Re: Anyone tired?

sunnydc Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
were I 97, I could honestly say I didn't feel any more tired than could be expected. I am, however, 54 and have two more radiation treatments to go. I work full time and must be beginning to look like my old self, if you discount the wig. I don't feel like that at all and feel far older than I did last April before this all got started. I am also incredibly bored with being a patient (makes me impatient) and with having just enough energy to notice things that need doing and not enough energy to actually do them. I'm worried that once "treatment " is finally over, the expectations that I will feel as good as I look (relatively)will increase and, frankly, I just ain't there. Being tired, feeling "frail", not being able to do what I used to do feels like a rapid slide into old age, which I had originally planned to have 25 years from now.


  • martyzl
    martyzl Member Posts: 196
    *raises hand*
    Yes, yes, yes... frustrating. I have 2 infusions down, 4 to go and I am not exhausted but just vaguely, constantly tired. I still haven't gone back to work, cannot imagine being able to do it just now... barely keeping up with 2 girls, 7 & 10.. the house is less than perfect and I'm home every day! *laughs* Life changes, eh? I am very disturbed with my "weakness".. I used to be quite strong and able. Now I have to be careful with so many things! Yesterday I dropped a slice of a rock on my big toe, big damage! Who knows how long that will heal! *shakes head* The burn from a cooking accident last week... still not healing as quickly as I would have pre-chemo. Icky, icky, icky!! Still, we manage to have fun, in all. *smiles*
    I wish you much energy and patience.
    Be well!
  • nasa2537
    nasa2537 Member Posts: 311
    Hi...I'm 44, and I felt like that after just radiation...I didn't have chemo. But, I can tell you, it does get better. You have just been through an incredible amount of physical and emotional strain, and your mind and body are feeling it. Funny, but I actually found myself missing the interaction with my radiation techs every day (although, I got over it quickly!!). A book that I have found very helpful when dealing with the various feelings after treatment is done, is "Living Beyond Breast Cancer" by Marissa Weiss. It helped me so much to know that all the feelings I had were normal. It's like you want to be done with the hassle, but then you start wondering if you've really done all you could to prevent recurrence, and you feel like you should feel better right away. These are all normal feelings, and as far as the feeling better, you need to give your body time to readjust. It's a different time period for everyone, so try not to get discouraged. You're almost done with treatment.....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Keep your chin up, and keep us posted as to how you are doing. God bless, Cyndi
  • shirlann
    shirlann Member Posts: 229
    No, no, no. You will NOT stay this way, you are just fed up. And who wouldn't be. You will be your old self quickly. NOw, you are not to take any vitamins during treatment, as you know, but the DAY you finish, you need a good B complex, E, C, a multiple, CO-enzyme 10, flaxseed, grapeseed, green tea, beta carotene, garlic, just stop into Costco and load up. You will be just fine in 2 weeks, I guarantee it! Gentle hugs, Shirlann
  • sunnydc
    sunnydc Member Posts: 4
    shirlann said:

    No, no, no. You will NOT stay this way, you are just fed up. And who wouldn't be. You will be your old self quickly. NOw, you are not to take any vitamins during treatment, as you know, but the DAY you finish, you need a good B complex, E, C, a multiple, CO-enzyme 10, flaxseed, grapeseed, green tea, beta carotene, garlic, just stop into Costco and load up. You will be just fine in 2 weeks, I guarantee it! Gentle hugs, Shirlann

    Say more about no vitamins...I never heard none before. So, obviously, I have been taking them. While I doubt I will blow up or anything, what is the thinking behind this? I knew no vitamin E and understand there is some question about soy, so I haven't done either of them. My treatments are over in two more sessions, thank heavens. And my hair has returned--so far I look like a malnourised chia head...and it is steel gray, it looks very weird--AND being bald didn"t?!!!!
  • sickoncomp
    sickoncomp Member Posts: 12
    I'm the feeling old entry just before yours. Yes, I know how you feel. I burned after two days of radiation, had second and third degree burns (their equivalent-radiation burns are different from regular burns but . . .). Anyway went back to work my last four days of radiation and it was all I could do to just persevere(sp?) through the next two weeks. I'm now 2 months beyond that and I'm finding my dragging tired is not only tired but feeling angry and worn out and forced to bite my tounge when others complain because they partied too late the night before and are too tired to be productive the next day. Plus they are counting my hours at radiation vs their early departures for time at the chroprator for repetitive movement pain for the same time I spend at similar computers.

    The first couple of weeks were pure hell. It got better. Now I'm going through hormone hell so I don't know where I am. I'm about to go pure menopausal but I don't know when so I'm riding the emotional rollercoaster.

    I came back trying to be my old self and fighting to be as productive as ever. I'm not but I'm doing my best. That's all any of us can do.

    I wish I felt better now--three months out--but I'm better than I was and not as good as I was before that.

    Hang in there. It's not fun but it seems like it's getting better. I'm just getting older--a lot faster than I thought I would but maybe not as fast as I'm willing--of have to if I'm willing to keet fighting.

    Write back. I think we may be fighting the same battle--which ma be post cancer!

  • lindamc
    lindamc Member Posts: 27
    Thay say it takes about the length of time treatment took to then get back to your "old self" or younger if you'd like, so don't let others tell you you should be doing better now, or isn't it about time you got better...take your time and let your body guide you. Be good to you, you deserve it! Linda