Thank God for This Group!!

webaur Member Posts: 104
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi to all! I hope that everyone is having a good day today. I feel that I really "dumped" a couple of days ago, but being new to this type of thing, and a rather wordy person, I overkilled. Everyone here is really great and I look forward to hearing from everyone and getting to know you all. It is certainly an inspiration and a great encouragement. I only hope that I can lend the same type of support. I have a meeting with my radiologist in a couple of hours--probably to determine the exact date of the start of my radiation. I am 1 week out from my first chemo and so far just tired and having some pimples sprout up. (And I thought I left my teenage years behind!!) Anyway, thanks to you all and please feel free to contact me anytime...I'd love to get to know you all!! Thanks for the prayers and really helps. But then you already know that!!! Love and Prayers.....Wendy
P.S. Since I am so new to this, can anyone let me in the accepted abbreviations and other "shorthand" ways to say things? It would sure beat typing it all out each time. Thanks!!


  • melm
    melm Member Posts: 104
    Hi, Wendy! I feel the same way...I am a very wordy person & I feel as if I go on, and on and on.... But that's why this forum was created.For us to talk to other women who KNOW how it feels to go through this ordeal. Glad you are a part of the group & I look forward to sharing our stories. You can contact me anytime @ As far as the shorthand...can't help you out there. I'm still in the learning stage myself! Love and prayers - Mel in Ark.