Walked my first Making Strides 5K today

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So I participated in my first breast cancer event this morning, the ACS' Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K walk, and I'm proud to say I finished it!

1 hour and 20 minutes -- for someone only 7 months out of treatment, I'm very proud of myself.

It was difficult, though, because everyone else was there with family or friends or a team -- as far as I could see, I was the only person walking alone.

I had expected to meet other survivors, but most people there weren't survivors -- they were walking for friends or family members, or just to participate (which is fantastic, just not what I expected). Even a researcher who was trying to recruit survivors for her study said she was having a hard time finding any.

It makes me sad that none of my friends would walk with me (and I asked) -- people I know talk all the time about walking for exercise, or going to the gym, or *wanting* to start exercising -- well hey, you could come walk with me? Nobody was interested, or wanted to commit, or maybe walking for breast cancer just isn't as sexy as the gym.

I'm thinking next year I might volunteer, maybe that wouldn't feel as lonely. For now, I am proud of myself just for finishing it, and for helping raise some money for the ACS.



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  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    So, our little town held its
    So, our little town held its first Make Strides at Fess Parker's beautiful vineyard~ it was so nice walking around the grapes and seeing things grow! So, Traci, here's your Official Invite! Next year, you and I can do the Make Strides here in Santa Ynez! And I know you don't drive~ but the Coast Starlight leaves LA at 9 or so in the AM (I forget exactly) and gets to SB (3o miles from me) at noon! So~ take Friday off, take the train up, we'll hang out on Friday, do the walk on Saturday and I will deliver you beack to the train station on Sunday!!!

    Oh...I am proud of you for Making Strides~ and your timing was AWESOME~ just like you!


    PS. For the record, you weren't walking alone~how do you think you made such good time? We were there pushing you onward! :-)
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    Friends and Walking
    I had the same thing happen, Traci, when I did my first walk. We had a local walk in a town not to far from here, and I was 4 months out. Didn't find to many survivors either, but did walk with one and had a good time with her. But, friends, family.........just too busy. Yeah, right. I think it was a Saturday, it was early, and they were lazy!!

    It's ok, you did it, and you finished, and that's the main thing. It is all about you, and this was just one way of saying, "To the curb, cancerbeast!". I hope you did enjoy it.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I say hooray for you.

    I say hooray for you. I think it is great that you did this. Sorry that none of your friends wanted to share this experience with you. Volunteering is definitely a good thought. These events always need workers. I don't know much about this type of event. I have only done the Relay for Life. The first time I went by myself. This was my choice as I didn't know how I would feel once I got there. It was amazing. I have done several since and my husband comes with me. The company I worked for participates so I always have friences there which is so nice. If you haven't done a Relay I highly recommend it if you have one in your area. You will be a shining star in your beautiful tiara and it is quite an experience. I am still always amazed at the strong emotions it evokes. The luminaries, the survivor lap, the friendliness of all that attend. It is really something.
    Again, so proud of you.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Proud of You
    I am proud of you too. You have accomplished a great thing and are doing a great thing - helping those with breast cancer. You know, we were all with with you on that walk. You were not alone.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    aztec45 said:

    Proud of You
    I am proud of you too. You have accomplished a great thing and are doing a great thing - helping those with breast cancer. You know, we were all with with you on that walk. You were not alone.


    Traci and Chen .. I do drive and I would love to invite
    myself to the walk next year! I can pick Traci up on Friday, and we can arrive early p.m. -

    Something to think about .. if you all are game!

    Traci .. if I remember correctly, there is a outlet mall up pass oxnard .. Oh what fun ...

    More importantly, I am so proud of you, Traci .. walking! Sorry it was alone.

    Vicki Sam
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Traci and Chen .. I do drive and I would love to invite
    myself to the walk next year! I can pick Traci up on Friday, and we can arrive early p.m. -

    Something to think about .. if you all are game!

    Traci .. if I remember correctly, there is a outlet mall up pass oxnard .. Oh what fun ...

    More importantly, I am so proud of you, Traci .. walking! Sorry it was alone.

    Vicki Sam

    Proud of you!

    Your post made me tear up--you may have been walking alone in the physical, but you had a ton of us with you in spirit. You should be proud of yourself to walk that far only 7 months out of treatment!! I want to do the NYC Revlon walk next May. If it wasn't for Revolns donation to UCLA Herceptin would never have been developed. I'll be 7 months out of treatment at that point so if you can do so can I!

  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    Proud of you!

    Your post made me tear up--you may have been walking alone in the physical, but you had a ton of us with you in spirit. You should be proud of yourself to walk that far only 7 months out of treatment!! I want to do the NYC Revlon walk next May. If it wasn't for Revolns donation to UCLA Herceptin would never have been developed. I'll be 7 months out of treatment at that point so if you can do so can I!


    Congrats on a job well done!
    I plan to walk in our Susan G. Komen on September 25. Hope the weather's cooler!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Congrats on a job well done!
    I plan to walk in our Susan G. Komen on September 25. Hope the weather's cooler!

    Traci, you can just bet we were all with you in spirit!
    Way to go, Traci. That is a great accomplishment. Congratulations! I'm doing a 5K Race for the Cure walk here in Phoenix on 10/10/10 with my husband, son, daughter-in-law and friends. My daughter-in-law has started up a team for us and made a website. I'm so excited. Since I'll only be a couple of months out of treatment at that time, I hope I can finish--NO, that's not true--I WILL FINISH even if it takes 3 hours!

    Thanks for sharing--you're an inspiration!

    Hugs, Renee
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Traci you were probably the
    Traci you were probably the sexiest person out there walking your 5k....you go girl! You had all of us right behind you in your cheering section.
    I would love to do something like that and i also love to walk, but even on normal everyday walks everyone says how they want or need to but never go with me...just make up excuses why they cant!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Traci and Chen .. I do drive and I would love to invite
    myself to the walk next year! I can pick Traci up on Friday, and we can arrive early p.m. -

    Something to think about .. if you all are game!

    Traci .. if I remember correctly, there is a outlet mall up pass oxnard .. Oh what fun ...

    More importantly, I am so proud of you, Traci .. walking! Sorry it was alone.

    Vicki Sam

    Oh Good! It looks like the
    Oh Good! It looks like the So Cal reunion is moving up the a bit next year! Of course your're invited! It'll be GREAT!

    And yes, you are correct about the outlet mall! HAHAHAHAHA

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    YAY TRACI!!!!!
    Good for you. Sorry you had to walk alone...that is sad. Like others have said, we were all there with you in spirit pushing you along. I think volunteering is a great job next year. I am already signed up for our local Susan G. Komen walk and Making Strides walk. They are both in October. I've got my walking shoes ready!!! Treat yourself this evening for doing such a great thing today. Hugs, Jean
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm sorry you felt alone. Congrats on doing the walk, though :-) A year after both my sisters were dx I walked in the Race for the Cure in CT. Although I started with a group from WW I eventually was walking by myself too. You should feel good because you did it for yourself! Yeah! {{hugs}}
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Traci and Chen .. I do drive and I would love to invite
    myself to the walk next year! I can pick Traci up on Friday, and we can arrive early p.m. -

    Something to think about .. if you all are game!

    Traci .. if I remember correctly, there is a outlet mall up pass oxnard .. Oh what fun ...

    More importantly, I am so proud of you, Traci .. walking! Sorry it was alone.

    Vicki Sam

    Me too!!
    I drive, too, and I'll start earlier from San Diego, pick up Vicki Sam, we'll get Traci, and see you all mid afternoon.

    In the meantime, I'll just plan on seeing you all in two weeks!!!!!

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I'm sorry you felt alone. Congrats on doing the walk, though :-) A year after both my sisters were dx I walked in the Race for the Cure in CT. Although I started with a group from WW I eventually was walking by myself too. You should feel good because you did it for yourself! Yeah! {{hugs}}

    Thank you all for the cheers and support
    I would LOVE to walk with my SoCal sisters next year -- Claudia, thank you for the invitation, and VickiSam and Victoria for the offer!

    However we do it -- road trip or Amtrak (I do love the Coast Starlight up to Santa Barbara) -- I feel a little better today thinking about next May in Santa Ynez.


    (VickiSam -- do you think they sell HATS at the outlet mall? :-)
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    TraciInLA said:

    Thank you all for the cheers and support
    I would LOVE to walk with my SoCal sisters next year -- Claudia, thank you for the invitation, and VickiSam and Victoria for the offer!

    However we do it -- road trip or Amtrak (I do love the Coast Starlight up to Santa Barbara) -- I feel a little better today thinking about next May in Santa Ynez.


    (VickiSam -- do you think they sell HATS at the outlet mall? :-)

    Congrats on making your walk. I did a short two mile walk last weekend with the i have wings breast cancer foundation and am trying to form a team for the 5 mile making strides walk that is in October here. For my short walk i had my step mom, my niece, a friend of my step moms and only my oldest son wanted to walk. Well, Zach, my middle son was sick with strep, but Megan was just being a pain so i told her that she wasnt going to ruin my good day by complaining about walking, so i told her to stay home. I am surprised about the fact that not many survivors were at your walk. The ones who had already signed up to walk or to form a team were invited to a breakfast last tuesday and we had a lot of survivors there already. I do know how difficult it is to get people to actually commit to the walk and sign up though. I have been sending emails and requests to alot of people and only five have signed up so far. I am just going to firm on a deadline with my team though because i am getting tshirts for everyone. I hear alot tell me they want to and are going to, but havent signed up so far. I do know that my kids will all be at this one and thats whats most important to me. Im sorry that you were so alone in your walk. Its meant to be inspirational and thats sad that it wasnt. Here in Cincinnati there is always at least 16,000 walkers that show up, so im hoping that soon things will start clicking for my team. If not, then oh well, Ill be there for me surviving and others who are fighting. That makes me sad that you couldnt really meet another survivor or someone else to walk with. Dont give up. Volunteering would be awesome if you feel like doing it. I volunteer for another organization.

    Take care
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    lolad said:

    Congrats on making your walk. I did a short two mile walk last weekend with the i have wings breast cancer foundation and am trying to form a team for the 5 mile making strides walk that is in October here. For my short walk i had my step mom, my niece, a friend of my step moms and only my oldest son wanted to walk. Well, Zach, my middle son was sick with strep, but Megan was just being a pain so i told her that she wasnt going to ruin my good day by complaining about walking, so i told her to stay home. I am surprised about the fact that not many survivors were at your walk. The ones who had already signed up to walk or to form a team were invited to a breakfast last tuesday and we had a lot of survivors there already. I do know how difficult it is to get people to actually commit to the walk and sign up though. I have been sending emails and requests to alot of people and only five have signed up so far. I am just going to firm on a deadline with my team though because i am getting tshirts for everyone. I hear alot tell me they want to and are going to, but havent signed up so far. I do know that my kids will all be at this one and thats whats most important to me. Im sorry that you were so alone in your walk. Its meant to be inspirational and thats sad that it wasnt. Here in Cincinnati there is always at least 16,000 walkers that show up, so im hoping that soon things will start clicking for my team. If not, then oh well, Ill be there for me surviving and others who are fighting. That makes me sad that you couldnt really meet another survivor or someone else to walk with. Dont give up. Volunteering would be awesome if you feel like doing it. I volunteer for another organization.

    Take care

    Hi Traci
    I am so proud of you. My spirit was with you all the way in Woodley park. You did great and got an amazing result. Sorry that I could not accompany you but hopefully next year we will walk together,
    New Flower
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Good Job Traci!
    What you did was a good thing and I know you did it as much for you as anything. Your friends don't know what a good experience they missed. We were all there with you and proud of you.

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Congratulations on
    Congratulations on completing that walk. You are a strong and brave woman! Looks like you have a fun adventure in the making for next year with the other girls!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    elm3544 said:

    Congratulations on
    Congratulations on completing that walk. You are a strong and brave woman! Looks like you have a fun adventure in the making for next year with the other girls!

    Its really hard to do things
    Its really hard to do things alone, but in typical Traci fashion you pulled it off. Some people would not have done it at all. Congrats. I am getting jealous of yet another get together, actually it will be fun to hear about it. something for you to look forward to, I would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!!! Hugs to you You are awesome!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Good for you, Traci. What a
    Good for you, Traci. What a lovely spirit you are. xoxoxoxo Lynn


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