taxtotere and salt

mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I need advice on taxoere I just started taxtotere once aweek last friday 50mg and the onc nurse said i need to watch my salt intake i need to know what is the daily allowance of salt everything has salt in it even my favorite buddy ice cream need all the info i can really get on taxtotere thanks ladies Mollyz


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  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I was never told anything about watching salt intake during chemo with Taxotere/Cytoxan....hope you get some answers
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    MAJW said:

    I was never told anything about watching salt intake during chemo with Taxotere/Cytoxan....hope you get some answers

    I also did Taxotere/Cytoxan, and no one ever mentioned anything to me about salt.

    Maybe the nurse thought your blood pressure was a little high or something? Definitely ask her for a little more information on why she's recommending that you watch your salt intake, and what her specific recommendations are -- or better yet, you might run it by your oncologist when you see him/her again.

  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    I have been on Taxotere and was never told to stay off salt. Do you salt your food before eating or when cooking? Ask the dr. to be more explicit. I don't know what the daily allowance is but I'm sure you can find out online. Sorry I'm not much help.
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    News to me
    I had taxotere/cytoxan & wasn't ever told to watch my salt intake.
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    taxotere and salt
    Hey Ladies thanks for the comments the nurse told me that one of the s/e of taxotere was swelling in the ankles thats why she told me to watch the salt intake so i wouldn't swell
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Same here, I was never told to watch my salt intake either. You should get more info as someone has already said, your BP may of been high. According to the US Food and Nutrition Board, the RDA for a 45 yr. old female, is 1.5 grams. I noticed my levels were elevated so I started reading all the labels and you're not kidding when you say EVERYTHING has salt in it! It's ridiculous! I did stop salting my food figuring what was already in it was more than enough, (still high levels) then on my last doc visit, he actually tells me to eat more salt!??? Go figure...his solution to a problem I have been having since finishing treatment. If you want more info on Taxotere, is an excellent site for info.
    ♥ Cat
    P.S. Well that makes sense! Glad you got the answer!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Same here, I was never told to watch my salt intake either. You should get more info as someone has already said, your BP may of been high. According to the US Food and Nutrition Board, the RDA for a 45 yr. old female, is 1.5 grams. I noticed my levels were elevated so I started reading all the labels and you're not kidding when you say EVERYTHING has salt in it! It's ridiculous! I did stop salting my food figuring what was already in it was more than enough, (still high levels) then on my last doc visit, he actually tells me to eat more salt!??? Go figure...his solution to a problem I have been having since finishing treatment. If you want more info on Taxotere, is an excellent site for info.
    ♥ Cat
    P.S. Well that makes sense! Glad you got the answer!

    Well, you learn something new every day here!
    I was so focused on wanting to take an active part in my treatment -- I INTERROGATED all my doctors and all the nurses about what I should or shouldn't eat during chemo, but no one ever mentioned anything about salt, or that ankle swelling can be a side effect of Taxotere.

    Thankfully, I never had any problems with that at all, so I hope it's just a precaution for you, and that you don't either!

  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member

    I have been on Taxotere and was never told to stay off salt. Do you salt your food before eating or when cooking? Ask the dr. to be more explicit. I don't know what the daily allowance is but I'm sure you can find out online. Sorry I'm not much help.

    Thanks Annette and other ladies that posted to help me i did get some answers the steriod would cause swelling (decodron)well the generic name dex...I must be having chemo brain I've heard so much about it I guess I'll have to welcome it now L.O.L did anyone swell from it?
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    mollyz said:

    Thanks Annette and other ladies that posted to help me i did get some answers the steriod would cause swelling (decodron)well the generic name dex...I must be having chemo brain I've heard so much about it I guess I'll have to welcome it now L.O.L did anyone swell from it?

    I was given plenty of (generic) Decadron during chemo -- orally for about a day and a half before each round, and then by IV before each infusion. While everyone reacts differently, I can tell you I didn't have any problems with swelling at all. So I'm hoping the same for you!

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Well, you learn something new every day here!
    I was so focused on wanting to take an active part in my treatment -- I INTERROGATED all my doctors and all the nurses about what I should or shouldn't eat during chemo, but no one ever mentioned anything about salt, or that ankle swelling can be a side effect of Taxotere.

    Thankfully, I never had any problems with that at all, so I hope it's just a precaution for you, and that you don't either!


    I usually retain fluid but
    I usually retain fluid but salt intake was not a problem for me. i actually neded it. I would ask to see a dietician at the hospital if this is a serious concern. (not meaning you arent serious , I meant the nurse has a concern)
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    carkris said:

    I usually retain fluid but
    I usually retain fluid but salt intake was not a problem for me. i actually neded it. I would ask to see a dietician at the hospital if this is a serious concern. (not meaning you arent serious , I meant the nurse has a concern)

    Hey Carkris, how are you? the nurse told me that salt would be the reason if i started retaining fluid or weight gain,I think i really made more of a bigger deal than she did about. My sister-in-law has asthma and she is on steriods and i watch her blow up literally her face swells,so i think i went over board. thanks everybody. MollyZ
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    mollyz said:

    Hey Carkris, how are you? the nurse told me that salt would be the reason if i started retaining fluid or weight gain,I think i really made more of a bigger deal than she did about. My sister-in-law has asthma and she is on steriods and i watch her blow up literally her face swells,so i think i went over board. thanks everybody. MollyZ

    MollyZ .. I had the same issues with taxotere and salt ..
    swollen ankles .. at times 3 times normal size .. difficult to stand, walk or sleep. Hydration with water .. helped relieve my side effort at times, but not always .. And I was extremely careful about salt .. Chemo therapy affects us all differently ..

    Good luck ... drink, drink water to flush your system.

    Strength and Courage.

    Vicki Sam
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    VickiSam said:

    MollyZ .. I had the same issues with taxotere and salt ..
    swollen ankles .. at times 3 times normal size .. difficult to stand, walk or sleep. Hydration with water .. helped relieve my side effort at times, but not always .. And I was extremely careful about salt .. Chemo therapy affects us all differently ..

    Good luck ... drink, drink water to flush your system.

    Strength and Courage.

    Vicki Sam

    tax and salt
    Thank you VickiSam,
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I've had 4 tx of Taxotere/Cytoxan and am having severe swelling in the feet/ankles/lower leg. I hurt. The onco nurse told me it is a side effect. I do have to watch my salt intact as I have high bp. And yes, everything has salt in it! I believe 2300mg is the daily limit anyone should have. I have 2 more chemo tx to go and hope I'm not swollen for the duration! I can barely get my shoes on. lol NOT!
    {{hugs}} Char
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I've had 4 tx of Taxotere/Cytoxan and am having severe swelling in the feet/ankles/lower leg. I hurt. The onco nurse told me it is a side effect. I do have to watch my salt intact as I have high bp. And yes, everything has salt in it! I believe 2300mg is the daily limit anyone should have. I have 2 more chemo tx to go and hope I'm not swollen for the duration! I can barely get my shoes on. lol NOT!
    {{hugs}} Char

    Hey, i do thank you so much for the information i thought my onco. nurse told me right. i was getting nervous about no one else knowing about this so thank you very much. MollyZ
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    mollyz said:

    Hey, i do thank you so much for the information i thought my onco. nurse told me right. i was getting nervous about no one else knowing about this so thank you very much. MollyZ

    I went to see my PCP this morning about my cough and he is recommending I take a diuretic to help with the swelling.
    {{hugs}} Char


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