Please don't call the Mary Jane cops on me

Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
OK, as I've said before, I'm prepping for chemo on July 1. Just checking what the consensus is on marijuana for nausea. It's supposedly legal here, but nearly impossible to get...but I can get the regular stuff (good, not laced with crap).

Does it work? Better in brownies or smoked? Are there any negatives? Is this an excuse for reliving the 60's?


  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Whatever floats your are a hoot!
    I didn't suffer from nausea, the meds they gave me in my IV drip at time of infusion did the trick. I was very sick in other ways. In fact I have a whole bottle of Compazine sitting in my medicine cabinet. But I did get a special drug for a peculiar kind of nausea that I didn't even realize it was nausea at first (only when I tried to eat).

    If you do get nauseated and traditional drugs don't work, go for it...if you're nauseated you may not feel like eating brownies...if it were me, I'd go straight for the doobie.

    I don't know how long it would take to get the stuff with an Rx or where you'd go, but if you're really sick, I wouldn't jump thru hoops, I'd go for the quick sure thing.

    Keep us posted, hopefully some of the girls who have tried it will give us their opinion.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    I [heart] pharmaceuticals
    My own opinion is that there are now so many good drugs they can give you for nausea during chemo, I just didn't find it necessary to seek out anything else (and I was only 11 months old when the 60s ended, so I didn't have anything to relive! :-)

    I also have asthma, so smoking anything just sounds like a bad idea to me and my lungs. Yes, my girlfriend spent all of my treatment trying to convince my oncologist to give *her* a prescription for some gonja, and offered to bake me really yummy brownies with it, but he never gave in.

    :-) Traci
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    I [heart] pharmaceuticals
    My own opinion is that there are now so many good drugs they can give you for nausea during chemo, I just didn't find it necessary to seek out anything else (and I was only 11 months old when the 60s ended, so I didn't have anything to relive! :-)

    I also have asthma, so smoking anything just sounds like a bad idea to me and my lungs. Yes, my girlfriend spent all of my treatment trying to convince my oncologist to give *her* a prescription for some gonja, and offered to bake me really yummy brownies with it, but he never gave in.

    :-) Traci

    never used it was offered it
    never used it was offered it but declined. In retrospect maybe i should have LOL
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I also did NOT use
    I also did NOT use marijuana, legal or not. Of all the things I am allergic to , that "herb" happens to be it! And yeah, I have been around it, and can smell it within miles. Not literally, of course; but I am very sensitive to the aroma and steer clear!
    So, mine is in no way an ethical/legal stance!

    That having been said, I know from these boards that many have used it~ I will try and find earlier posts and bump them up for you, ok?

    Good luck in whatever your decision is!

    Love, Peace, and Harmony ( whoops! Having a flashback here~ I was a teenager in the 60's)

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    chenheart said:

    I also did NOT use
    I also did NOT use marijuana, legal or not. Of all the things I am allergic to , that "herb" happens to be it! And yeah, I have been around it, and can smell it within miles. Not literally, of course; but I am very sensitive to the aroma and steer clear!
    So, mine is in no way an ethical/legal stance!

    That having been said, I know from these boards that many have used it~ I will try and find earlier posts and bump them up for you, ok?

    Good luck in whatever your decision is!

    Love, Peace, and Harmony ( whoops! Having a flashback here~ I was a teenager in the 60's)


    Far Out....
    Me too Chen, just a couple of years older than you...

    Peace, Judy :-)
  • kms3566
    kms3566 Member Posts: 57
    I have used it, mostly to
    I have used it, mostly to help with the pain from the nulasta shot. It was not the prescription kind, but it helped. I am having my last of 6 rounds of TAC today, YEA!!! Good luck to you and whatever you decide.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Not everybody gets nausea
    Remember that not evrybody gets nausea. i took all the anti nausea meds with with A/C and never had any sickness. With Taxol I took the meds for the first few and then grdually quit taking then other than on treatment day and never had any nausea with it either.

    Personally, I wouldn't buy any of it from any dealer. (Well actually I've never bought any - not even back in the 60's - I'm 63.) Just too dangerous in today's world. Maybe if you personally knew the grower and they had a bit growing on own land in discrete place - but ? If you NEED it for chemo induced nausea - get a script from your Dr as you say it's legal where you are.

    edit added: After reading Chen's post I realized that this may sound judgemental - It isn't meant to be that way at all. If I offended anyone I apologize - it wasn't meant to - just to 'say' (for lack of a better word) my feelings and history. I wish you the best with making the decision that is right for you. Only you can do that.
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    kms3566 said:

    I have used it, mostly to
    I have used it, mostly to help with the pain from the nulasta shot. It was not the prescription kind, but it helped. I am having my last of 6 rounds of TAC today, YEA!!! Good luck to you and whatever you decide.

    This was the ONLY thing I
    This was the ONLY thing I was looking forward to in this whole mess...that and a sexy wig. And there's some really cool t-shirts available. Ahhh...I remember the 60's well.

  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Snowkitty -
    I never used it and probably wouldn't have wanted anything to make my head fuzzier but my mother did use it 30+ years ago when she had chemo. Things were much tougher then as far as the ability of the docs to control and prevent nausea but she said it did help. I only had to take the nausea medication one time and that was when my husband and I both got a stomch bug after chemo - otherwsie, I wouldn't have needed anything. But if you get nauseated and you're in a state where you can get it - at least it gives you another option!
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    There is a legal form of MJ
    There is a legal form of MJ called Marinol, obtain by prescription from your oncologist. I used it, it works! It did put me to sleep within 15 minutes. I couldn't take it, if it was 4:30 AM knowing I would be going to work in a few hours.

    It would be better not to smoke MJ. Think of your lungs! You could use a little mj in cookie batter. Trial and error method, learning how much one would need in each cookie to prevent nausea. The purpose is after all not to get high, but to eliminate nausea.

    There is something that mj has that all other anti nausea drugs don't have. I have never found one that actually works. I have tried many, many over the years.

    Nausea is an awful side effect. You are not reliving the 60's by using it to help with a side effect.

    Best wishes,

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Chemo made me extremely sick
    Chemo made me extremely sick and nothing helped but I didn't think about MJ. I've never used it. The state I was in it was illegal anyway. So I guess I'm no help.
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    Marcia527 said:

    Chemo made me extremely sick
    Chemo made me extremely sick and nothing helped but I didn't think about MJ. I've never used it. The state I was in it was illegal anyway. So I guess I'm no help.

    Leagal shemgal. That's the
    Leagal shemgal. That's the last thing I would consider. Although it's now leagal in Michigan, I believe, but I'm not gonna jump thru those hoops.

    Then again, cancer should be illegal.


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Snowkitty said:

    Leagal shemgal. That's the
    Leagal shemgal. That's the last thing I would consider. Although it's now leagal in Michigan, I believe, but I'm not gonna jump thru those hoops.

    Then again, cancer should be illegal.



    Well, even if I had thought
    Well, even if I had thought of it, I wouldn't have known how to get it. That was my point. If it's legal at least there are hoops.

    "signed, anonymous" I know you are Snowkitty! Hee hee. :>)
  • GregStahl
    GregStahl Member Posts: 188
    Snowkitty said:

    Leagal shemgal. That's the
    Leagal shemgal. That's the last thing I would consider. Although it's now leagal in Michigan, I believe, but I'm not gonna jump thru those hoops.

    Then again, cancer should be illegal.



    Chances are
    Anonymous ;-)
    Chances are you have a friend or 2 that can get or now someone who can get it. I agree with others that smoking it may not be the best way. Cookies or brownies are the way to go.
    If its legal ask your Dr first so if the hooter police show up your covered.
    Here in Tx, 1 seed and its a major offense punishable by immediate flogging and lock up in a super max in solitary. LOL
    IMHO, its should be legal for medical reasons, but I dont think it should be sold like tobacco.

    John Q Public
    123 Anywhere Ln
    Your Town, USA 987654
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    GregStahl said:

    Chances are
    Anonymous ;-)
    Chances are you have a friend or 2 that can get or now someone who can get it. I agree with others that smoking it may not be the best way. Cookies or brownies are the way to go.
    If its legal ask your Dr first so if the hooter police show up your covered.
    Here in Tx, 1 seed and its a major offense punishable by immediate flogging and lock up in a super max in solitary. LOL
    IMHO, its should be legal for medical reasons, but I dont think it should be sold like tobacco.

    John Q Public
    123 Anywhere Ln
    Your Town, USA 987654

    I can't even spell legal