Sue and Tom

forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
Hi Sue and Tom,
I sending you both the very best wishes for your tx this week.
Sue, you have one more after this one, your doing great. I'll keep praying that all goes as planned..
Tom, this is your last tx, Hooray ! Stay strong and well and let the healing begin..
Anyone one that I may have missed who is having tx this week, stay well and strong.
Peaceful healing


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  • dixiegirl
    dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Seeing the light
    Yes Lisha, I agree. Well wishes to you both Sue and Tom. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is a fantastic goal to reach. The daily struggle is harder and easier at the same time in some respects, at least it seemed like it to me.

    How are you doing Lisha? I worry about you. I know you have so much going on and I think of you often as well as the people in your life. You can do this. You are an incredibly strong woman my dear!!

    Take care and if I don't post before Thanksgiving havea very good Holiday :)

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    So sweet!
    Thanks ladies,
    I did wayyy too much today gearing up for the rest of the week and I'm paying for it tonight...soooooo tired..(bone tired)!!! It's snowing like crazy here and Brrrrrr cold. My oldest son Charley is driving me to chemo in the morning, so I won't have any problems getting there since he drives a 4 wheel drive truck. Thats how it is out West...ha! I'll let you all know how chemo goes..(sure won't be sleeping much)...ha! Enjoy your new sweet puppy Beth, and Lisha...please try to rest! You are both in my prayers, as is everyone...Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • merrywinner
    merrywinner Member Posts: 626 Member
    allmost60 said:

    So sweet!
    Thanks ladies,
    I did wayyy too much today gearing up for the rest of the week and I'm paying for it tonight...soooooo tired..(bone tired)!!! It's snowing like crazy here and Brrrrrr cold. My oldest son Charley is driving me to chemo in the morning, so I won't have any problems getting there since he drives a 4 wheel drive truck. Thats how it is out West...ha! I'll let you all know how chemo goes..(sure won't be sleeping much)...ha! Enjoy your new sweet puppy Beth, and Lisha...please try to rest! You are both in my prayers, as is everyone...Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

    Good luck Sue and Tom
    Good luck tomorrow Sue. Also stay safe in the weather. We've got it bad here too(Minnesota). More freezing rain expected then snow. Ugh... And Tom ...big day for you,all the best with that last treatment. Blessings to you both, Mary
  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Good luck Sue and Tom
    Good luck tomorrow Sue. Also stay safe in the weather. We've got it bad here too(Minnesota). More freezing rain expected then snow. Ugh... And Tom ...big day for you,all the best with that last treatment. Blessings to you both, Mary

    Thanks Mary...
    You stay safe too! Freezing rain is no fun forsure!

    Hi Tom...
    Congrats with Wednesday being your last round...YIPPEE! I'll be thinking of you!

    Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    allmost60 said:

    Thanks Mary...
    You stay safe too! Freezing rain is no fun forsure!

    Hi Tom...
    Congrats with Wednesday being your last round...YIPPEE! I'll be thinking of you!

    Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

    Chemo Day
    Well its only 8:40am here on the east coast so you are probably still asleep.Since today will be "Your off to see the Wizard" day just wanted to say we will be thinking of you. I have to go in for a port flush myself today. Its just an in and out thing.... I think it is anyway!! John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    Chemo Day
    Well its only 8:40am here on the east coast so you are probably still asleep.Since today will be "Your off to see the Wizard" day just wanted to say we will be thinking of you. I have to go in for a port flush myself today. Its just an in and out thing.... I think it is anyway!! John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)

    Hi John,
    All went good today except for a couple of set backs with the Rituxan. Thay started it out slow and then gradually incresed the drip. Second time they increased, I got super hot out of breath,and my heart started racing, so they gave me some more benedryl waited 45 minutes and then slowed it back a knotch. They increased it again about an hour later and my throat started to swell, so... back to the slow drip and thats where they left it until the bag was empty. Sooo..6 1/2 hours in the chair today, which made for a very long day. Other than that, everything else was fine. My blood work was great and even rallied from the last labs by alot. My onc precribed me a sleeping pill to help with the pred...Ambien 10mg. I'm praying it works! One more round and I'm done buddy!!!! Thats enough to keep a smile on my face even with the nasty pred!..ha! Take care my friend, and you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your son and grandbabies. Love...Sue
    FNHL-2-3A-6/10)..allmost in remission!
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    allmost60 said:

    Hi John,
    All went good today except for a couple of set backs with the Rituxan. Thay started it out slow and then gradually incresed the drip. Second time they increased, I got super hot out of breath,and my heart started racing, so they gave me some more benedryl waited 45 minutes and then slowed it back a knotch. They increased it again about an hour later and my throat started to swell, so... back to the slow drip and thats where they left it until the bag was empty. Sooo..6 1/2 hours in the chair today, which made for a very long day. Other than that, everything else was fine. My blood work was great and even rallied from the last labs by alot. My onc precribed me a sleeping pill to help with the pred...Ambien 10mg. I'm praying it works! One more round and I'm done buddy!!!! Thats enough to keep a smile on my face even with the nasty pred!..ha! Take care my friend, and you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your son and grandbabies. Love...Sue
    FNHL-2-3A-6/10)..allmost in remission!

    The only time I had trouble with r was my first time. I started feeling like my sinuses were on fire. They slowed it down for about 15 min. then increased it again. No trouble after that. I am so glad to hear your blood rebounded so much. that is great. I hope it stays that way .They take the blood test just before our treatments. I think they should take them after a week as well. Just to see how much they plummet. Thats when we really start to feel the tiredness. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
  • tcvine
    tcvine Member Posts: 174
    Last One
    Thanks Lisha, John, Beth, et. al.,

    Yes today is my last infusion. I know that I am supposed to be happy, but frankly I have been dreading it all week. I suspect that it is just the result of the previous chemos, but this is the first time that I actually have had the feeling that I really, really don't want to do this. But, it is I know it's good that it will be my last, so I'm sure it will be fine once I get started.

    Then comes the testing down at MD Anderson in Houston on Dec 17. But we won't get the RESULTS until Dec. 21.

    Lisha, I add my best wishes and prayers to everyone's for yourself to have a peaceful and recuperative holiday, in spite of everything that you will be dealing with.
    Sue, despite the preds, enjoy this great holiday and try to relax.

    Thanks again, Y'All. You've been the best.

    Tom (DLBCL-4-7/10)
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    tcvine said:

    Last One
    Thanks Lisha, John, Beth, et. al.,

    Yes today is my last infusion. I know that I am supposed to be happy, but frankly I have been dreading it all week. I suspect that it is just the result of the previous chemos, but this is the first time that I actually have had the feeling that I really, really don't want to do this. But, it is I know it's good that it will be my last, so I'm sure it will be fine once I get started.

    Then comes the testing down at MD Anderson in Houston on Dec 17. But we won't get the RESULTS until Dec. 21.

    Lisha, I add my best wishes and prayers to everyone's for yourself to have a peaceful and recuperative holiday, in spite of everything that you will be dealing with.
    Sue, despite the preds, enjoy this great holiday and try to relax.

    Thanks again, Y'All. You've been the best.

    Tom (DLBCL-4-7/10)

    Last infusion
    I know how you feel about the infusions. You are so glad to get them over with, but at the same time its a real pain knowing you have to sit there all day and having that stuff pumped into you. The treatments sessions seem to give you a lot of time to sit and think. Then later when you get home you are tired from the benedryl. Then you know whats ahead for the following days,feeling wore out and sometimes sick. We have all been there to one degree or another. Just hang in there it is something that we have to do in order to control this beast. I can tell you I started feeling weaker after to 4th treatment. I was dragging across the line at round #6. I never got physically sick as far as nausea or headaches, just extremely tired. I am now 2 months out and still not 100%,but am working on it day by day one step at a time.
    Have a great Thanksgiving and good wishes for you today. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
  • truckingalong
    truckingalong Member Posts: 445 Member
    tcvine said:

    Last One
    Thanks Lisha, John, Beth, et. al.,

    Yes today is my last infusion. I know that I am supposed to be happy, but frankly I have been dreading it all week. I suspect that it is just the result of the previous chemos, but this is the first time that I actually have had the feeling that I really, really don't want to do this. But, it is I know it's good that it will be my last, so I'm sure it will be fine once I get started.

    Then comes the testing down at MD Anderson in Houston on Dec 17. But we won't get the RESULTS until Dec. 21.

    Lisha, I add my best wishes and prayers to everyone's for yourself to have a peaceful and recuperative holiday, in spite of everything that you will be dealing with.
    Sue, despite the preds, enjoy this great holiday and try to relax.

    Thanks again, Y'All. You've been the best.

    Tom (DLBCL-4-7/10)

    Now REST and SIT BACK!

    I understand your apprehension when you have to go to your infusion center as I always have. By now it is done, I hope you are feeling alright, resting and sitting back to just enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday despite the side effects.

    Thank you for your support too,

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    tcvine said:

    Last One
    Thanks Lisha, John, Beth, et. al.,

    Yes today is my last infusion. I know that I am supposed to be happy, but frankly I have been dreading it all week. I suspect that it is just the result of the previous chemos, but this is the first time that I actually have had the feeling that I really, really don't want to do this. But, it is I know it's good that it will be my last, so I'm sure it will be fine once I get started.

    Then comes the testing down at MD Anderson in Houston on Dec 17. But we won't get the RESULTS until Dec. 21.

    Lisha, I add my best wishes and prayers to everyone's for yourself to have a peaceful and recuperative holiday, in spite of everything that you will be dealing with.
    Sue, despite the preds, enjoy this great holiday and try to relax.

    Thanks again, Y'All. You've been the best.

    Tom (DLBCL-4-7/10)

    Me too Tom...
    Hi Tom,
    I felt the same way on Tuesday...just didn't want to go for my infusion and had a bad attitude. I'm glad it's behind me now, and I'm eager to get my last one finished on Dec 14th. Theres no good time to get cancer or have chemo treatments, but I'm thinkin Thanksgiving and Christmas rank right up there with the "PIT's" as far as timing goes..ha! I also will be getting a scan right after my last treatment...he said the week before Christmas. So....looks like we will be waiting for scan results together. I'm confident both of our scans will come back good and we will be deemed in "REMISSION" No freight train in our path Tom...we are going to get the big green light! Rest and take care of yourself, and I will do the same...well...after the 5 days of pred is over...haha!
    "Happy Thanksgiving"...Love..Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • tcvine
    tcvine Member Posts: 174
    allmost60 said:

    Me too Tom...
    Hi Tom,
    I felt the same way on Tuesday...just didn't want to go for my infusion and had a bad attitude. I'm glad it's behind me now, and I'm eager to get my last one finished on Dec 14th. Theres no good time to get cancer or have chemo treatments, but I'm thinkin Thanksgiving and Christmas rank right up there with the "PIT's" as far as timing goes..ha! I also will be getting a scan right after my last treatment...he said the week before Christmas. So....looks like we will be waiting for scan results together. I'm confident both of our scans will come back good and we will be deemed in "REMISSION" No freight train in our path Tom...we are going to get the big green light! Rest and take care of yourself, and I will do the same...well...after the 5 days of pred is over...haha!
    "Happy Thanksgiving"...Love..Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

    Thanks All
    Yes, I knew that you all would be as supportive as it is possible to be, and I add you to my many thanks for this Thanksgiving day.

    I got through the last infusion - or most of it at least. It turns out that our area has a shortage of some of my chemo meds. The onc told me last week that he was able to reserve enough red devil for me, but I got there yesterday and they didn't have any vincristine (too bad). No problem for me since I'm virtually certain that I am in remission already - only awaiting confirmation.

    Anyway, got back yesterday really not feeling well, more tiredness and stomach upset, so I went to bed early. Feel much the same today, but we have the whole remaining family here at the house today and it will be a very special time. We love these times together. Connie has been cooking for two days, of course, but she would not have it any other way.
    I still have to go back to the hospital in about an hour to get the nulasta? shot.
    All in all, no complaints and very grateful and happy to be here today, even if I don't get to eat much.

    Thanks again to All and my prayers for your own wonderful Thanksgiving season together with those who make up your lives.

    God Bless,
    Tom (DLBCL-4-7/10)


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