had only been diagnosed 6 months earlier.
On May 29, 2002 I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. I was operated on July 1 and am cancer free.
My question is, I am now hypothyroid (Synthroid didn't help), I have all the symptoms of fibromyalgia, I have put on a lot of weight, I am 60, my mom is 83 and I am very very tired. Anyone have any ideas about how I might get my strength and energy back???????


  • Deborah510
    Deborah510 Member Posts: 3
    Hi Lynne,

    I'm a 5½ year Uterine Cancer survivior - Thank God! Your body has gone through a lot and with and it takes time. I've been taking coral calcium and B-12 vitamins for energy, blood pressure and diabetes control. It takes one step and day at a time, pace yourself. And remember to take time for yourself, I know it's hard. But caregivers need respite time also. I used to be a rush around impatient person, but this has taught me to handle one task at a time. I feel for you with you other responsibilites. God Bless.
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    I hope you're able to take some time for yourself, even if you are your mother's caregiver. It is terribly important to get a break once in a while for yourself! See if there is a place that provides respite care for caregivers, and I hope your siblings are helping you with the work (you mention a sister-in-law, so I think you must have a brother).

    I've been through a hysterectomy and finished chemo in January '03. One of the first things I've undertaken for myself after all this is to go back to Weight Watchers to lose the excess I've been carrying around! If you've never tried them, I'd suggest you do. You should be able to go to a meeting for free as a guest, and I know I feel every week when I come away. I'm losing about 2 lbs. a week, and my energy is going up! You should ask your doctor if they approve before you do start a program, of course.

    But you really need to be doing something that you know is really just for you.