Post PC...... what other CAs to look for?

thinders Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Age 59

Diagnosed in Aug 2009, Radical removal in Oct 2009.

Gleason was a 7

Post Op PSAs (3) have been zero

What are the odds of CA popping anywhere else........and where to check.... to make sure.


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  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    From my perspective and 2
    From my perspective and 2 can control very little in your life. You can be the guy with a totally contained PCa with a less than 3% statistic of any reoccurrence and have an immediate reoccurrence after surgery or the guy with bladder neck invasion, seminal vesicle invasion, 5+4 Gleason and with limited statistics to live more than 5 years and live 40 more with no issues….

    My spiritual adviser (my priest) told me when I stated this journey to let go of “statistical data” and just live life…You really never know when you time is up…especially statically when it will….

    At this juncture I control what I can control which is my diet, exercise and how I handle my stresses in life….

    Peace and the best to you during your journey
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    You can look at the Han
    You can look at the Han Tables. You can find them at

    The "Han tables" were developed by urologists, Misop Han, M.D., Alan W. Partin, M.D., Ph.D., and Patrick C. Walsh, M.D., based on accumulated data from thousands of patients who had been treated for prostate cancer at the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital. After using The Partin Tables to predict the definitive pathological stage (the extent of cancer spread), men and their doctors may want to know the probability of recurrence following surgery (radical prostatectomy). The Han tables were designed to predict the probability of the first evidence of recurrence (detectable PSA level) following surgery.

    Don't let any numbers discourge you though. We are each individuals and not sure if we can be fit into a table!

  • thinders
    thinders Member Posts: 2
    lewvino said:

    You can look at the Han
    You can look at the Han Tables. You can find them at

    The "Han tables" were developed by urologists, Misop Han, M.D., Alan W. Partin, M.D., Ph.D., and Patrick C. Walsh, M.D., based on accumulated data from thousands of patients who had been treated for prostate cancer at the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital. After using The Partin Tables to predict the definitive pathological stage (the extent of cancer spread), men and their doctors may want to know the probability of recurrence following surgery (radical prostatectomy). The Han tables were designed to predict the probability of the first evidence of recurrence (detectable PSA level) following surgery.

    Don't let any numbers discourge you though. We are each individuals and not sure if we can be fit into a table!


    Very useful.....for PC any thoughts about other CA's?
    the Post Op numbers look ok for me

    Probability of Biochemical Recurrence
    (detectable PSA level) at
    3 years after surgery: 3% (1-7)
    5 years after surgery: 4% (1-11)
    7 years after surgery: 6% (2-16)
    10 years after surgery: 8% (3-21)

    Question is, given that I have had PC.... are there any stats on CA showing up anywhere else...... e.g. liver, lung etc .......
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    There is a molecular test performed by a company Aureon, where they , I guess take samples from the parafin blocks from your biopsy and look for aggressive tumors...they then mathematically compare it with other factors such as PSA, gleason, etc to approximately 1000 men who have had radical protectemy, and come up with the likelyhood of the the cancer progressing 8 years in the future.

    But be cautioned on the following; there is a sensitivity of 74percent and a a specificity of 64prcent. What that means is tat among 100 bad tuors, for example, they only can identify 75 of them. And among 100 good tumors, they identify as bad in 36. to be honest this is notmuch different than achieved withjust your psa and gleason and percent tumor.

    I believe that you can contact Aeuron or 1-888-797-7284

    Wishing you the best

  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    thinders said:

    Very useful.....for PC any thoughts about other CA's?
    the Post Op numbers look ok for me

    Probability of Biochemical Recurrence
    (detectable PSA level) at
    3 years after surgery: 3% (1-7)
    5 years after surgery: 4% (1-11)
    7 years after surgery: 6% (2-16)
    10 years after surgery: 8% (3-21)

    Question is, given that I have had PC.... are there any stats on CA showing up anywhere else...... e.g. liver, lung etc .......

    Other Cancers
    I think everyone has been answering your question in terms of metastasis - i.e. Prostate cancer that moves to the lymph nodes or bones.

    Thinking in terms of what other types of cancers you might be prone to? I wonder that myself, after a minimal bout with skin cancer, and some borderline colon issues. I've had several good friends with esophageal cancer, but they were lifelong smokers.

    I've not done any research, but with family history was more expecting the skin issuess than prostate. I'm sure someone on the board will have given this a little more attention.


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