switched from Tamoxifen to Arimidex

elm3544 Member Posts: 748
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I saw my Oncologist today and because I had the hysterectomy, including ovaries, I was switched to Arimidex. I read the side effects and the one that worries me the most is "hair thinning" I have thin enough hair already! I was OK with losing it during chemo, but permenently? Also wondering if anyone can tell me if they noticed a difference after switching? More/less hot flashes? I will start taking it tomorrow.


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  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    I'm on Arimidex . . .
    and I, also, have thin hair to begin with. I haven't noticed a big difference in my hair while I've been on this (started in June of this year, so have been on it about 4 months). I do seem to have hot flashes more often, though - whether or not that's from the Arimidex, I don't know, since I'm in menopause anyway. I never was on Tamoxifin. Other than that, I really haven't had any noticeable side effects from the Arimidex.

    Good luck . . . hope it goes well for you!

    ♥ Lynn ♥
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    MNLynn said:

    I'm on Arimidex . . .
    and I, also, have thin hair to begin with. I haven't noticed a big difference in my hair while I've been on this (started in June of this year, so have been on it about 4 months). I do seem to have hot flashes more often, though - whether or not that's from the Arimidex, I don't know, since I'm in menopause anyway. I never was on Tamoxifin. Other than that, I really haven't had any noticeable side effects from the Arimidex.

    Good luck . . . hope it goes well for you!

    ♥ Lynn ♥

    Thanks Lynn. Maybe I won't
    Thanks Lynn. Maybe I won't notice a difference. I started getting hot flashes last summer during chemo, and my Dr said it would get worse with the Tamoxifen but I don't think it did. I was already having alot of them!
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    elm3544 said:

    Thanks Lynn. Maybe I won't
    Thanks Lynn. Maybe I won't notice a difference. I started getting hot flashes last summer during chemo, and my Dr said it would get worse with the Tamoxifen but I don't think it did. I was already having alot of them!

    I was just switched too
    I started it about a week ago. I haven't noticed any difference, but I tolerated Tamoxifen pretty well. My onco said that if the side effects were unmanageable that they could try something else or switch me back to Tamoxifen. I do have joint and bone pain but I had that while on Tamoxifen.

    Here's to little or no side effects!!!

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    pattimc said:

    I was just switched too
    I started it about a week ago. I haven't noticed any difference, but I tolerated Tamoxifen pretty well. My onco said that if the side effects were unmanageable that they could try something else or switch me back to Tamoxifen. I do have joint and bone pain but I had that while on Tamoxifen.

    Here's to little or no side effects!!!


    Thanks Patti. I already have
    Thanks Patti. I already have the joint and bone pain, too. I guess it isn't going to get better, so I hope everything just stays the same. Good luck to you!
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145
    I took Tamoxifin for 5 years
    I took Tamoxifin for 5 years and I am now on Aromasin and I have had the same things like bone and joint pain,hot flashes and just feel tired some days. Everyone is different so you may not feel any difference, lets hope not! Hugs :)
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I took Tamoxifin for 5 years
    I took Tamoxifin for 5 years and I am now on Aromasin and I have had the same things like bone and joint pain,hot flashes and just feel tired some days. Everyone is different so you may not feel any difference, lets hope not! Hugs :)

    vaginal dryness, dry skin and typical menopausal symptoms since Aromatase inhibitors suppose to block all estrogen.
    Wishing you an easy time with Arimidex.
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    what i have noticed so far
    The hot flashes are actually more tolerable-they are not as intense and they do not last as long. Not sure if that is a result of the Arimidex or the surgery. The joint pain is alot worse and the numbness has come back in my fingers. The bone pain has come back with a vengence! It feels like I am on Neulasta again at some points.
    I guess its just part of my "new normal". I can accept that. No regrets here!
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Not Sure If I Have Side Effect
    I am not sure what is happening. I have tingling and numbness in my fingers. The tingling and numbness comes and goes. I called radiologist who said it was not a side effect to radiation that ended in January. Called hematologist who said that it was not a side effect to Arimidex which I started on March 18, 2010. Went to primary care doctor who then immediately took me to a neurologist who examined me and then prescribed MRI of the brain and neck. MRI shows a lot of arthritis (which is not giving me a problem) in the neck and a slight misalignment. Then neurologist did EMG test, testing the nerves in my hands. He said that I had a slight carpal tunnel but not enough to warrant what I am experiencing. Then he sent me to a spine specialist for a second opinion. The spine specialist took 7 x-rays of my neck. He also is not certain that the neck is giving me my problem.

    SOooooooo, the only thing new in my life is Arimidex.

    My question to you is, "Is the tingling in your hands in all your fingers and in both hands? Is it also in your palms? Is it constant or does it come and go and come and go?"

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    The two things to watch for:
    The AI's are known for attacking bone density. Be sure to keep after your doctor for a yearly DEXA scan (bone density). I can't take any of the AI's now, even tho I am surgically menopausal (total hyster for my colon cancer), because the chemo/treatments left me deep into osteoporosis (-2.7T in my hip).

    Ask doc about Actonel, or Boniva, or one of the other bone-increasing drugs.

    The only other thing is a rise in cholesterol. But your onc should know these things. Tamoxifen has it's own stuff, including higher risk of uterine cancer, so there is no side-effect free solution to keeping the beast at bay....In June, 2011, I will be stopping Tami, and just go on with my life, hoping that either there is another new drug that I CAN take, or just that I'm 'going commando' (no more anti-estrogen drugs) and will stay cancer free.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Janelle, Kathi
    Janelle, I notice the numbenss mostly in the fingers and toes. It comes and goes, and some times are worse than other times. Also experience pain in all the joints. I too was sent to a neurolgist last year who told me I had carpol tunnel in one wrist. Was sent to an occupational therapist to help me learn how to live with the neuropathy since it didn't seem to be going away. Not that it did much good. Since I have been on the Arimidex, literally every joint in my body hurts and the leg bones hurt, just like when I was on chemo and Neulasta.

    Kathi, thank you for the important reminder. I was warned that the Arimidex can cause osteoporosis. I have a bone scan sceduled for January and I take calcium and vitamin d supplements as per my PCP. My Oncologist approved as well.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    elm3544 said:

    Janelle, Kathi
    Janelle, I notice the numbenss mostly in the fingers and toes. It comes and goes, and some times are worse than other times. Also experience pain in all the joints. I too was sent to a neurolgist last year who told me I had carpol tunnel in one wrist. Was sent to an occupational therapist to help me learn how to live with the neuropathy since it didn't seem to be going away. Not that it did much good. Since I have been on the Arimidex, literally every joint in my body hurts and the leg bones hurt, just like when I was on chemo and Neulasta.

    Kathi, thank you for the important reminder. I was warned that the Arimidex can cause osteoporosis. I have a bone scan sceduled for January and I take calcium and vitamin d supplements as per my PCP. My Oncologist approved as well.

    Bone density base line
    If you have a chance try to do bone density earlier than January. Ideally you need to have a base line before starting Arimidex. Then you can see progression after 1 year on Arimidex.


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