I need Tamoxifen and Prozac

peterpho Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Last year my wife had mastectomies followed with radiation therapy. She was prescribed with Tamoxiphen and Prozac, these medecines are very expensive especially for people don't have insurance like us. I know for fact that the medecine are less price in Mexico, I wonder that it has same quality as in US ? If anyone know where to buy with discount price in the US, please help.




  • jenn
    jenn Member Posts: 4
    Hi! Let me begin by telling you my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife right now. May her healing be swift. My best friend, who has breast cancer as well, ran into difficulties with insurance coverage of her meds. She does have insurance but they are rejecting all of her medication claims. I know what you mean about the frustration of needing the meds but the money isn't there. There are a couple of things you can do: 1) get your doctor to give your wife samples of the meds for as long as she needs; 2) have your nurse or doc contact the pharmaceutical company. Many times they have unadvertised special programs for their drugs. My husband and I do not have insurance and he is asthmatic. The insurance company has a "patient advocacy" program. Once every 3 months we fill out income info and he gets his meds for $20 a month compared to $200.; 3) Also, there is a patient advocacy group that you can reach that will help negotiate costs, getting the meds, etc. They are called the PAF (patient advocacy foundation - I think). You can find their info on this website. I hope this helps.
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    10+ year discussion now floats to top because I replied.
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