Want to get this crap started!!

ccincin Member Posts: 82
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my mastectomy on September 29. Still no chemo started. I know it will probably be a 6 month every 3 week regime but when will it start???? I have another appt on Wednesday with oncology doc so maybe I will know? I'm over the wait and the longer it's put off the further into summer I go with no hair!!!
How long after mastectomy did you all go? I have stage II because 2 lymph nodes involved.


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  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    I had only a lumpectomy
    and had to wait a month before starting chemo. I would think recovery time might be longer after a mastectomy because it's a more complicated surgery. Hopefully you'll know with your next appt.

  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    i had almost 8 months of chemo before surgery!
    i have inflammatory breast cancer, so its protocol is somewhat different. diagnosed december 10, 2009, began chemo on december 16, had mastectomy on september 15, started radiation today. treatment won't be over until after christmas!!! a whole year of cancer! will be glad to say goodbye to this year and start the new year without this beast!!!
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    trying to remember
    I had chemo, mastectomy with expanders, radiation, chemo, herceptin, reconstruction. I can't remember the time frame (2 years ago) and my situation is different from yours. Your Dr. can tell you what you need to know. it is frustrating waiting to get answers. Just write down your questions in the mean time and try to keep busy with more enjoyable thoughts till it's time to see the Dr. again.

  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Blahhh.....I know the waiting sucks..I had bilat. mast. in June 18, 09, I started chemo about 40 days later. Everyone is different. For me, it really helped, to just consider the year of dx to be "a bad year". It took the entire year to finish surg's and chemo and...anyway my point is even if it is an entire 365 days, it's well worth it. Try not to focus on the little ****, just stay in the big pic,..next time this year, YOU WILL BE DONE..God willing and God bless you and that cute little girl..hugs..alison
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I had a lumpectomy
    last year on October 12th, and didn't start chemo until December 16th. Part of it for me was due to waiting for the test results from the Oncotype DX to see if I would even benefit from chemo, since my lymph nodes were clear. As others have said, part of the waiting might be to make sure you're more healed from the mastectomy since chemo can wreak havoc with your immune system.

    I do remember how frustrating the waiting was, and I believe I have more than one venting post from back during that time - the waiting just SUX!

    I hope you're able to get answers on Wednesday. Even though chemo is not a walk in the park, it does feel better once you have a concrete plan of attack for fighting this beast (at least it did for me).

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302

    I had a lumpectomy
    last year on October 12th, and didn't start chemo until December 16th. Part of it for me was due to waiting for the test results from the Oncotype DX to see if I would even benefit from chemo, since my lymph nodes were clear. As others have said, part of the waiting might be to make sure you're more healed from the mastectomy since chemo can wreak havoc with your immune system.

    I do remember how frustrating the waiting was, and I believe I have more than one venting post from back during that time - the waiting just SUX!

    I hope you're able to get answers on Wednesday. Even though chemo is not a walk in the park, it does feel better once you have a concrete plan of attack for fighting this beast (at least it did for me).


    Probably about 6 weeks

    I had a mastectomy and if I would have done chemo, it would have started about 6 weeks after my surgery. I had the OncoType test and didn't need the chemo after all. I think they must want you to heal from a more major surgery and recover a bit before your boday undergoes another battle. I know all the waiting is just so very frustrating. Hang in there.

    Hugs, Sally
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I had my Chemo first
    to shrink the 5cm tumor. I started Chemo about 2 weeks after I was diagnosed...6 rounds which shrank it down to nothing, then had my Mastectomy.

    I guess everyone is different as far as treatment.

    Praying you start soon.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    We're each so different!
    I'm IBC (Inflammatory BC) so the protocol is different than for other types. I started my first batch of chemo 17 days after DX (4 A/C every 2 weeks). Had mod. rad. mast. 2 weeks after last A/C and started 12 weekly Taxol 3 weeks after surgery. Started 25 daily rads 1 week after last Taxol. Started Femara 2 weeks into rads.

    Talk to your DR!

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I'm also IBC, so yes chemo
    I'm also IBC, so yes chemo first (6 rounds TAC, 2 more to go). I won't have surgery till sometime in Jan, and I'm feeling the same way you are. I just want to get a date and get this mess out of my body.

    Definitely ask your onc on Wed. It probably doesn't help, but I like summer hats better than winter ones...


  • TxRn64
    TxRn64 Member Posts: 26
    6 month every 3 weeks?

    How many round of chemo are you sheduled for? If your only getting 6 cycles it will be much less time than 6 months. I started chemo Oct. 14th and will finish with 6 cycles at the end of Jan. after an every 3 week cycle.

    It sounds like the docs want to make sure you are completely healed before starting chemo. Ask your Onc doc a million and one questions. You deserve to know what will happen to your body and life! If they act to busy to answer them, pin them down, this is your life! I tell my patients all the time, take a list and don't let them out of the room until you have all your answers! Your paying their salary, therefore, they have to sit and listen to you. Unfortunately for us they wouldn't have a salary without us! Don't make your life more miserable by wondering and waiting. Go get em!

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi ccincin,
    I had my mastectomy on May 3, 2010. My chemo started around June 20, 2010. Once I met with my oncologist, she started the ball rolling and I had my port installed, all my tests and my first chemo within one week.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I think it depends on the healing....
    My BC was my second cancer in 6 months. I was 2 months out after surgery (just a lumpectomy) because I lost my health battling the rectal cancer...

    BUT, as I was told..."Chemotherapy for breast cancer in patients stages 2 and 3 is for 'mopping up'. The cancer is gone with the surgery."

    That made me far less nervous about the wait, and I healed well, only missing one chemo from bad health.

    I do agree with you, ask your onc!

    Hugs, Kathi


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