I'm investing in Drano

ScubaGirl Member Posts: 32
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Today is 14 days after my first chemo and my hair has really started abandoning ship. It started about two days ago and this morning I could stuff a pillow! I'm pretty ok with it and wondering how soon before I need to break out the red-red-fire-engine-red wig? Any stories?


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  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    You sound about like me. I
    You sound about like me. I started really losing my hair day 13 and just went ahead and had it shaved off day 14. I was kinda dreading it but at the same time wanted it done! I wear my wig some but it is so hot here that I just wear a bandana most of the time, I look like a biker but thats ok. It is cooler and more comfortable than the wig or hats. Best of luck with the rest of your treatments. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • ScubaGirl
    ScubaGirl Member Posts: 32

    You sound about like me. I
    You sound about like me. I started really losing my hair day 13 and just went ahead and had it shaved off day 14. I was kinda dreading it but at the same time wanted it done! I wear my wig some but it is so hot here that I just wear a bandana most of the time, I look like a biker but thats ok. It is cooler and more comfortable than the wig or hats. Best of luck with the rest of your treatments. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Thanks, Janice!
    I'm in Florida and yes, it's hot here too. I'm considering shaving it this weekend while my parents are in town. My sister in law will do it and my Dad's doing it with me. Gotta love him! Best to you!

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    I started shedding at day 14 too!
    That weekend, my hubby and I had happy hour outside while we shaved my head and took step-by-step pictures. We laughed our heads off. I had hair longer than my shoulders, so it was quite dramatic. I emailed the pix to all our friends and they absolutely loved it. I was determined to make it a positive experience and we certainly did. There were no tears--just belly laughs! By the way, I thought I would go the wig route as well and bought two really nice ones. However, I found out that I felt like Davy Crockett with a dead animal on my head wearing a wig. So, I've been doing the headscarf thing since. Also, living in Arizona where it's been in the 110s-I think a wig would be a little hot!

    Good luck. Renee
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    ScubaGirl said:

    Thanks, Janice!
    I'm in Florida and yes, it's hot here too. I'm considering shaving it this weekend while my parents are in town. My sister in law will do it and my Dad's doing it with me. Gotta love him! Best to you!


    I live in Cape Coral,
    I live in Cape Coral, Florida, and yes it is supper hot. I laughed at the flaming red short hair wig, cause I have one. Its the one everyone loves the most(I have 4wigs all diff colors and styles). I only wear the wigs to work and church, other days I go everywhere in my scarfs and at home no need since my hair is starting to come in, plus its best to let your scalp breath.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hey Scuba
    I know you're going through a hard time, been there. Seems like yesterday my sister shaving my head. Now I'm exactly 6 months past chemo and my hair is back about inch and a half. I do the spike style with gel. I also wore a red wig and blond too. Wearing a liner under the wig is better. I ordered my wigs from Paula Young and tlc. I ordered the liner from tlc, it was very comfortable absorbing sweat and not as itchy as the panty hose kind. I wish you luck through this hurdle.
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    laurissa said:

    Hey Scuba
    I know you're going through a hard time, been there. Seems like yesterday my sister shaving my head. Now I'm exactly 6 months past chemo and my hair is back about inch and a half. I do the spike style with gel. I also wore a red wig and blond too. Wearing a liner under the wig is better. I ordered my wigs from Paula Young and tlc. I ordered the liner from tlc, it was very comfortable absorbing sweat and not as itchy as the panty hose kind. I wish you luck through this hurdle.

    Day 14 for me, too.
    Today I had to wear a wig to go out as I looked a little like a character on SNL from a couple of years back--Rachel Draetch played a girl with a doll's arm growing out of head surrounded by tufts of spiky hair; the rest of her head being bald. That's all I can see when I pass by a mirror. I will be shaving it off tonight as soon as my daughter gets here with the clippers. I was astounded as to how many strands of hair one has on one's head. Sinksful!!!! We had to by some drain cleaner as I managed to plug up the bathtub drain with all the hair--and that's after I had it cut a couple of days ago to Mia Farrow length! Aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!

    I have a beautiful scarf on now that a dear friend of mine sent to me last week. It is more comfortable than the wig, but I have to admit that now that the hair is gone I feel more like a 'cancer patient' than I did before. Weird, but true. I guess my superficiality is showing.
    Feel great, though.

  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    OK Scuba Girl
    It is now Friday night, do you still have your hair or poured Draino as a chasher down the drain? Having what is left buzzed off isn't so bad. Just think that for a few months you won't have to do your doo. The only thing I really didn't like about the rub and buff job was how the sweat ran down my face, no hair to catch it.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    OK Scuba Girl
    It is now Friday night, do you still have your hair or poured Draino as a chasher down the drain? Having what is left buzzed off isn't so bad. Just think that for a few months you won't have to do your doo. The only thing I really didn't like about the rub and buff job was how the sweat ran down my face, no hair to catch it.

    Scuba Girl .. It does get better ...
    Hair today .. Gone Tomorrow .. until we realize that tomorrow means about 6 to 7 months of no hair, believe me -- it is a long time, but with Hats, wigs and scarves .,. it is manageable. I did not cover my head at home (winter evenings - i did) and I slept with a cap on due to the coldness.

    When I buzzed my head - I felt liberated! It was much better than sweeping up all my hair.

    Please use electric razor to shear your hair, as a regular razor will nick and cut your scalp .. Ouch

    Happy Buzzing :D

    Vicki Sam
  • ScubaGirl
    ScubaGirl Member Posts: 32
    VickiSam said:

    Scuba Girl .. It does get better ...
    Hair today .. Gone Tomorrow .. until we realize that tomorrow means about 6 to 7 months of no hair, believe me -- it is a long time, but with Hats, wigs and scarves .,. it is manageable. I did not cover my head at home (winter evenings - i did) and I slept with a cap on due to the coldness.

    When I buzzed my head - I felt liberated! It was much better than sweeping up all my hair.

    Please use electric razor to shear your hair, as a regular razor will nick and cut your scalp .. Ouch

    Happy Buzzing :D

    Vicki Sam

    Love the stories, ladies!
    I shaved it that night a felt great about it. I'm in charge, right? I immediately went out to dinner bald and it was just fine. Since then I have been bald at work, on dates with my husband and whenever else I feel like it. I do, however, love my wigs. My husband has named the new styles: the short dark one with the blue streak is Natasha, the graduated blond bob is Vicky and the red one is Diabla Roja -or Red Devil! I'm having so much fun I'm getting more colors!

    Thx chicks!
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    ScubaGirl said:

    Love the stories, ladies!
    I shaved it that night a felt great about it. I'm in charge, right? I immediately went out to dinner bald and it was just fine. Since then I have been bald at work, on dates with my husband and whenever else I feel like it. I do, however, love my wigs. My husband has named the new styles: the short dark one with the blue streak is Natasha, the graduated blond bob is Vicky and the red one is Diabla Roja -or Red Devil! I'm having so much fun I'm getting more colors!

    Thx chicks!

    New Hair New Hot Mama
    Sounds like your hubby is enjoying dating a new woman with every new wig. See life is good. I bet his favorite is Diabla Roja. Enjoy the dates.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    ScubaGirl said:

    Love the stories, ladies!
    I shaved it that night a felt great about it. I'm in charge, right? I immediately went out to dinner bald and it was just fine. Since then I have been bald at work, on dates with my husband and whenever else I feel like it. I do, however, love my wigs. My husband has named the new styles: the short dark one with the blue streak is Natasha, the graduated blond bob is Vicky and the red one is Diabla Roja -or Red Devil! I'm having so much fun I'm getting more colors!

    Thx chicks!

    Hi Erin,
    I really admire you for going out bald. That's awesome. I never had the courage to do it and wore a long dark wig the entire time. I couldn't even do scarves. I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying the fun wigs. :)

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    mimivac said:

    Hi Erin,
    I really admire you for going out bald. That's awesome. I never had the courage to do it and wore a long dark wig the entire time. I couldn't even do scarves. I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying the fun wigs. :)


    Erin .. You go GIRL .. going out bald, and living LIFE
    I am inspired!

    Vicki Sam


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