I must have been hit by a bus while I slept last night...

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Wow did I wake up in some pain this morning! It's 15 days since my bilateral mastectomy, and 4 days since port surgery, and 2 days since my fill on my expanders. Don't know if I did too much yesterday or what but MAAAAN did I wake up hurting today! Chest sore & bruised feeling, armpits felt like I was dragged by them for hours. Took some pain meds with my coffee, though, and it's starting to feel better. I drove my trick for the first time in weeks last night -just to 7-11 to grab some butter (because my husband forgot this key ingredient for the no-bake cookies my 9 yr old and I were about to make!). Had to slip the seat belt behind my back though because it was quite uncomfortable.
It feels weird to have the port under my skin. Just the feeling of the big bulge under there. And it is nice to look down at my chest and see a little bit of cleavage :) I have a long way to go with the expanders, though. I told my plastic surgeon when he was giving me my fill that I was in NO WAY going for a "natural look" lol. He did 150 cc's at the time of my surgery, and did 100cc's on Wednesday, and will do another 100 cc's every 2 weeks. Is that how often everyone else gets their expanders filled, every 2 weeks? I seriously am considering asking him if I can come in every week. I had no pain from the fill, but he did tell me that as I get bigger I will get uncomfortable from the skin stretching. I just really miss my boobs. I can handle losing all my hair from the chemo if I have great big boobs to show off. I know that's pretty childish of me -but you have to understand I've been a "boob girl" since I was little and thought Dolly Parton was the most beautiful woman in the world! I'm looking forward to tonight, my girls are going to stay the night with my sister in law, and my 2 best friends and their husbands are coming over to hang out, have a bon fire (we have a ton of yard waste to burn off in our fire pit), and a few drinks, and take lots of silly pictures.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


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  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Love your Attitude! Just the
    Love your Attitude! Just the other day I was complaining about the extra weight Im caring around,especially in the belly area, and the NOthing fits mood. But then I had to go purchase bras and I felt so much better. To think I went from a B size cup to a full C. I kinda like that! I know what you mean what silly things make us happy. Hope you get your pain under control and enjoy the weekend.
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    Love your Attitude! Just the
    Love your Attitude! Just the other day I was complaining about the extra weight Im caring around,especially in the belly area, and the NOthing fits mood. But then I had to go purchase bras and I felt so much better. To think I went from a B size cup to a full C. I kinda like that! I know what you mean what silly things make us happy. Hope you get your pain under control and enjoy the weekend.

    So Heather, I'm reading your post and at the end you say "your girls" are spending the night somewhere else and for a minute I thought you meant your boobs!!!!

    You made me laugh, or my idiocy made me laugh, but either way, I had a good laugh.

    Silly me,
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    aisling8 said:

    So Heather, I'm reading your post and at the end you say "your girls" are spending the night somewhere else and for a minute I thought you meant your boobs!!!!

    You made me laugh, or my idiocy made me laugh, but either way, I had a good laugh.

    Silly me,

    :) Victoria
    Haha Victoria, that IS funny! And I do refer to them as "my girls" from time to time -but since I don't have any prosthetic boobies my girls CAN'T stay the night anywhere but with me! Lol - let me clarify - my daughters are staying the night somewhere lol....
    I'm SO sharing that with everyone tonight, should make for a few good laughs!!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Hi HeatherI had many days
    Hi Heather
    I had many days like that after my mastectomy...one day i feel great the next like you felt like i was hit by a truck and dragged. You start to realize it doesnt take much to over do it...even simple tasks like driving!
    Hmmmm....big and perky like Dolly Parton...lol!
    Everyone is differnt in there filling. I think some of it has to do with how much skin you have to start with...for me i didnt have any skin left...they took everything! So my fills were about 25 cc's sometimes if i was feeling brave 50 cc's at once a week.
    Just remember to dont rush yourself, this isnt a race and trust me you have plenty of time to get to your perky Dolly Parton stage. The slower you go i believe the better the results cuz of getting stretch marks or thin skin or chance of reopening the incisions ect. So just be careful!
    Have fun at your bonfire...it sounds like a great time!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey Heather
    My plastic surgeon left it up to me how often I wanted my fills. She told me that I could come every week. That didn't work out all the time because of my schedule or hers. The most that I got at one time was 120 cc's, and didn't have any problem. Everyone is different. I love Dolly Parton too! Have fun at your bon fire tonight and have a drink ...or two ... or three for me :>) Hugs, Jean
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hey Heather
    My plastic surgeon left it up to me how often I wanted my fills. She told me that I could come every week. That didn't work out all the time because of my schedule or hers. The most that I got at one time was 120 cc's, and didn't have any problem. Everyone is different. I love Dolly Parton too! Have fun at your bon fire tonight and have a drink ...or two ... or three for me :>) Hugs, Jean

    Thanks ladies! I feel the
    Thanks ladies! I feel the need to clarify something - I am NOT going for the Dolly Parton size!!! When I was little I was fascinated by her & her boobs & thought she was the prettiest woman alive! If I got that size I wouldn't be able to walk upright!! JoJo, I talked with my plastic surgeon before surgery about how I wanted to have big ones again after my surgery, and they saved quite a bit of my skin so it won't be that difficult for me to grow into them! And I am looking forward to having a couple icy cold beers tonight, it's been quite a while since I've even been thirsty for one! Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Thanks ladies! I feel the
    Thanks ladies! I feel the need to clarify something - I am NOT going for the Dolly Parton size!!! When I was little I was fascinated by her & her boobs & thought she was the prettiest woman alive! If I got that size I wouldn't be able to walk upright!! JoJo, I talked with my plastic surgeon before surgery about how I wanted to have big ones again after my surgery, and they saved quite a bit of my skin so it won't be that difficult for me to grow into them! And I am looking forward to having a couple icy cold beers tonight, it's been quite a while since I've even been thirsty for one! Have a great weekend everyone :)

    Heatherbelle my dear sister with the pink streak ...LOL love
    your picture and hair .. if memory serves me, I make this statement to you often .. oh well can't teach a old dog new tricks. Anyways I had a comment to make .. so here I go .. my girls were tender for weeks after my bi-lateral, in fact when driving to oncology for chemo, or visiting my plastic surgeon for the multiple doctor follow ups - I carried a small pillow with me .. I placed the pillow, gently against my new ta-ta's then put my seat beat on - it helped with the bumps in our roads out here in California. My first couple of car rides - I felt like we were traveling in a covered wagon, and not a SUV ... LOL .. oh the hurt ! Did I mention that I slept on my side .. I had the most difficult time falling asleep on my back, due the the mact-my and my new tissue expanders. The first night I got any normal sleep was back in early Feb... 3 weeks after mact-my.

    My decision regarding my new ta-ta's .. Vicki -- GO BIG, or go home. Heatherbelle - it's been 9 days since my exchange and I purchased several new bra's... took my 1950's support bra off and threw in the trash last night, after arriving home from post op appointment .. I am more than a 'C' cup, yes .. my new girls are FLOWING out of every new bra. I even purchased a larger cup bra for night sleeping .. yep yep yep -- my girls are very happy in the larger cup size bra .. Plastic states that I am still swollen, and will be for several months ...

    Enjoy your icy cold beers tonight.

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    You go girl!
    Heather, even though I opted for no reconstruction now, every day is different as far as discomfort goes. One hour I feel great and the next I feel so tight and numb and the nerve twinges are unnerving at times! I was always a boob girl too and if I was your age (my daughter turns 34 tomorrow) I would be doing as you are. Enjoy the beer and company of friends!

    Vicki Sam - you are a hoot! Enjoy wearing your new bras, even the nighty-nite ones:-)

    I had lunch with 2 of my sisters and my mom yesterday to celebrate my mom's 82nd bday. They were looking at me a bit different wondering why there were mounds under my top after having bilateral mast'my. I told them I was wearing my camisole with my cotton boobs. It looks natural but doesn't feel it because there is no weight to them and they move around. lol
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    You go girl!
    Heather, even though I opted for no reconstruction now, every day is different as far as discomfort goes. One hour I feel great and the next I feel so tight and numb and the nerve twinges are unnerving at times! I was always a boob girl too and if I was your age (my daughter turns 34 tomorrow) I would be doing as you are. Enjoy the beer and company of friends!

    Vicki Sam - you are a hoot! Enjoy wearing your new bras, even the nighty-nite ones:-)

    I had lunch with 2 of my sisters and my mom yesterday to celebrate my mom's 82nd bday. They were looking at me a bit different wondering why there were mounds under my top after having bilateral mast'my. I told them I was wearing my camisole with my cotton boobs. It looks natural but doesn't feel it because there is no weight to them and they move around. lol

    Char .. Where did you purchase these gems from ???
    I found several at Nordstrom's out here in California, but the price for one was $56.00 bucks ..

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    VickiSam said:

    Char .. Where did you purchase these gems from ???
    I found several at Nordstrom's out here in California, but the price for one was $56.00 bucks ..

    Vicki Sam

    I purchased
    my camisoles at a boutique in the hospital at the cancer center I go to. They were great post mast'my because I could wear them without the boob inserts and there were velcroed pockets to hold drains. They were pricey @ $62.75 ea! If I end up having rads I can wear them in the daytime w/inserts and wear my hubby's tshirt to bed. I've submitted it to insurance and still waiting to see if they're going to reimburse 80%. I didn't know it at the time but the boutique was considered out-of-network.
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82
    I can relate
    My first three fills were a piece of cake but the 4th one has been pretty rough. I do pretty good during the day when I am working and moving around and not thinking about it but when I lay down at night and then try to get up in the morning it feels like I have a mack truck sitting on my chest. But on the bright side, my "girls" are getting bigger and I almost feel normal again. When I wear tops now it doesn't look like a washboard. Sounds like you are going to have a good time this weekend. Nothing like good friends to help you forget about what you are going through. Have fun!!!!
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    slynch said:

    I can relate
    My first three fills were a piece of cake but the 4th one has been pretty rough. I do pretty good during the day when I am working and moving around and not thinking about it but when I lay down at night and then try to get up in the morning it feels like I have a mack truck sitting on my chest. But on the bright side, my "girls" are getting bigger and I almost feel normal again. When I wear tops now it doesn't look like a washboard. Sounds like you are going to have a good time this weekend. Nothing like good friends to help you forget about what you are going through. Have fun!!!!

    pain question!
    Do any of you have any prescriptions for pain/discomfort during expansion process? I still have leftover pain meds from my surgery and I have to take them after I wake up -it's just SO PAINFUL when I first get up. Not only still sore in my chest and armpit area, but I can't twist too far to the left, or reach too far, or lift something too heavy, or I'll get these terrible muscle-pulling pains. I didn't know if I'm supposed to just grin & bear it, or if muscle relaxers helped better than pain meds, or if I'm just a big baby and most everyone else just pops a tylenol or 2 and feels better!
  • bakerette
    bakerette Member Posts: 74

    pain question!
    Do any of you have any prescriptions for pain/discomfort during expansion process? I still have leftover pain meds from my surgery and I have to take them after I wake up -it's just SO PAINFUL when I first get up. Not only still sore in my chest and armpit area, but I can't twist too far to the left, or reach too far, or lift something too heavy, or I'll get these terrible muscle-pulling pains. I didn't know if I'm supposed to just grin & bear it, or if muscle relaxers helped better than pain meds, or if I'm just a big baby and most everyone else just pops a tylenol or 2 and feels better!

    I haven't had a fill yet.
    I haven't had a fill yet. That's coming up on Thursday. I'm a little nervous.
    I don't take pain meds of any kind during the day but sometimes I will take one Tylenol PM before I go to bed. I still have trouble sleeping through the whole night since the mast. So sometimes I give in and take the Tylenol PM. It really seems to help a lot with that stiff achy board strapped to the chest feeling that I wake up with.
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Thinking about you Heatherbelle!!

    Keep it coming!!

  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82

    pain question!
    Do any of you have any prescriptions for pain/discomfort during expansion process? I still have leftover pain meds from my surgery and I have to take them after I wake up -it's just SO PAINFUL when I first get up. Not only still sore in my chest and armpit area, but I can't twist too far to the left, or reach too far, or lift something too heavy, or I'll get these terrible muscle-pulling pains. I didn't know if I'm supposed to just grin & bear it, or if muscle relaxers helped better than pain meds, or if I'm just a big baby and most everyone else just pops a tylenol or 2 and feels better!

    Pain Meds
    I had some pain meds left over from the mastectomy and on the 4th fill I had to take them to help me relax. My muscles would tense up and that made it worse so I did take the pain meds. I think when I go back for the 5th fill and I am going to ask for more pain meds or either a muscle relaxer, whichever will help the most.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Pinkpower said:

    Love your Attitude! Just the
    Love your Attitude! Just the other day I was complaining about the extra weight Im caring around,especially in the belly area, and the NOthing fits mood. But then I had to go purchase bras and I felt so much better. To think I went from a B size cup to a full C. I kinda like that! I know what you mean what silly things make us happy. Hope you get your pain under control and enjoy the weekend.

    I hope you get the pain
    I hope you get the pain under control too and hoping you had a great weekend.

    Hugs, Megan
  • Sally5
    Sally5 Member Posts: 87

    Thinking about you Heatherbelle!!

    Keep it coming!!


    Wow, I still have a little pain. It's from the "muscle stretching". (or yanking...) Tissue expanders sounds so delicate!!

    At first, I did use the Darvaset (?) I had from surgery. I later found out that you can get a muscle relaxer from your dr.

    ** Heather, I'm sure you can ask your dr. next time you get a fill. I actually asked them to fill less (due to the pain)...
    I'm now at wk 11 and done with my fills.... You have come so far. I learned to be patient with my body. .... At 3 weeks, I wanted these things out..... THEN... I found this wonderful SITE.

    ** MLynch said it right.... It feels like a mack truck on her chest!!

    Take care,

    Merry (Sally5)
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    bakerette said:

    I haven't had a fill yet.
    I haven't had a fill yet. That's coming up on Thursday. I'm a little nervous.
    I don't take pain meds of any kind during the day but sometimes I will take one Tylenol PM before I go to bed. I still have trouble sleeping through the whole night since the mast. So sometimes I give in and take the Tylenol PM. It really seems to help a lot with that stiff achy board strapped to the chest feeling that I wake up with.

    Hoping Heather that you are
    Hoping Heather that you are feeling better!
  • Ladydi6365
    Ladydi6365 Member Posts: 26

    pain question!
    Do any of you have any prescriptions for pain/discomfort during expansion process? I still have leftover pain meds from my surgery and I have to take them after I wake up -it's just SO PAINFUL when I first get up. Not only still sore in my chest and armpit area, but I can't twist too far to the left, or reach too far, or lift something too heavy, or I'll get these terrible muscle-pulling pains. I didn't know if I'm supposed to just grin & bear it, or if muscle relaxers helped better than pain meds, or if I'm just a big baby and most everyone else just pops a tylenol or 2 and feels better!

    Hi Heather,
    I too was a big

    Hi Heather,

    I too was a big baby when it came to my tissue expanders. I had a bilat mastectomy in Febuary and had fills every 2 weeks til I reached 650cc. I had smaller amounts of saline put in and it was still very painful. I talked to my PS and he said I could take some percocet for the pain that I had leftover from my surgery then he wrote me a new RX for some more as I needed it. I am all done with fills and just waiting for the end of chemo so I can have the exchange surgery.
    Dont feel bad taking the prescription meds it really helped me cope with the pain
    good luck to you!


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