I asked, and I received

Since my husband's passing, I have been under much stress and worry about how to handle the finances. Pay this off, make this claim, wait for weeks for a claim, invest... I prayed for God to protect and guide me through this process, understanding that not every situation would be resolved to my liking or in " my time". Many issues have been resolved quickly and expediently, but there are some that are taking time, and or causing me stress. Yesterday 3 letters came in the mail, one good, one aggravating, and one very stressful. I put all three down, made a delicious Italian chicken soup while enjoying a wonderful Cabernet, and asked God to grant me peace and calm, to protect me, to guide me in regards to these letters. I proceeded to enjoy a wonderful meal with my daughter, watch a movie and get a good night's sleep. This morning I arose rested and full of conviction that somehow I would "attack" these issues and seek resolution!

Results: 1) good letter, called to confirm info on it, remains a good news. 2) aggravating letter, they will be back in the office on Monday, so call back then. Ok, decided to release any worry about this and attack on Monday. 3) very stressful letter, all resolved and to my benefit, yahoo!

It is my belief that the Lord is always listening to me, and if I allow Him to, He will help me in my time of need. Furthermore, I feel that my desire to love and know Him, is crucial for my well being.

Peace to all,



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  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811
    I went through the same thing after my hubby died. I don't know what I would've done without my daughter who helped me figure everything out. Tom had always done everything. Even had to learn to put gas in my car which he also did. He really spoiled me and I loved it.
    I'm happy that your prayers are being answered. Mine never were, cause I prayed to God that he would make Tom survive and he didn't. Take care! "Carole"
  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811
    I went through the same thing after my hubby died. I don't know what I would've done without my daughter who helped me figure everything out. Tom had always done everything. Even had to learn to put gas in my car which he also did. He really spoiled me and I loved it.
    I'm happy that your prayers are being answered. Mine never were, cause I prayed to God that he would make Tom survive and he didn't. Take care! "Carole"
  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811
    I went through the same thing after my hubby died. I don't know what I would've done without my daughter who helped me figure everything out. Tom had always done everything. Even had to learn to put gas in my car which he also did. He really spoiled me and I loved it.
    I'm happy that your prayers are being answered. Mine never were, cause I prayed to God that he would make Tom survive and he didn't. Take care! "Carole"
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    What a beautiful testimony Lucy
    There have been so many times in my life that the timing of things were short of miraculous. And like you said, sometimes instantly, sometimes not. But He always comes through with a peace that surpasses all human understanding for those who place their trust in him. How else would you have enjoyed such a wonderful evening!

    Thank you for sharing. I pray it all works out (I know it will).


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Lucy and Carole I truly am sorry for your losses, there are no words to span the loss but trust that I care!

    Lucy, how wonderful that you were able to set them aside and not allow them the power to create unwanted turmoil in your day. I am happy that most of the issues have been resolved, two down one to go!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi Lucy
    That's great that things got (mostly) resolved. Sometimes putting things aside and sleeping on them help. A little help from "above" can't hurt and neither can a nice Cabernet!
    Be well
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Lucy
    Sometimes it is best to just put things in to the hands of faith what we can’t do ourselves. I sometimes worry about my wife if I should take a turn for the worse, what will happen to her, what will she do. Then I just leave it all in Gods hands because I know he will be with her after I am gone, and I know we will someday meet again in his home.

  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    Hey Lucy
    Wow. I just love the way you turned off all the negativity of those letters and instead turned to doing something lovely for yourself with a great meal and a loved one to share it with. Just, WOW. That is a true testament to the power of faith because I do believe that inside you knew He would handle it for you. And HE DID.

    Like someone else said, sometimes He helps instantly and other times it takes a while or maybe doesn't happen at all but it is apparent you understand that it is all played out for the ultimate greater good. I am so glad you had some instant relief though, it keeps us going doesn't it?

    You handled that stress PERFECTLY, by putting it aside and instead focusing on something positive like the dinner with your daughter, wouldn't we all be better off if we could learn to do that at every stressful time that appears?

    You are an inspiration to many people on here Lucy, you keep that up. You have taught me, or rather reminded me, of the most important stress reliever - The Big Guy. lol. Why do so many go to Him last? Sheeesh, silly humanoids, lol.

    Thanks for the reminder, all the best, you are doing great kiddo.


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    3Mana said:

    I went through the same thing after my hubby died. I don't know what I would've done without my daughter who helped me figure everything out. Tom had always done everything. Even had to learn to put gas in my car which he also did. He really spoiled me and I loved it.
    I'm happy that your prayers are being answered. Mine never were, cause I prayed to God that he would make Tom survive and he didn't. Take care! "Carole"

    Carole, there's so much in my heart to say to you about your post I don't even know where to start.

    Praying for Tom's survival...I understand we are not to preach on this site and I won't. I just want to share that God loves you and He loves Tom. Human bodies fail and I'm sorry that happened to Tom so soon. I am sorry for the grief it has caused you because I know it is great.

    Tom's death does not mean God is not there for you and does not listen to you, Carole. His will for Tom did not involve dying from cancer - it was about the good Tom did while he was here on earth and the wonderful man you have told us he was. God is about the life Tom has now.

    Please hold on to that. God did not and will not fail you, Carole.

  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811

    Carole, there's so much in my heart to say to you about your post I don't even know where to start.

    Praying for Tom's survival...I understand we are not to preach on this site and I won't. I just want to share that God loves you and He loves Tom. Human bodies fail and I'm sorry that happened to Tom so soon. I am sorry for the grief it has caused you because I know it is great.

    Tom's death does not mean God is not there for you and does not listen to you, Carole. His will for Tom did not involve dying from cancer - it was about the good Tom did while he was here on earth and the wonderful man you have told us he was. God is about the life Tom has now.

    Please hold on to that. God did not and will not fail you, Carole.


    I do believe in God
    I hope I didn't give anyone the wrong impression when I posted what I did. I really do believe in God, I guess I was just disappointed cause my prayers weren't answered. I think it's common to question things like this after you lose someone you love. So many times, I'd cry and say "God why aren't you listening to me", cause it seems like all the good people have been taken from us too soon. Thanks for letting me vent! "Carole"
  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    3Mana said:

    I do believe in God
    I hope I didn't give anyone the wrong impression when I posted what I did. I really do believe in God, I guess I was just disappointed cause my prayers weren't answered. I think it's common to question things like this after you lose someone you love. So many times, I'd cry and say "God why aren't you listening to me", cause it seems like all the good people have been taken from us too soon. Thanks for letting me vent! "Carole"

    Of course
    You believe in God, Carole. You would not have asked for His help with Tom if you didn't believe in Him!

    And I agree with you - questions are very common after a loss of someone you love.

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    In Islam it is surrender.

    In Islam it is surrender. The Buddhists also call it non-attachment. It is also referred to as Holy Will and Holy Perfection. To put our needs out there letting go of the outcome and then just allowing things to happen in the way they do, it is very liberating and beautiful. Real freedom!! It is great that you experience this.


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