~~~~ What were you doing on 9/11? ~~~~



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I was at work and had the
    I was at work and had the morning news on. I thought, like a lot of others it was a small plane that had hit the building. I kept watching and it slowly started to sink in what was happening. My daughter was a freshman in college, she was about 45 minutes away. I talked to her she was ok. My son was a Jr. in HS at Crawford HS Crawford as in Bush's Western White House. We were hearing reports that Crawford could be hit, of course there were lots of rumors. They did dismiss school early because so many parents were picking up their kids. I made Jared come stay with me because I had to be with the family I could get there with me. Between Bush's ranch and being about 45 minutes and closer to different parts of Ft. Hood TX we saw a lot of air traffic. After that we always knew Bush was at the ranch because of the fighter jets.
    Like all Americans my heart still breaks for all the families that lost loved ones that terrible day. It was a tragic day for so many. May God Bless us all
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Getting ready for work .. Watching Good Morning America
    just like Miss Nat .. stood in front of the TV for about an hour .. woke my children up, told them to come out and watch history unfold. Andrew and Alexandra thought I was crazy for keeping them home from school, as we live in California - However, I couldn't leave the house or TV. News flashing the possiblity of a plane going down in Downtown L.A., or Disneyland (we lived 15 minutes from Disneyland) .. any heavy populated area.

    Stunned and numb for days ..

    God's Blessings on our World.

    Vicki Sam
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    We were in Charleston, SC
    My husband and I were in Charleston, SC for a business meeting. When we woke up that morning I turned on the t.v. The first tower had just been hit. Needless to say, we were glued to the t.v. most of the day.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    I was at school where I
    I was at school where I teach -- went to the office on break--secretaries said a plane had
    hit one of the towers. At first I thought it was just a terrible accident (plane out of control) but then realized it wasn't.

    Since then my son has been deployed to Iraq twice; my nephew was killed in Iraq in 2004 in Bagdad. Little did I know on 9-11-2001 what a devastating effect it would have on my families & thousands of other families just like mine.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Tux said:

    I was at school where I
    I was at school where I teach -- went to the office on break--secretaries said a plane had
    hit one of the towers. At first I thought it was just a terrible accident (plane out of control) but then realized it wasn't.

    Since then my son has been deployed to Iraq twice; my nephew was killed in Iraq in 2004 in Bagdad. Little did I know on 9-11-2001 what a devastating effect it would have on my families & thousands of other families just like mine.

    9/11 the day America cried
    I drove my eldest to school because he missed the bus. My youngest was 3 weeks old. I heard about the plane hitting the tower on the radio. When I returned home I was glued to the tv. while crying the whole time. I'll never forget it or the sicken feeling in my spirit.

    Everytime I look at pics or see footage I can't help but cry, especially when I see the firefighters.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I was at home
    getting ready to go to a dentist appt. with my husband. Since we live on the west coast it had already happened 3 hours earlier before I found out. My daughter was the one who told me about it. She was living in LA at the time and called to tell me they were fine. I asked her what she was talking about. She told me what had happened and that there were some reports that there was a plane on the way to do something simialr in LA. Thank God that didn't happen.
    My heart still goes out to the families of all of the innocent people who died that day.

    Hugs to everyone
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Yes! I remember exactly where I was!
    I was driving into my church's parking lot to go to a women's Bible study that morning. I was listening to the news about the World Trade Center on the radio as it had just happened and they were still trying to sort out all the details.

    Needless to say, it was the topic of conversation at our Bible study! We did a lot of praying that morning!


    P.S. - I just got done watching a documentary of 9/11 on the History Channel. Made my stomach turn and got very sad and angry. Everyone should watch it and remember those affected on that dreadful day in America's history. God Bless America!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    sal314 said:

    Yes! I remember exactly where I was!
    I was driving into my church's parking lot to go to a women's Bible study that morning. I was listening to the news about the World Trade Center on the radio as it had just happened and they were still trying to sort out all the details.

    Needless to say, it was the topic of conversation at our Bible study! We did a lot of praying that morning!


    P.S. - I just got done watching a documentary of 9/11 on the History Channel. Made my stomach turn and got very sad and angry. Everyone should watch it and remember those affected on that dreadful day in America's history. God Bless America!

    Such an important date to
    Such an important date to remember. Praying for all of the poor people that lost someone on 9/11 and God Bless America!
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    I was
    I was in nursing school at the time. I remember I was leaving out the door to go to class when my mom said a plane went into a building. I thought nothing of it until I got to school and saw on TV what was happening. I could not believe what I was seeing. My prayers go out to the victims of this senseless tragedy.
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    I remember...
    I was at my Mother's - she had been in the hospital. I was going to go home that day. I got up, listened at her door, then went back to bed. My friend called my hysterical, saying we were under attack. I called my boss and he said don't try to come back that day, I would have had to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and they had all the bridges closed. He also said traffic was horrible because they were telling all the federal employees to go home. That night I found out my brother's brother in law was in the building when the plane hit, he worked for ConEd, their truck was demolished, but they got out. Then my sister-in-law called and said her friend's husband had died. They at least got part of him back to bury. That was a consolation for his wife. And I also agree with those last two sentences. What has he turned us into?


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