tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I did it I shaved my head(well my husband did). I actually feel great about it. Now the question is how do I care for a bald head?


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  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Hey there, bald baby!
    Good for you for taking control -- it's SO much better to "go bald" on YOUR terms, not the drugs' terms!

    With my chemo nurse's approval, I bought Johnson's Baby Shampoo, and used that on my head all through chemo and until I had enough hair to style. I figured -- it's made for sensitive little bald heads, so it'd probably be good for mine! And the familiar scent from my childhood was comforting to me.

    Watch your scalp for itchy red bumps -- folliculitis, which is very common. Let your doctor know if you get this -- they can give you a prescription acne medication that works for most people to clear it right up.

    Finally...if you decide to "go naked" (I always did, when I was indoors), BE SURE that your little scalp NEVER sees any sun! The last thing that virgin baby skin needs is a sunburn!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    .Bald head.
    Been their,done that.You will enjoy not having to fix your hair.I would put shampoe on my bald head sometimes.My hair came back real thick.Its temporary,but was one of the hardest trhings for me to get through.Good luck to you.Love and Prayers.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    .Bald head.
    Been their,done that.You will enjoy not having to fix your hair.I would put shampoe on my bald head sometimes.My hair came back real thick.Its temporary,but was one of the hardest trhings for me to get through.Good luck to you.Love and Prayers.
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Buff It Baby
    Feels good doesn't it? Just take care of you new found freedom as if is baby skin though. If your out and about and not wearing any type of head cover be sure to put sun screen on. Nothing worse than a red hot head. Just wash you head as you would wash your face. Not much different. Remember, there is no where for the sweat to go but down, that is the only thing that got to me during the summer and being bald. Enjoy. Kathryn
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Buff It Baby
    Feels good doesn't it? Just take care of you new found freedom as if is baby skin though. If your out and about and not wearing any type of head cover be sure to put sun screen on. Nothing worse than a red hot head. Just wash you head as you would wash your face. Not much different. Remember, there is no where for the sweat to go but down, that is the only thing that got to me during the summer and being bald. Enjoy. Kathryn

    I used aveeno baby shampoo
    I used aveeno baby shampoo and I have sensative skin. I was also pretty cold in the winter with no hair, I wore a sleep cap around the house. and nothing at night.
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Hey there, bald baby!
    Good for you for taking control -- it's SO much better to "go bald" on YOUR terms, not the drugs' terms!

    With my chemo nurse's approval, I bought Johnson's Baby Shampoo, and used that on my head all through chemo and until I had enough hair to style. I figured -- it's made for sensitive little bald heads, so it'd probably be good for mine! And the familiar scent from my childhood was comforting to me.

    Watch your scalp for itchy red bumps -- folliculitis, which is very common. Let your doctor know if you get this -- they can give you a prescription acne medication that works for most people to clear it right up.

    Finally...if you decide to "go naked" (I always did, when I was indoors), BE SURE that your little scalp NEVER sees any sun! The last thing that virgin baby skin needs is a sunburn!


    Thanks for the great advice.
  • Tripleneg66
    Tripleneg66 Member Posts: 11
    Bald is Beautiful!!
    I too had my head shaved. My grandkids were here and we celebrated grandma's hair disappearing. Ha! We also made pictures of bald heads to color so they wouldn't freak out with my baldness. The one thing I found was I needed to wear a cap at night because my head would be cold at first. Let me know if you want some hats and scarves. I have quite a few and my hair is GROWING BACK! WhooHoo!!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Don't forget this is an area not usually open to the sun....my first week 'out' I got a miserable sunburn!!!

    For the dryness/itch, I used a MaryKay product, forgot it's real name, but most refer to it fondly and 'axle grease'. It's pink, and really helps....

    Congrats on the head...now you MUST work on the lips....smile, gal, smile!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • putzie
    putzie Member Posts: 66 Member
    Don't you feel so much in
    Don't you feel so much in control??? I ordered several head coverings from headcovers.com
    scarves, bandannas, beanies to sleep in, and of course I have wigs. I use a gentle scalp shampoo that I bought at a hair salon. Don't really know if it makes a difference but it smells good!!!! Best of luck to you. It is a bumpy road but it does smooth out!!!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    putzie said:

    Don't you feel so much in
    Don't you feel so much in control??? I ordered several head coverings from headcovers.com
    scarves, bandannas, beanies to sleep in, and of course I have wigs. I use a gentle scalp shampoo that I bought at a hair salon. Don't really know if it makes a difference but it smells good!!!! Best of luck to you. It is a bumpy road but it does smooth out!!!

    Such wonderful and safe proofing your scalp information
    I burned my scalp, even tho I was wearing a straw hat, and boy did that hurt. Sun screen was my best friend until my tiny hair follacles became infected from my lotion. What was recommended at that time was .. Neutragena Itcy scalp shampoo - brown color - with a medicine smell -- worked GREAT.

    For internal nose hair problem - you will at times get nose sores, or scabs .. use vasoline with a q-tip ..

    Strength and Courage :D

    Vicki Sam
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    putzie said:

    Don't you feel so much in
    Don't you feel so much in control??? I ordered several head coverings from headcovers.com
    scarves, bandannas, beanies to sleep in, and of course I have wigs. I use a gentle scalp shampoo that I bought at a hair salon. Don't really know if it makes a difference but it smells good!!!! Best of luck to you. It is a bumpy road but it does smooth out!!!

    Shaving my head did give me a sense of control...... I have started a collection of head covers... Thanks for the website.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    I just washed my head as if
    I just washed my head as if i still had hair cuz thats what i was told to do. I never put anything else on my head ...didnt have to cuz i always had a bandana on unless i was at home. I couldnt stop rubbing mine it felt so weird just not having hair!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    I did just as Jo Jo did. I
    I did just as Jo Jo did. I washed my bald head just as though I had hair with my regular shampoo.

    In addition I put a scented lotion on my head after washing. Not everyone can do it but it worked ok for me and then I put on a scarf or my wig because i was bald during the winter.
  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    natly15 said:

    I did just as Jo Jo did. I
    I did just as Jo Jo did. I washed my bald head just as though I had hair with my regular shampoo.

    In addition I put a scented lotion on my head after washing. Not everyone can do it but it worked ok for me and then I put on a scarf or my wig because i was bald during the winter.

    ME TOO
    I cut off all my hair today...
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Bald is Beautiful!!
    I too had my head shaved. My grandkids were here and we celebrated grandma's hair disappearing. Ha! We also made pictures of bald heads to color so they wouldn't freak out with my baldness. The one thing I found was I needed to wear a cap at night because my head would be cold at first. Let me know if you want some hats and scarves. I have quite a few and my hair is GROWING BACK! WhooHoo!!

    This might not sound right,
    This might not sound right, but, congrats! Congrats on being such a very brave woman!

  • donna321
    donna321 Member Posts: 3

    ME TOO
    I cut off all my hair today...

    Tomorrow is my day
    I am going for my 2nd treatment on Thursday and I have long hair. I am shaving tomorrow when I pick up my new wig. I'm a little nervous and anxious. I have to do it to have some control over the cancer..
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    DianeBC said:

    This might not sound right,
    This might not sound right, but, congrats! Congrats on being such a very brave woman!


    I do feel a since of bravery.
  • shaggy420
    shaggy420 Member Posts: 28
    donna321 said:

    Tomorrow is my day
    I am going for my 2nd treatment on Thursday and I have long hair. I am shaving tomorrow when I pick up my new wig. I'm a little nervous and anxious. I have to do it to have some control over the cancer..

    Well I am right there with
    Well I am right there with you, my husband just shaved my head lastnight. It was very freeing to know that I was a head of the chemo treatments I am going to be starting this friday 8/06/10. I had breast cancer and survived that and now I can survive this too. Plus my mom shaved her head also with me for support and she had really long hair. I had cut it short when I found out I had cancer to begin with.

  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    shaggy420 said:

    Well I am right there with
    Well I am right there with you, my husband just shaved my head lastnight. It was very freeing to know that I was a head of the chemo treatments I am going to be starting this friday 8/06/10. I had breast cancer and survived that and now I can survive this too. Plus my mom shaved her head also with me for support and she had really long hair. I had cut it short when I found out I had cancer to begin with.


    Its wonderful that you have such a supportive family.


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