Good News & Not So Good News

skipper85 Member Posts: 229
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well the good news is my husband finally got his appointment for lung cancer surgery - Nov 1st.

The not so good news is that although my mammogram came back normal considering my family history with breast cancer my pc doc wants me to have a consult with a breast surgeon to make sure the area that she thought was abnormal is okay. I guess I should be happy she's so vigilant but my stomach is in a knot and I don't think I can take anymore of this stress. I hope I can get an appointment really soon.

I've got to salute all you pink ladies. I just don't know how you do it. You are all amazing women. I'm drawing from your strength to get through this extra stressful time in my life. Guess it's prayer time. I've got the "big guy" on speed dial these days.

Wish me luck.



  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    as if you weren't already dealing with enough between your sister and your husband. I'm glad your dr is vigilant but I do know that now you're worrying. I'm hoping that it's just a precaution and nothing to worry about. When do you see the surgeon? I hope your husband's lung surgery goes well. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • skipper85
    skipper85 Member Posts: 229
    cahjah75 said:

    as if you weren't already dealing with enough between your sister and your husband. I'm glad your dr is vigilant but I do know that now you're worrying. I'm hoping that it's just a precaution and nothing to worry about. When do you see the surgeon? I hope your husband's lung surgery goes well. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char

    I'll probably get a call from the surgeon for an appointment tomorrow or the next day. I really appreciate the hugs and the prayers. I thought I was handling everything so well but I guess this is the straw that broke the camel's back. I guess I'll just have to pull up my big girl panties and tough it out.

    I'll keep updating.

    Thanks for your post.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Skipper you know you always
    Skipper you know you always have our prayers and positive thoughts. You have been through so much. I am so very sorry you have to go through so much. Things will get better. Your husband will have his surgery. And you will find out for sure what is going on with you. I pray it is nothing. But it is a good thing that your Dr is vigilant. keep us posted we are all with you don't ever forget that. We love ya Kid Take care Kay {{{HUGS}}} How is your sister doing?
  • skipper85
    skipper85 Member Posts: 229

    Skipper you know you always
    Skipper you know you always have our prayers and positive thoughts. You have been through so much. I am so very sorry you have to go through so much. Things will get better. Your husband will have his surgery. And you will find out for sure what is going on with you. I pray it is nothing. But it is a good thing that your Dr is vigilant. keep us posted we are all with you don't ever forget that. We love ya Kid Take care Kay {{{HUGS}}} How is your sister doing?

    Thanks for the hugs. They do make me feel better. I think I will get an appointment pretty quick. At least knowing what's going on is better than having to wait to find out. So I hope to get this resolved this week.

    My sister is slipping away. They have increased her morphine and she hasn't eaten in about a week. She does take some coke and water. She's got hospice at home but the family is just totally exhausted. I talked with my sister the other day but she could only say a few words. It was very upsetting. I just want her to find peace.

    How are you doing Kay? I see you like dogs. I have a Bassett - Daschund - Beagle mix. There might be a little Fox Hound in there too. She's spoiled rotten and has a mind of her own but I love her anyway. She really brightens my life. We had another dog that we had to put to sleep last year this time. It was tough. Samantha was the best dog we ever had. She was a German Shephard - Doberman mix. What a great dog! My daughter has three dogs. One is a therapy dog that she takes to nursing homes and soon to the domestic violence shelter.
    What kind of dog(s) do you have? I know that this is off topic but dogs can be such comfort when you are sick or upset.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    So sorry that you

    So sorry that you are having this added stress but it is good that your doctor is being diligent. I will keep you in my prayers and good thoughts.