work (how you were treated)



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    I do not understand why you do not take sick days? you are entitled to take sicks day and use FMLA as well. I am wondering that you are having about 60 sick days left. Most companies give from 7 -10 sick days.
    I am not surprised that your co-workers do not want to pick up a slag. You manager should not give negative review because you have taken time off due to illness. Just be sure that your paperwork is in order. Working for a big corporation My manager always requested working with HR during my treatment.When I exhausted my sick days option I was on short-term disability, dealing with HR on regular basis.
    Take care

    I did use my sick days for sugery
    But I was told at the start of treatment do as you need to do..until short time into it..(week or so) but IF I USED sick days for treatments IT WOULD have wiped out my (about) 30 remaining days. So then I wouldnt' have any for Dr appt, Mammo, follow cancer ctr booked treatments on my lunch which was a great relief and helped the stress...

    so yes I COULD have used EACH sick day I had...but then none for rest of year. I work for school we get our sick days etc. JUNE each year...I finished treatments June 28 so it would be a year before i would get more
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sparkle1 said:

    I like the idea of the gift
    I like the idea of the gift car to the spa. There's a great place by where we work.
    Thanks. Don't let the job stress you too much. I know it's easier said than done when you have to go there everyday. But try to keep positive and maybe your boss and co-workers will see the bigger picture.

    spa certificate
    My two daughters gave me spa treatment for day..(gift card) I waited until my last treatment and made my appt...was nice to have to look foward to it..(facial, massage, manicure etc)

    so figure other would enjoy too
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    I do not understand why you do not take sick days? you are entitled to take sicks day and use FMLA as well. I am wondering that you are having about 60 sick days left. Most companies give from 7 -10 sick days.
    I am not surprised that your co-workers do not want to pick up a slag. You manager should not give negative review because you have taken time off due to illness. Just be sure that your paperwork is in order. Working for a big corporation My manager always requested working with HR during my treatment.When I exhausted my sick days option I was on short-term disability, dealing with HR on regular basis.
    Take care

    sick bank
    I am also in sick bank so I would have to use all sick, vac, personal and sick bank (apply to see if they would give me any)
    when I rec'd FMLA info I had no idea what it was...when i read it i thought if i was out on FMLA i had to pay for my insurance in full (complete cost)I DID NOT understand it was just my portion-and no way without working I COULD pay full amt...and HAD TO have coverage of course...since then I HAVE gone to support groups about employers, researched alot and now know my rights IF I ever need them the group I was told so much was done WRONG WITH me...ref: empoyer..

    esp writing me up for using many sick days..(knowing why esp) They never gave me a verbal , then written and then in my annual review...

    now I am so much more educated...and hope i never have to use my knowlege, but if i do...I"LL know better
  • tally
    tally Member Posts: 48
    I did not qualify for FMLA
    because my job doesn't have enough employees to qualify. I work for a doctor. We don't get sick days. I have been there 11 years. Always took pride in my job and gave 100%. The day my hair started coming out in clumps the doctor told me he was hiring someone to do my job in case I didnt want to come to work. I was put at a desk in a back room. Came to work anyway because I needed a paycheck and I love what I do. Finished with treatment and was told last week I wont be getting my position back. He hates to let new employee go because she has a child. But he wants me to help her do my old job. Yea, right. I could kick myself for giving so much to this job in the first place. Cant change jobs right now because there are none here. BUT, I am looking.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    tally said:

    I did not qualify for FMLA
    because my job doesn't have enough employees to qualify. I work for a doctor. We don't get sick days. I have been there 11 years. Always took pride in my job and gave 100%. The day my hair started coming out in clumps the doctor told me he was hiring someone to do my job in case I didnt want to come to work. I was put at a desk in a back room. Came to work anyway because I needed a paycheck and I love what I do. Finished with treatment and was told last week I wont be getting my position back. He hates to let new employee go because she has a child. But he wants me to help her do my old job. Yea, right. I could kick myself for giving so much to this job in the first place. Cant change jobs right now because there are none here. BUT, I am looking.

    My first thought in

    My first thought in reading this post is gosh, there's a doctor I would love to have as my PCP, not. He "hates to let the new person go because they have a child" but told you when you were in treatment and losing your hair that he hired someone to do your job in case "you don't want to come to work". There's a man with no compassion. And he wants you to help her do your old job. I can't even imagine how he treats his patients. What a jerk! I would do just what you are doing, keep on working and if he let's you go then you can at least collect unemployment while job hunting. He is probably hoping that you will quit and he will be off the hook. How can a doctor not provide some paid sick leave for an employee> If anyone should understand illness... Oh my, this has really bugged me. I guess because I expect more of someone who is in the healing profession. I hope you find something better but again, don't quit.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    fauxma said:

    My first thought in

    My first thought in reading this post is gosh, there's a doctor I would love to have as my PCP, not. He "hates to let the new person go because they have a child" but told you when you were in treatment and losing your hair that he hired someone to do your job in case "you don't want to come to work". There's a man with no compassion. And he wants you to help her do your old job. I can't even imagine how he treats his patients. What a jerk! I would do just what you are doing, keep on working and if he let's you go then you can at least collect unemployment while job hunting. He is probably hoping that you will quit and he will be off the hook. How can a doctor not provide some paid sick leave for an employee> If anyone should understand illness... Oh my, this has really bugged me. I guess because I expect more of someone who is in the healing profession. I hope you find something better but again, don't quit.

    Tally, so sorry
    I agree with Stef, Please do not quit, stay as long as you need. You need completely recover from treatment, gain energy and start looking.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    tally said:

    I did not qualify for FMLA
    because my job doesn't have enough employees to qualify. I work for a doctor. We don't get sick days. I have been there 11 years. Always took pride in my job and gave 100%. The day my hair started coming out in clumps the doctor told me he was hiring someone to do my job in case I didnt want to come to work. I was put at a desk in a back room. Came to work anyway because I needed a paycheck and I love what I do. Finished with treatment and was told last week I wont be getting my position back. He hates to let new employee go because she has a child. But he wants me to help her do my old job. Yea, right. I could kick myself for giving so much to this job in the first place. Cant change jobs right now because there are none here. BUT, I am looking.

    so so sorry
    NOW my complaint about being written up for using sick time is not so bad..even though not right or legal...
    I hope a great job comes you way..even if not looking for one..good luck
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    so so sorry
    NOW my complaint about being written up for using sick time is not so bad..even though not right or legal...
    I hope a great job comes you way..even if not looking for one..good luck

    several of us lost jobs
    Several of us here were laid off or had serious problems during treatment.
    good luck on your next review
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    so so sorry
    NOW my complaint about being written up for using sick time is not so bad..even though not right or legal...
    I hope a great job comes you way..even if not looking for one..good luck

    I think that your

    I think that your complaint about being written up is absolutely valid. I think that you were given the fuzzy side of the lollipop. How can a company tell someone don't worry we are here for you and then do a complete turn around. It is just not right. You did the exact right thing by writing a letter that explains your side. There is such a wide range on how companies, bosses and co workers respond to those that are in treatment. I was lucky that my boss and company were so supportive during my treatments. Our company was experiencing job losses themselves and my actual job was being phased out but they found work for me during all my treatment and for awhile after. There were numerous layoffs so I knew that eventually I would be laid off but they waited until I was done with all my active treatment. I was not the only one laid off that day and I was given several weeks severance pay even though I had only been working there 2 years. I have kept in touch with my boss and there have been ongoing layoffs. My company does large construction projects and they have not been awarded many of the bids they have made. So although I lost my job, it was never about the cancer and they were so good about any time I needed and extended me extra sick leave time and allowed me to work through lunch so I could leave in the afternoon for my radiation treatments and not lose time.
    It is too bad that you were not given the information you needed to make the best decisions about your sick leave and available resources. Cancer sucks enough by itself without all the extra baggage.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    fauxma said:

    I think that your

    I think that your complaint about being written up is absolutely valid. I think that you were given the fuzzy side of the lollipop. How can a company tell someone don't worry we are here for you and then do a complete turn around. It is just not right. You did the exact right thing by writing a letter that explains your side. There is such a wide range on how companies, bosses and co workers respond to those that are in treatment. I was lucky that my boss and company were so supportive during my treatments. Our company was experiencing job losses themselves and my actual job was being phased out but they found work for me during all my treatment and for awhile after. There were numerous layoffs so I knew that eventually I would be laid off but they waited until I was done with all my active treatment. I was not the only one laid off that day and I was given several weeks severance pay even though I had only been working there 2 years. I have kept in touch with my boss and there have been ongoing layoffs. My company does large construction projects and they have not been awarded many of the bids they have made. So although I lost my job, it was never about the cancer and they were so good about any time I needed and extended me extra sick leave time and allowed me to work through lunch so I could leave in the afternoon for my radiation treatments and not lose time.
    It is too bad that you were not given the information you needed to make the best decisions about your sick leave and available resources. Cancer sucks enough by itself without all the extra baggage.

    Thanks for input
    I am well informed if I ever (hopefully not) need it...

    I felt great with my rebuttle if you will...letter in my file..I gave serveral paper copies and email...I had to contact them to confirm the got it. I Only got one reply with "YES"...

    I did contact HR and ask if a copy was in fact in my file. I told them I was going to make an appt to go through file!

    I think being called in the office days into treatment was worse then dealing with much of the cancer crap...IF DON"T mean it dont' say DO whatever YOU NEED TO do..and then take it back less then week into really needing it..


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