Flat Leaver

Hubby Member Posts: 325
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I feel like a bit of a flat leaver (an expression I haven't used in about 40 years); and I'm not really going away, but I don't really have as much to say anymore now that Donna is done with chemo and rads. I've seen a lot of people come and go these past 7 months, so there is some sort of natural progression of being a newbie and posting everyday to being done and posting sporadically, or not at all, or all the time.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not really going anywhere, probably just going to post less. Thanks to all of you who helped me through what has been the hardest thing I've ever had to live through. And I keep saying that I wouldn't wish any part of this on my worst enemy (except possibly the baldness, and then only on a male worst enemy).

And about the ornament exchange; I was going to take part, but I was imagining someone opening up my ornament... in the middle of January; So I thought again.




  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Hubby i understand your
    Hubby i understand your desire to move on. please keep in touch and give us your insight from time to time. iremember when you helped in a couple of tense situations.
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    We'll miss you but totally
    We'll miss you but totally understand. I've found it refreshing to hear from the male perspective and it gives me hope that there are loving, kind, sensitive husbands out there who will support and care for their wives.

    So glad your wife is through all her treatments! That's so wonderful!

    We'll miss you. Please check in when you can.

    Blessings and peace,
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Totally understand how you
    Totally understand how you feel and why. Hope you will come on in now and then. I know when things got tough a couple of times for others you was right there to help. Thank you. I know you have helped me. You must be one hell of a husband Bob, Take care Kay
    You and your family will remain in my prayers
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Bob, job well done!! You
    Bob, job well done!! You are a wonderful husband and I commend you on your participation in helping your wife through this awful journey. Hopefully, this site was of help to you and I am certain you provided help to others. Take care and stop in occassionally to let us know how you are. Happy holidays to you and Donna. I am wishing for many, many healthy years for you both. Take care.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    No one ever wanted to know
    No one ever wanted to know about this place, or be a part of it~ no matter how wonderful we all are! I dare say, much as I love you all, I would have been fine and happy if I had never had the need to be here!

    The point is, this is a place for us to find the emotional support we need during a frightening time. I always say this is a safe place to land, and isn't that what you needed?

    The rollercoaster that you and Donna got onto is finally slowing down. I know that when you got on, you two found that the seatbelts wouldn't latch, there was oil on the tracks, and it was starting to rain! So you did the only thing you could~you held onto each other, scared and screaming, hoping you would get off of the ride alive! You have both survived~ battered and a bit bruised, but with the knowledge of how leaning on each other kept you both going.

    Get off of the rollercoaster! This is the best part, living Life After Cancer!

    Happy holidays to you! Feel free to come in whenever the mood strikes you! And, there is a good chance we'll keep up with you on FB, anyway!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    We will miss you and thanks
    We will miss you and thanks for all of your help. But I have to ask, what in the world is a flat leaver? I guess I am showing my age...lol.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    This is what I needed!!
    Definitely what I needed!! And I will continue to post, just not as much; and I am findable on facebook (and friends with a bunch of you). If you can't find me, through other facebook friends send me a private message here and I'll give you my full name.

    A flat leaver is someone who just gets up from the playground and leaves his friends; a very popular saying during the late 60's in NY; lol.

  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    Boy does that expression take me back
    Oh, yes, I do remember what a flat- leaver was. It was such a dreadful thing to be considered by peers.
    Yes, I can certainly understand "moving on" Happy Holidays to you and your wife.So nice to have "met you" on CSN.Hope to see you wnen you stop by for a visit on CSN.
    Hugs, K
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    KayNYC said:

    Boy does that expression take me back
    Oh, yes, I do remember what a flat- leaver was. It was such a dreadful thing to be considered by peers.
    Yes, I can certainly understand "moving on" Happy Holidays to you and your wife.So nice to have "met you" on CSN.Hope to see you wnen you stop by for a visit on CSN.
    Hugs, K

    You will be missed. Check
    You will be missed. Check in once in awhile and know that we are all glad that Donna is through with her treatments and that live is going on for you both.