
bonnieg Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Getting though this must seem hard. You must not look in the past but the future. My husband needs a heart transplant and I recovered from breast cancer recently. Take each day one at a time. plan things to do that you enjoy and make sure you do them. Depression can only make it worse. If you need help for depression tell your doctor. I had depression and now I am on medication and feel much better and stronger. My husband is doing great with a new heart pump. He bowls,does the grocery shopping and etc. The new methods of healing and fighting diseases seem fantastic to me. I will be praying for you so don't give up, be a fighter thats what my husband and I did and we are a happy couple making it day by day. GBYA from bonnieg


  • 3littlebears
    3littlebears Member Posts: 18
    Hi Bonnieg,
    thank you for the message. When I was sitting on my couch tonight, I thought about you and your husband. You're message gives me strength and I thank you for that. Tomorrow is my 3rd chemo, I will be strong and pray that everything goes smooth. I also went out this weekend, went to church and a bbq. I will try to not think so much and just take one day at a time, and try to enjoy each day as it comes. I am still learning to appreciate life day by day and you've inspired me to do that. Thank you for being there and the advice. Hope all is well with you and your husband. God Bless you.