Peter is in hospice



  • lisa42 said:

    God bless you Peter

    You never know what might turn around. I'm glad you have faith- God bless you, Peter.


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  • Erinb
    Erinb Member Posts: 293
    nudgie said:

    It saddens
    me to hear such news but enlightens me with your attitude. My God grace your days

    Peter you have been an
    Peter you have been an inspiration to me. I hope you have peace and comfort as you enter your new journey.
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    Erinb said:

    Peter you have been an
    Peter you have been an inspiration to me. I hope you have peace and comfort as you enter your new journey.

    I am sorry .

  • linandtom
    linandtom Member Posts: 67
    I'm sure Hopkins would do everything possible to find what is causing the liver problems? My husband went through some liver problems in April and we really didn't know if he would make it or not. Bilirubin was at 12 - which was very high. He did have bile duct blockage so a stent was placed to open the duct. He had 5 radiation treatments to shrink tumor pressing on bile duct. I know you have said this is not what's causing your liver problems. But also, I have a friend at work who's wife had a liver transplant years ago and she started running a fever last week - they concluded it was from her liver based on liver blood work being elevated. Nothing showed on CT scans - no abscess - no tumor - no blockage - no infection on scans. But due to fever and liver function test - they started giving her IV antibiotics. They said even though the infection did not show on the scans it was obvious this is where the infection was. Maybe see if Dr will try strong IV antibiotics. First she was in hospital for these but now they have her IV antibiotics hooked up and giving them at home. It takes a good 2 or 3 weeks on these strong antibiotics to clear liver infections. Worth a try Peter if all other blood work is good and if you feel strong enough and can tolerate the antibiotics. My husband was very weak - but he managed to hang in there and made it through. He decided no more clinical trails as we tried 3 different ones - he's now back on Folfiri and Avastin and doctors are surprised it is helping him once again. Don't know for how long - but maybe long enough for something else to get through a Phase III trail and be FDA approved. We are keeping our eye on one such trial in hopes it will be approved in the next year. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything for you Peter. Praying for you! and your family.
  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    Thank you Peter
    for being a part of our lives. Your gentleness and forthrightness and peacefulness always is refreshing and comforting. I am glad that we all provide comfort for each other. And the healing continues though sometimes our body cannot keep up.

    all the best, Leslie
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Peter, I'm so sorry the
    Peter, I'm so sorry the trials did not work and that you are now in hospice but I agree that you're going to a better place and know you'll be reunited with your family again some day.

    You've fought the good fight and have remained positive in the storm. Well done!

  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    Peter Hsi -Min Wu
    Peter, I'm not very good at expressing my deepest thoughts but please accept the warmest hug I have ever sent through cyber space.

    Wishing peace to you as you travel this portion of your journey.

  • amyb15
    amyb15 Member Posts: 109 Member
    Jaylo969 said:

    Peter Hsi -Min Wu
    Peter, I'm not very good at expressing my deepest thoughts but please accept the warmest hug I have ever sent through cyber space.

    Wishing peace to you as you travel this portion of your journey.


    I just wantedd to say

    I just wantedd to say you have been an inspiation to everyone on these boards. You have handled your cancer journey with such grace. You have been a great source of infomation and support.
    And yes, where you are going is a much better place. We will all get to meet there one day.
    Also, you never know what will happen. Things can always turn around. Miracles are real and maybe you will get one. If you don't, then will will be moving from this life to your fianl dwelling place (that is what I believe, anyway) My thoughts and prayers are with you at his time. You seem to have a real sense of peace and calm about you. I am not going to say good bye, just see you later.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    You have such a beautiful spirit. Thank you for sharing so much with us. My prayers are with you on this part of your journey. I am praying for peace.

  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    sending you many hugs and prayers your way, you as well as everyone else on this board are family and an inspiration to me.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Peter. Calling on hospice was a good idea, but if you still have fight left in you, coffee enemas can help the liver flush out toxins. At the very least, they may ease the strain on your liver and give you comfort. Hospice might help you with them. I can imagine that you're tired of fighting, and like others have said, only we know when it's time for us to stop fighting, and begin to look forward to what the next plane of existance has to offer. Regardless of having these beliefs, i am very sad, and can't keep the tears back.

    I will be thinking about you, lighting candles for you, and sending my most positive vibes your way.

    Many hugs,
  • newperson
    newperson Member Posts: 76
    pray for you
    Peter, I'm so sorry you have to call in hospice. But this doesn't mean the time is closing. There are some people who did get in hospice but get out of it later on and start to fight the disease again. I pray that miracle for you too. Best wishes. - Lucy
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Peter,you have been in my
    Hi Peter,you have been in my prayers everyday.I was hoping that all the clinical trials you did and you were going to do would bring you new hopes.I have tears in my eyes when I read your post.You are a great example for both me and my husband.I admire your courage and your persistence.We all will be there one day.I know if you are one step ahead of us,just because you want to be a pioneer for us,so when we arrive there,you can take care of us.God bless you and your family.Take care.Thank you.
  • david54
    david54 Member Posts: 164 Member
    You are in my thoughts and
    You are in my thoughts and prayers, more than that, I don't know you personally but I do in so many ways. Walk tall my friend.
  • Devasted
    Devasted Member Posts: 185
    david54 said:

    You are in my thoughts and
    You are in my thoughts and prayers, more than that, I don't know you personally but I do in so many ways. Walk tall my friend.

    Thinking of you...
    Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you...
    Take care
  • AnnaLeigh
    AnnaLeigh Member Posts: 187 Member
    The strength to let go
    We all feel as if we have known you in person. As a friend, a warrior, and as a true inspiration in how to have the strength to let go.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for peaceful days ahead.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Peter -

    Only one other poster has said what I'm about to say, and
    even that person didn't say it quite like this:

    DON'T GO.

    No, I don't know your full story, all I know is that you said that
    "Hopkins" said you're all done; that they have nothing else to help you.

    So what? Get another opinion, and another, and another...
    There are other physicians and other things to try. And don't call
    it quits just because western medicine might be calling it quits.

    Chemotherapy damages everything, and it's tough to take. I don't
    blame you for feeling like you've had enough of the torture. But
    there are alternatives that are worth trying, and some have had
    wonderful results; one may give you life that no other will.

    The alternatives to western medicine do not cause you to suffer,
    or cause your body to break down. You can try the alternatives
    while taking pain medications if needed.

    Hospice will not give you life, it will only make dying more
    "comfortable" by the administering of drugs that keep one's mind
    too muddled to know the importance of trying to stay alive.

    I read this thread every day, two, three times a day... and I just
    could not sit quiet a minute longer.

    Before you give up living, try the alternatives. If you can give up
    life, you certainly can give up the belief that western medicine is the
    -only- thing that can keep you alive.......

    You've already proven that it can not.

    Give yourself another chance at it. Try other options.


    Hoping for your better health.........

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    John23 said:

    Peter -

    Only one other poster has said what I'm about to say, and
    even that person didn't say it quite like this:

    DON'T GO.

    No, I don't know your full story, all I know is that you said that
    "Hopkins" said you're all done; that they have nothing else to help you.

    So what? Get another opinion, and another, and another...
    There are other physicians and other things to try. And don't call
    it quits just because western medicine might be calling it quits.

    Chemotherapy damages everything, and it's tough to take. I don't
    blame you for feeling like you've had enough of the torture. But
    there are alternatives that are worth trying, and some have had
    wonderful results; one may give you life that no other will.

    The alternatives to western medicine do not cause you to suffer,
    or cause your body to break down. You can try the alternatives
    while taking pain medications if needed.

    Hospice will not give you life, it will only make dying more
    "comfortable" by the administering of drugs that keep one's mind
    too muddled to know the importance of trying to stay alive.

    I read this thread every day, two, three times a day... and I just
    could not sit quiet a minute longer.

    Before you give up living, try the alternatives. If you can give up
    life, you certainly can give up the belief that western medicine is the
    -only- thing that can keep you alive.......

    You've already proven that it can not.

    Give yourself another chance at it. Try other options.


    Hoping for your better health.........


    Please don't quit until you body gives you no other choice. Like John's says, why give up. Give alternative medicine a have more to gain.

    If you choose otherwise, remember that we will never forget you, and please if you can come back and visit ua! Hugs!!!!!!
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Nana b said:

    Please don't quit until you body gives you no other choice. Like John's says, why give up. Give alternative medicine a have more to gain.

    If you choose otherwise, remember that we will never forget you, and please if you can come back and visit ua! Hugs!!!!!!

    There is also something called "spontaneous remission"....
    who knows? Maybe another cancer center might suggest another alternative. Wishing the best for had helped me in my time of need....How I wish I could now do the same for you.....Steve
  • linandtom
    linandtom Member Posts: 67
    John23 said:

    Peter -

    Only one other poster has said what I'm about to say, and
    even that person didn't say it quite like this:

    DON'T GO.

    No, I don't know your full story, all I know is that you said that
    "Hopkins" said you're all done; that they have nothing else to help you.

    So what? Get another opinion, and another, and another...
    There are other physicians and other things to try. And don't call
    it quits just because western medicine might be calling it quits.

    Chemotherapy damages everything, and it's tough to take. I don't
    blame you for feeling like you've had enough of the torture. But
    there are alternatives that are worth trying, and some have had
    wonderful results; one may give you life that no other will.

    The alternatives to western medicine do not cause you to suffer,
    or cause your body to break down. You can try the alternatives
    while taking pain medications if needed.

    Hospice will not give you life, it will only make dying more
    "comfortable" by the administering of drugs that keep one's mind
    too muddled to know the importance of trying to stay alive.

    I read this thread every day, two, three times a day... and I just
    could not sit quiet a minute longer.

    Before you give up living, try the alternatives. If you can give up
    life, you certainly can give up the belief that western medicine is the
    -only- thing that can keep you alive.......

    You've already proven that it can not.

    Give yourself another chance at it. Try other options.


    Hoping for your better health.........


    Thank you John 23 and a few others for encouraging Peter with alternative things to try and most of all for not just sending him the I'm sorry well wishes!!! If the problem is infection and fever from the liver then treat with antibiotics or alternative medicines such as the liver detox. You have had such a positive attitude in all that you have done - you have given standard treatment and clinical trials a go. I'm here to tell you - my Tom was at the lowest of lows and I truly did not know if he was going to make it or not from November until now. But guess what - we took care of the infection with antibiotics and prayer - lots of on our knees in prayer! and I'm here to say he is feeling better - finally eating some - and back on standard treatment which by God's grace is working for now. We pray daily Folfiri plus Avastin will work until one of the other clinical trails shows promise. Vitamins, exercise when he doesn't feel like putting one foot in front of the other - even if for only 5 minutes - has worked for him. Peter - hang tough if your body has anything left - I know the clinical trials really were hard - go back to what worked before the clinical trials even if only for a short time to buy time for the next best thing - be that another clinical trial - or alternative treatments - just don't turn to hospice if this is not where you want to be. If you can still put one foot in front of the other each day - then give yourself another chance - find someone - something - other options - I know you can do it!


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