
2ndBase Member Posts: 220
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I enjoy reading most any post here though some some a little to technical and derived. What I do not enjoy is the constant critique of word usage and negative tones attached. So when posting please try to stay positive and accepting of others posts unless there are blantant errors in the message. Maybe it is time to get away from the one-up, last- word, type post and get back to what is really going on in our lives. Thank you.


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  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Absolutely agree with you. Since been diagnosed ten years ago, I have spent many hours doing researches, studying and participating at doctors’ conferences regarding the problem of prostate cancer,. Back then there were few places or sites where we could get information regarding private experiences. I come across with PSArising forum which helped me enormously.
    This forum is also of great help to all of us PCa patients and family, but there should be more respect between the members, even if we disagree to ones’ opinion.
    Let’s exchange experiences and help one-another.

  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    2nd Base,

    I didn't know what the heck you were talking about. Then I read a post further down the page.

    I agree with you.

    I feel these are good folks that bring valuable insight/research to the forum and hope that they would stop their critiques of each oher but continue their helpful input.
  • kooljay
    kooljay Member Posts: 7
    Beau2 said:

    2nd Base,

    I didn't know what the heck you were talking about. Then I read a post further down the page.

    I agree with you.

    I feel these are good folks that bring valuable insight/research to the forum and hope that they would stop their critiques of each oher but continue their helpful input.

    all of you have helped me alot, sometimes its all over my head, or too much info, that i just dont understand, but we are all in the same boat here, because, so many times i feel ,so alone. and then i visit this site, and it does make me feel better. thanks and god bless.
  • BRONX52
    BRONX52 Member Posts: 156
    Is is stressful to have to
    Is is stressful to have to deal with this disease. This website has many posters who have provided info/personal experiences that have been very helpful to all of us while battling this disease. While some may seek advice as to treatment options, others just seek a sympathetic ear from someone who is in the same boat as themselves. Whatever the case may be, we are all old enough to allow eveyone to post without reprisal. You may not agree with all that is posted but I believe we all agree that each and every poster has the right to voice their opinion. Sometimes we get a little opinionated as to whats the best treatment,often citing studies, doctors papers etc; to support our position This often leads to heated exchanges between members which frankly turns alot of people off. If we all just accept the fact that there is NO best treatment and every case is different, I believe this can be a great website for those afflicted with prostate cancer to gather information. As John Lennon said--"IT'S EASY IF YOU TRY"
  • steckley
    steckley Member Posts: 100
    Your observations are right on Second Base, and I will try to stay positive and accepting in my posts .... but, did you notice, people are picking up sides in the "war" of words? (I figure that this is a question and does not qualify as a negative statement). WTH!!!.

    I see their arguements as proof that man has descended from a higher specie in the animal kingdom (thesis originally postulated by the American philosopher, Mark Twain). So I guess it is quite natural that folks enjoy vebally goreing each other ... you know, like war.

    Accepting this, I guess I will just pick the useful information from what they say and ignore the rest.

    Wishing everyone good luck in there battle against PCa ... and Happy Holidays.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    steckley said:

    Your observations are right on Second Base, and I will try to stay positive and accepting in my posts .... but, did you notice, people are picking up sides in the "war" of words? (I figure that this is a question and does not qualify as a negative statement). WTH!!!.

    I see their arguements as proof that man has descended from a higher specie in the animal kingdom (thesis originally postulated by the American philosopher, Mark Twain). So I guess it is quite natural that folks enjoy vebally goreing each other ... you know, like war.

    Accepting this, I guess I will just pick the useful information from what they say and ignore the rest.

    Wishing everyone good luck in there battle against PCa ... and Happy Holidays.

    On Tolerance and Acceptance
    Acceptance and, more importantly, tolerance of one another as diverse human beings is what we all hope for, not only on this discussion board, but in the world; in a word, Peace. Believing or accepting what others say, write, or preach, is optional and open for fair discussion.

    Some have made reference to another thread by using powerful, emotionally-charged words such as “war, war of words, taking up sides, having the last word, etc.” It is assumed those references apply to all the posters in that (other) thread, since the references are general and not user-specific. It’s interesting that polite and impolite, civil and uncivil, respectful and disrespectful posters alike are grouped together when such references are so broadly made. When respectfully written opinions offer new, different, or opposing info/points of view, it’s also interesting to read how some people label those opinions to be in “bad taste, promoting dissention, one-upmanship” or even worse, non-acceptance of a person, instead of an idea or belief. One can’t help but wonder whether these references, in and of themselves, might unintentionally contribute to ‘stirring things up’ on the discussion board.

    May you have a stress-free Peaceful Season and a Happy & Healthy New Year.
  • BRONX52
    BRONX52 Member Posts: 156
    mrspjd said:

    On Tolerance and Acceptance
    Acceptance and, more importantly, tolerance of one another as diverse human beings is what we all hope for, not only on this discussion board, but in the world; in a word, Peace. Believing or accepting what others say, write, or preach, is optional and open for fair discussion.

    Some have made reference to another thread by using powerful, emotionally-charged words such as “war, war of words, taking up sides, having the last word, etc.” It is assumed those references apply to all the posters in that (other) thread, since the references are general and not user-specific. It’s interesting that polite and impolite, civil and uncivil, respectful and disrespectful posters alike are grouped together when such references are so broadly made. When respectfully written opinions offer new, different, or opposing info/points of view, it’s also interesting to read how some people label those opinions to be in “bad taste, promoting dissention, one-upmanship” or even worse, non-acceptance of a person, instead of an idea or belief. One can’t help but wonder whether these references, in and of themselves, might unintentionally contribute to ‘stirring things up’ on the discussion board.

    May you have a stress-free Peaceful Season and a Happy & Healthy New Year.

    Very good post in summarizing the recent dissention on this discussion board. A little respect and tolerance goes a long way in keeping things civil. Thanks for sharing and have a happy and safe holiday season----Dan
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    BRONX52 said:

    Very good post in summarizing the recent dissention on this discussion board. A little respect and tolerance goes a long way in keeping things civil. Thanks for sharing and have a happy and safe holiday season----Dan

    Thanks, Dan. Hope you're well. As always, I appreciate your support.

    Seems ironic (and maybe even hypocritical) that some recent posters who expound upon treating others with respect on this discussion board, are the exact same posters using labels like "complete load of 'cr@p.'" Certainly everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but those terms don't seem 'respectful' or 'civil' to me and, IMHO, they do more harm than good.

    All the best.
  • Will_10_2010
    Will_10_2010 Member Posts: 43
    Until recently I
    Until recently I participated in a parent support group for parents with "at risk" kids. A corner stone member of our group use to say: "Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean." For me this capsulizes everything that has been said.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member

    Until recently I
    Until recently I participated in a parent support group for parents with "at risk" kids. A corner stone member of our group use to say: "Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean." For me this capsulizes everything that has been said.

    Great 'meaningful' phrase!
    As the parent of 3 (now adult) children, parenting is a humbling experience. While we try to teach our children by example, as their positive role models through our own actions, both verbal and non-verbal, in the final analysis, if we're lucky, they teach US more than we teach them. Thanks for sharing some words of wisdom for parents and posters alike!
  • Mark58
    Mark58 Member Posts: 41 Member
    mrspjd said:

    Great 'meaningful' phrase!
    As the parent of 3 (now adult) children, parenting is a humbling experience. While we try to teach our children by example, as their positive role models through our own actions, both verbal and non-verbal, in the final analysis, if we're lucky, they teach US more than we teach them. Thanks for sharing some words of wisdom for parents and posters alike!

    I don't often throw in my 2 cents worth though I read this forum most every day. It has been helpful to me for several years. I've been in this club almost 7 years (1/04). Status: Surgery 3/04, radiation 9/05, 1st Lupron 10/09. I have a rising PSA even though I am on Lupron. I'll have a bone scan in 2 weeks to see what is going on. Back to my 2 cents worth. I agree with 2ndbase. We need to be more civil towards each other. The more I read about the different treatment options, it's easy to see that there are tons of documentation and personal experiences on the internet to support each and every treatment choice available. When a man actually chooses a particular treatment, he generally become a proponent or advocate of that treatment. It's human nature. Otherwise, we start second-guessing our original decision. That's very non-productive. We should all stick to our own personal experiences in our replies or use references to studies/clinical trials. That is what the original poster usually wants to hear: how did a particular treatment work for you? That's my opinion. BE NICE!!!
  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    Mark58 said:

    I don't often throw in my 2 cents worth though I read this forum most every day. It has been helpful to me for several years. I've been in this club almost 7 years (1/04). Status: Surgery 3/04, radiation 9/05, 1st Lupron 10/09. I have a rising PSA even though I am on Lupron. I'll have a bone scan in 2 weeks to see what is going on. Back to my 2 cents worth. I agree with 2ndbase. We need to be more civil towards each other. The more I read about the different treatment options, it's easy to see that there are tons of documentation and personal experiences on the internet to support each and every treatment choice available. When a man actually chooses a particular treatment, he generally become a proponent or advocate of that treatment. It's human nature. Otherwise, we start second-guessing our original decision. That's very non-productive. We should all stick to our own personal experiences in our replies or use references to studies/clinical trials. That is what the original poster usually wants to hear: how did a particular treatment work for you? That's my opinion. BE NICE!!!

    When I saw you joined in June 2004 and had made only 23 posts I read you post very carefully.

    Well said.

    Question: You say you read this forum almost every day. I'm finding I keep coming back and reading it also. In your seven years, have you ever hit a period of time (one month +) where you get away from it?

    Thanks and have a Merry Christmas.
  • Mark58
    Mark58 Member Posts: 41 Member
    Beau2 said:

    When I saw you joined in June 2004 and had made only 23 posts I read you post very carefully.

    Well said.

    Question: You say you read this forum almost every day. I'm finding I keep coming back and reading it also. In your seven years, have you ever hit a period of time (one month +) where you get away from it?

    Thanks and have a Merry Christmas.

    I've gone through periods of depression in dealing with ED and dealing with a rising PSA and coming to the realization that this treatment didn't get rid of my cancer either. During those times of depression I would sometimes write up a reply and then end up deleting it because it was too negative or I had drifted from the original question with my reply. Yes I do read this forum most every day and there are times that I probably should reply. I'm retiring in 3 months. Maybe I'll be able to focus better then and put my 2 cents worth into some of the discussions on this VERY GOOD forum. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each and every one of the participants on this forum!!! May your PSA go down!!!


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