Here we go again



  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    You got it...Good vibes and
    You got it...Good vibes and prayers from me. I was bummed out when I read this post. I haven't been on for a while. Good luck Eric. My thoughts are with you and you always need hope. Love Paula
  • atrue
    atrue Member Posts: 29
    prayers work keep the faith even tho it may be hard dont give up on god, he's not given up on wishes
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    atrue said:

    prayers work keep the faith even tho it may be hard dont give up on god, he's not given up on wishes

    You people are amazing.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    eric38 said:

    You people are amazing.

    Goofy Ladies statement goes double for me.....
    eric......... no more.......I am not hearing the eric I know...this is someone else talking and someone stole your avatar also......We want the ole Eric we knew before back and we're not taking no for an know Im on your side bud and praying and hoping for the best in this, we got a lot of people that look up to you in here, we look in the eyes and see a man that will not fail or falter, a man that never says uncle, a man that makes us very very proud to be part of his family, and I will be damned if Im gonna let you quit now. Thats not what we do for ourselves, thats not what we do for others, and thats certainly something that I have never seen you even entertain, tired, hell me too and Im not going through near anything that you and others are, but you and all the rest in here are my family, as close as my immediate family believe it or not, and Im gonna tell you like I would tell my other sisters and brother because you are my brother that I wanna see the "piss and vinegar" that I used to see in you in this next battle, I know its in you. So with vent over and things that needed to be said said, now get mad at what is trying to take over your body and show em that it ain't gonna be that damn easy to do...Lots of Love here Brother.....give em hell buddy !!!........Buzz
  • Erinb
    Erinb Member Posts: 293
    Clinical trials can be

    Clinical trials can be the best treatment you can get. Keep your upbeat attitude; you can do this. Hope your treatment goes well on Monday! I'll be thinking about you and praying for you. Shrink to nothingness you cancer &$%!#.
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    Buzzard said:

    Goofy Ladies statement goes double for me.....
    eric......... no more.......I am not hearing the eric I know...this is someone else talking and someone stole your avatar also......We want the ole Eric we knew before back and we're not taking no for an know Im on your side bud and praying and hoping for the best in this, we got a lot of people that look up to you in here, we look in the eyes and see a man that will not fail or falter, a man that never says uncle, a man that makes us very very proud to be part of his family, and I will be damned if Im gonna let you quit now. Thats not what we do for ourselves, thats not what we do for others, and thats certainly something that I have never seen you even entertain, tired, hell me too and Im not going through near anything that you and others are, but you and all the rest in here are my family, as close as my immediate family believe it or not, and Im gonna tell you like I would tell my other sisters and brother because you are my brother that I wanna see the "piss and vinegar" that I used to see in you in this next battle, I know its in you. So with vent over and things that needed to be said said, now get mad at what is trying to take over your body and show em that it ain't gonna be that damn easy to do...Lots of Love here Brother.....give em hell buddy !!!........Buzz

    Leave it to you to give me the kick in the butt I needed. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself the other day but I am over it. I still got plenty of fight left in me. I am going to kick cancer in the groin so hard that it is going to have to open it's mouth to pee! Does that sound like something an upstanding young man would say? Oh well, forget propriety. This is a good old fashioned, down in the dirt street brawl we are talking about. I hate what this disease does to us but it cannot kill our spirit. I quote from the last Rocky movie " It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how many times you can get hit and still keep moving forward." or in the immortal words of Rowdy Roddy Piper " I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick butt and I am all out of bubble gum! "

    I'm back in the fight,
  • Aud
    Aud Member Posts: 479 Member
    just thinking about you again and hope that the new treatment on Monday starts working for you. We're all here behind you, with you.
    love and hope,


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