Tomorrow is my last chemo

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just had to type it out for myself so I could read the words. Tomorrow is my LAST chemo treatment!!! I will be oh so glad to start recovering and getting back to normal. I feel trapped in my body sometimes, that always gets worn out & doesn't have the energy that it should. This Taxotere really kicked my butt 2 weeks ago, not the same side effects as the AC but new ones - i got rashes on the palms of my hands that have gone away but ended up peeling the skin off areas of my hand! yikes! Hot flashes ALL the time..I'm going to do my best to keep reminding myself "you're all done with chemo" when it's got me feeling my worst next week.
Mom will be right next to me, getting #2 of her 6 chemo treatments. I won't be able to fully celebrate until she's done with her chemo, too. It is really taking a toll on her, and nausea & fatigue sometimes get the better of her, but she's getting all the rest she can & still keeping a positive attitude.
On another note - I got an email from my local Americcan Cancer Society yesterday, they want me to give a speech before our Making Strides walk on the 23rd! The idea of being on stage with a microphone in front of hundreds of people kinda freaks me out!! yikes! But, I'm going to do it for all of us.


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  • dee1962
    dee1962 Member Posts: 99
    that's the way to
    that's the way to of luck to you
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    Last chemos are the best
    Last chemos are the best ever. Congrats. And good luck on the speech. I personally would need a couple bottles of wine before I could do it.

  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    Good for you!!
    So glad you will be done with chemo!! My last chemo was October 9, 2009 (yep, 1 yr already!) and I just told my husband the other day that while you're in the battle you don't think much about just do, do, do it!! But now that I'm through with treatment I can't believe I actually went through all of that! It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.

    So be proud of yourself! Congratulations and best of luck to your mom, too!


  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Yea for last chemo!!
    I am so happy for you to be so close to that last one. I am praying that this one will be much easier on you and your Mom. I did Taxotere too, I had hot flashes and have them now because of the Tamoxifen, not fun at all but I can do it!! I did not have the other SE's you mentioned, hopefully you will not this time. I did not have any energy but that has gotten better.
    I will be praying for your Mom too that her treatment will go well. I need to get her another card in the mail.
    Congratulations on being ask to speak, I am sure you will do a great job! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Heather, I am so glad that
    Heather, I am so glad that you are finishing up--yay! And I know how you feel about being a prisoner in your body. My mind is so peppy but my body often says no, no ,no.

    The hot flashes will slowly subside. I used to keep a spare nightie by the bed because I would wake up drenched. But hot flashes are much, much better now.

    I am bursting buttons proud that you are giving a speech for us. You won't have any problems because your Pink Warriors will be with you holding your hand every step of the way. And you will imagine everyone in the audience naked--I hear that helps (if you don't start giggling).
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Heather, I am so glad that
    Heather, I am so glad that you are finishing up--yay! And I know how you feel about being a prisoner in your body. My mind is so peppy but my body often says no, no ,no.

    The hot flashes will slowly subside. I used to keep a spare nightie by the bed because I would wake up drenched. But hot flashes are much, much better now.

    I am bursting buttons proud that you are giving a speech for us. You won't have any problems because your Pink Warriors will be with you holding your hand every step of the way. And you will imagine everyone in the audience naked--I hear that helps (if you don't start giggling).

    Another Chemo Queen is awaiting her 'Crown' ...
    Way to go, Girlfriend!!!! You can see that finish line, right? We chemo queen that have finished our chemo journey, are smiling and pushing you on this last leg.

    Way to go ...:D

    ♕ ♕ Vicki Sam ♕ ♕
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Heather, I am so glad that
    Heather, I am so glad that you are finishing up--yay! And I know how you feel about being a prisoner in your body. My mind is so peppy but my body often says no, no ,no.

    The hot flashes will slowly subside. I used to keep a spare nightie by the bed because I would wake up drenched. But hot flashes are much, much better now.

    I am bursting buttons proud that you are giving a speech for us. You won't have any problems because your Pink Warriors will be with you holding your hand every step of the way. And you will imagine everyone in the audience naked--I hear that helps (if you don't start giggling).

    Heather--you're one tough cookie!
    Congratulations on that last treatment. This is a huge milestone--and you can do it! I understand your not being able to fully celebrate until your mom is through too.

    We're with you every step of the way, Heatherbelle. I think it's wonderful that you're giving that speech. Your pink girls thank you for that and we'll be with you on that podium--you'll feel it!

    Hugs, Renee
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Heather, yeah for you!!
    I remember all to well finishing my chemo last year. My last treatment was 10/15/09 and that was a day worth remembering. I then had rads to go through after that but, for me, the chemo was by far the worst of it. Good luck tomorrow and I know you will be there rooting your mom on. You will do a great job in giving a speech, thank you. I love Cynthia's idea of imagining that the people in front of you are all naked. Scary at the same time!! LOL.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Hooray for the last chemo.
    Hooray for the last chemo. I know that you will have to get through the inevitable side effects but just knowing that tomorrow is the last time for this is so fantastic. You've been a champ at dealing with all of this. And how encouraging for your mom to see you've completed your chemo. I know, as a mom, that would be so uplifting to me. And yes, the real celebration will be when both of you are done and NED takes your hands.
    I think that it great that you have been invited to give a speech. I know you will do just beautifully. To paraphrase an old adage, when you are up there facing that crowd, picture them all living a cancerfree life. We'll all be with you on that stage with you, bursting with pride.
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Yeah!!!! Almost done with chemo! will get through the last cycle,,,,just will be done and over with!!!! Congrats and hugs
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Heather,
    I am sooooo happy that you are finishing your chemo. Hopefully, this one won't be too bad for you. Tell your Mom I wish her luck too. I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow. Hugs, Jean
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    woo hoo!
    how wonderful to see that in writing, heatherbelle! so happy for you!!!
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    my last 4 round were taxol, horrible stuff, I had much of the same complaints. So happy hear you are done. Speak well Heather, be our voice!! hugs...alison
  • MomMichelle
    MomMichelle Member Posts: 93
    I am so excited for you Heather! You started chemo close to when I did and I remember reading your posts for you are going to stand up for all of us and inspire tons of other people. I am so happy for you. Hope your treatment goes well and the side effects are minimal and quick! Still thinking about your mom too, hope she is hanging in! How nice it will be when you can both really celebrate!
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    The best chemo is the last chemo, that is as long as the need for it exists. Congratulations on finishing and we know your mom will soon be celebrating the finish of her own treatment.
    Also kudos on being asked to speak. You can do it. You've done chemo and compared to that a speech is a piece of cake. We'll all be with you in spirit and if I were you I'd make some of the audience put their clothes back on. : )
    Sending you and your mom hugs and angels on your continued journeys.

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    The best chemo is the last chemo, that is as long as the need for it exists. Congratulations on finishing and we know your mom will soon be celebrating the finish of her own treatment.
    Also kudos on being asked to speak. You can do it. You've done chemo and compared to that a speech is a piece of cake. We'll all be with you in spirit and if I were you I'd make some of the audience put their clothes back on. : )
    Sending you and your mom hugs and angels on your continued journeys.


    Agree with Marge
    "The best chemo is the last chemo". Way to go!! Just remember to drink, drink, drink (water that is)lol. With your sense of humor, you'll do fine with the speech.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Heather, I'm so glad you a
    Heather, I'm so glad you a getting you last one tomorrow yippee!! I had my last one yesterday. So happy about that too. Now things will just get better and better. I can't wait to have energy and feel better. Surgery will be a breeze compared to chemo. Good luck with the speech you have more guts then me LOL. Take care Heather stay strong Kay.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm so glad you've reached this point in your treatment. Congrats! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I hope you feel better soon. Will you be having any radiation?
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    You have come so far Heather. I remember reading/following your posts months ago before I ever signed on with my pink sisters. You know after all you have been through with your BC, maybe making that speech in front of all those people won't be as hard as you think.
    Go get 'em!
    My best to your MOM. It sounds like it's been hard for her, hopefully she will do OK.
  • chriskaput
    chriskaput Member Posts: 109
    your last chemo!!!
    Yay! I am so happy for you. I just finished last week myself.
    wishing you all the best as well as for your mom : )


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