Expander questions...

I am still pretty new to this whole thing so excuse my ignorance if this is silly...I had my bilateral May 4 with expanders put in at the time of surgery. I have a small frame so my PS is taking it slow with fills. He started me off with 30cc at surgery and I have had 4 or 5 fills since then of 30cc each. My boobs are growing, but they are growing wide, not out in front They are also hard as rocks and I worry about capsular contracture. Anyone else out there have the same experience??? Thx in advance for your help, this is a wonderful site, I can't tell you how much it has helped me to read about everyone's journey and hear their strength. Thanks to you all for sharing!
Incidentally, I had a horrible problem with nerve pain about 10 days after surgery where I couldn't even bear the slightest touch of a sheet on my skin. I know a few other people have had this unfortunate and fairly uncommon complication as well. My Oncologist put me on Neurontin which has helped tremendously so if you have this problem, please ask your Dr. about this drug. It has changed my life!
Hugs to you all,
Hi, Laura!
My expanders have been full since early March (250ccs total -- smallish). I'll get my implants July 7. The implant exchange was somewhat delayed by my chemo, but not by a whole lot.
I, too, was very concerned about capsular contracture. Plastic surgeon said, yes, the scar tissue has tightened and is contributing to the hardness and discomfort I have now. He did not, however, agree to call it cap. contracture. He said he will cut and loosen the scar tissue when he puts in my implants and it will not be an issue. My current scar tissue problem does not indicate there'll be problems with cap. contrature in the future, he said.
My expanders are hard as billiard balls. Much of the hardness is due to the filling "port," which is so very hard. My breasts are an odd, wide shape (they look great under clothing, though) and chafe under one arm in particular. Because I didn't fill them to capacity, there's lots of "loose" expander material that is harsh and uncomfortable. The discomfort is affected by how I sleep (too much extreme side sleeping and ouch!) and by stretching, exercise, housework. I am one who could not do any post-surgical exercises without having pain for days afterward. Plastic surgeon said to just stop stretching and worry about it after the implants are in.
Many women have better luck with exercise and find it extremely helpful. Exercises are on a thread on this discussion board and you might want to try them. Use the search function in the upper right area of the main page, although I think the thread currently is on page 1 or 2.
All in all, I am very pleased that I chose this. Discomfort has been bearable and not continuous. I'm excited to get the implants. Best wishes to you, Laura!0 -
Hi, Laura!
Welcome to this site - what you are describing is perfectly normal. You will sometimes see the ladies on this board refer to the expanders as turtle shells (amongst other things). Because their job is to stretch the skin/muscle to make room for those nice, soft implants you will get one day, they are more like wide, hard....well, turtle shells. While they will give you some presence in the front, they won't look or feel like normal implants. They are often lower and wider apart than your breasts were. Mine are quite wide and actually get in the way under my arm pit when I work on the computer (which I do most of the day) so I keep a really small pillow under there when I am sitting just to keep things from rubbing. The ladies who have gone through the exchange surgery said a lot of this is improved/resolved with the final implants.
I guess there is always a chance of capsular contraction and the risk increases if you are having radiation therapy (not sure if this applies in your situation). My PS over-filled the side that will be getting radiation to allow a little "extra" room in case there is any tightening. My radiation oncologist said that because they are able to be so specifc in targeting the radtiation area now, they are really not seeing any cases where the exchange surger can't be done. She said the rads side may be a little firmer than the other some months after the implants are placed but it is rare now that they see capsular contraction to the point that women have to have their final implants removed.
Hope this helps - a lot of the women with expanders compared stories and descriptons a while back and you sound like you are right there with the rest of us!
Chris0 -
Thank you so much ladies,greyhoundluvr said:Hi, Laura!
Welcome to this site - what you are describing is perfectly normal. You will sometimes see the ladies on this board refer to the expanders as turtle shells (amongst other things). Because their job is to stretch the skin/muscle to make room for those nice, soft implants you will get one day, they are more like wide, hard....well, turtle shells. While they will give you some presence in the front, they won't look or feel like normal implants. They are often lower and wider apart than your breasts were. Mine are quite wide and actually get in the way under my arm pit when I work on the computer (which I do most of the day) so I keep a really small pillow under there when I am sitting just to keep things from rubbing. The ladies who have gone through the exchange surgery said a lot of this is improved/resolved with the final implants.
I guess there is always a chance of capsular contraction and the risk increases if you are having radiation therapy (not sure if this applies in your situation). My PS over-filled the side that will be getting radiation to allow a little "extra" room in case there is any tightening. My radiation oncologist said that because they are able to be so specifc in targeting the radtiation area now, they are really not seeing any cases where the exchange surger can't be done. She said the rads side may be a little firmer than the other some months after the implants are placed but it is rare now that they see capsular contraction to the point that women have to have their final implants removed.
Hope this helps - a lot of the women with expanders compared stories and descriptons a while back and you sound like you are right there with the rest of us!
Thank you so much ladies, your assurance truly helps! Mine too are somewhat under my arm. While not causing discomfort, it's just a weird feeling since my original breasts weren't that large (barely aand certainly were never this wide! I'm hoping for a size C, but at 30cc's a week, I have no idea how long that will take. I'm hoping that since I have a small frame, I won't need as much to fill them as what alot of women on this sight have needed. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'm so ready to just get them out!!!
I am fortunate and do not have to have radiation or chemo so I count my blessings every day. My heart goes out to those who have to undergo such dreadful procedures. My prayers and thoughts are with you!
Laura0 -
What i refer to as the pancake stage!
I had my expanders put in during my mastectomy also...i am also small framed and they started me out with 25 cc's each fill.
During my first fills they did go wide at first and i referred this to my pancake stage cuz to me thats what they looked like...i didnt think they would ever start going outward but they did. I was on my 6th or 7th fill when i noticed a big difference of it going out instead of wide.
I had a total of 400 cc's and for me that is pretty big...but not top heavy! They look like softballs and they feel like softballs. I believe them being hard as a rock is very normal. Hope your not a belly sleeper cuz its hard to lay on your belly with rocks on your chest.
Mine were very senstive exspecially when the nerves and things started waking back up, its like they are numb yet at the same time they hurt if they are touched...im still going through this and my surgery was in Nov, but its nowhere near as bad as it was in the beginning. My biggest problem now is hitting my boobs on everything cuz they kinda stick out there and since i dont have all the feeling back yet it smarts when they hit...going back to that sensation of being numb yet hurt to touch again.
Luckly the expanders are temporary and the implants are suppose to be nothing like the expanders...im excited cuz i get my implants on July 14th...and i cant wait!0 -
I agree with everyone
I agree with everyone else.
I too am small framed and it is incredibly important that you take your fills slowly. My last fill was 20cc's and unfortunatly it was my last because my PS was concerned about thin skin and my scar being stretched too far.
I'm at 310cc's right now and my PS overfills ... so I'm looking at pretty small implants. I was a small C before surgery and I'm hoping to even make it to a B now.
My expanders are strangely spaced as well. My left 'breast' is too far over and feels like it is almost in my armpit. They look low as well.
I've never heard of capsular constriction happening with the expanders, but I haven't had radiation. Mine are hard as rocks. I take a yoga/tai chi class 2x a week and this past week was my first class with the 310cc's. They were in the way! And these suckers don't move. I do feel like I have rocks in my chest! I feel like I could use them as weapons! LOL!Hang in there, take it slow. I found muscle relaxers (Flexeril) to be very helpful with the pain after the fills.
It does come to an end!0 -
Ha ha ha! Even though minejo jo said:What i refer to as the pancake stage!
I had my expanders put in during my mastectomy also...i am also small framed and they started me out with 25 cc's each fill.
During my first fills they did go wide at first and i referred this to my pancake stage cuz to me thats what they looked like...i didnt think they would ever start going outward but they did. I was on my 6th or 7th fill when i noticed a big difference of it going out instead of wide.
I had a total of 400 cc's and for me that is pretty big...but not top heavy! They look like softballs and they feel like softballs. I believe them being hard as a rock is very normal. Hope your not a belly sleeper cuz its hard to lay on your belly with rocks on your chest.
Mine were very senstive exspecially when the nerves and things started waking back up, its like they are numb yet at the same time they hurt if they are touched...im still going through this and my surgery was in Nov, but its nowhere near as bad as it was in the beginning. My biggest problem now is hitting my boobs on everything cuz they kinda stick out there and since i dont have all the feeling back yet it smarts when they hit...going back to that sensation of being numb yet hurt to touch again.
Luckly the expanders are temporary and the implants are suppose to be nothing like the expanders...im excited cuz i get my implants on July 14th...and i cant wait!
Ha ha ha! Even though mine are still small (almost back to my original sizeI too hit them on things. I can't imagine at 400 cc's...I'd feel like I was carrying around weapons!! Can I ask you a question? At 400 cc's, what size will your final result be? Congrats on your surgery date, hope al goes well and you are happy with your nice new, soft boobs!
0 -
Dawne,Dawne.Hope said:I agree with everyone
I agree with everyone else.
I too am small framed and it is incredibly important that you take your fills slowly. My last fill was 20cc's and unfortunatly it was my last because my PS was concerned about thin skin and my scar being stretched too far.
I'm at 310cc's right now and my PS overfills ... so I'm looking at pretty small implants. I was a small C before surgery and I'm hoping to even make it to a B now.
My expanders are strangely spaced as well. My left 'breast' is too far over and feels like it is almost in my armpit. They look low as well.
I've never heard of capsular constriction happening with the expanders, but I haven't had radiation. Mine are hard as rocks. I take a yoga/tai chi class 2x a week and this past week was my first class with the 310cc's. They were in the way! And these suckers don't move. I do feel like I have rocks in my chest! I feel like I could use them as weapons! LOL!Hang in there, take it slow. I found muscle relaxers (Flexeril) to be very helpful with the pain after the fills.
It does come to an end!
Sorry to hear that
Sorry to hear that you must stop before you reached your target goal. I may end up in the same boat...My breasts look funny also. They both seem to have a little "shelf"or hollow spot above them. My PS explained that the expander is shaped that way and not to worry. Sure hope he's right!
Thx for the info about capsular contraction, that is reassuring. This is just such a weird, amazing process that leaves you with so many questions and concerns. I do use Flexeril the day of my fills and usually that evening and it definately helps!
Glad to know yours are rocks too! I just replied to another person that I too would feel like I was carrying around weapons when they get bigger!!
I wish you well with your exchange surgery and hope you are pleased with the final result. Thx for your input!
Laura0 -
I have no clue what i am...ihoop77 said:Ha ha ha! Even though mine
Ha ha ha! Even though mine are still small (almost back to my original sizeI too hit them on things. I can't imagine at 400 cc's...I'd feel like I was carrying around weapons!! Can I ask you a question? At 400 cc's, what size will your final result be? Congrats on your surgery date, hope al goes well and you are happy with your nice new, soft boobs!
I have no clue what i am...i cant try on a bra cuz the shape of the expanders and how they are positioned, nothing looks acurate...if they werent on my chest they would work better as a sling shot instead of boobs in a bra!
But i just went with what looked good for my body type and didnt worry about the size. We seem like we might be close in size, and 400 cc's is kinda big but not big enough to give me back problems or for people to say "wow...shes huge!" It is hard to judge the size but what i did instead of the sling shot...was put on a form fitting shirt and see how they looked that way. This way you know youll be happy with the size instead of just going to a certain cup size.
I did ask my PS how many cc's for a C cup and they had to figure it up, but by the time the visit was over we both forgot about it, so i never did get it.0 -
I agree with Dawnehoop77 said:Dawne,
Sorry to hear that
Sorry to hear that you must stop before you reached your target goal. I may end up in the same boat...My breasts look funny also. They both seem to have a little "shelf"or hollow spot above them. My PS explained that the expander is shaped that way and not to worry. Sure hope he's right!
Thx for the info about capsular contraction, that is reassuring. This is just such a weird, amazing process that leaves you with so many questions and concerns. I do use Flexeril the day of my fills and usually that evening and it definately helps!
Glad to know yours are rocks too! I just replied to another person that I too would feel like I was carrying around weapons when they get bigger!!
I wish you well with your exchange surgery and hope you are pleased with the final result. Thx for your input!
IF your having problems with thin skin take it really slow. I had this problem and with the incision wanting to reopen (also becuz of infection) but we slowed down to once every two weeks for awhile then back to once a week...it was a slow process but in my case it was worth it cuz i will be happier with the results.0 -
You are so funny! Thx forjo jo said:I have no clue what i am...i
I have no clue what i am...i cant try on a bra cuz the shape of the expanders and how they are positioned, nothing looks acurate...if they werent on my chest they would work better as a sling shot instead of boobs in a bra!
But i just went with what looked good for my body type and didnt worry about the size. We seem like we might be close in size, and 400 cc's is kinda big but not big enough to give me back problems or for people to say "wow...shes huge!" It is hard to judge the size but what i did instead of the sling shot...was put on a form fitting shirt and see how they looked that way. This way you know youll be happy with the size instead of just going to a certain cup size.
I did ask my PS how many cc's for a C cup and they had to figure it up, but by the time the visit was over we both forgot about it, so i never did get it.
You are so funny! Thx for the laugh! I'll ask my PS how many cc's I'll need. I don't even know what size expander he put in me. Evidently there are different sizes. I appreciate your comments so much. Best of luck to you and thx again for your help!
Oh, I forgot to ask...how many fllls did you have?0 -
Yeah, the hollow spothoop77 said:Dawne,
Sorry to hear that
Sorry to hear that you must stop before you reached your target goal. I may end up in the same boat...My breasts look funny also. They both seem to have a little "shelf"or hollow spot above them. My PS explained that the expander is shaped that way and not to worry. Sure hope he's right!
Thx for the info about capsular contraction, that is reassuring. This is just such a weird, amazing process that leaves you with so many questions and concerns. I do use Flexeril the day of my fills and usually that evening and it definately helps!
Glad to know yours are rocks too! I just replied to another person that I too would feel like I was carrying around weapons when they get bigger!!
I wish you well with your exchange surgery and hope you are pleased with the final result. Thx for your input!
Sounds like we both have the crescent-shaped expanders that leave a "dished in" area on the chest. (Not all expanders are this shape, apparently.) My plastic surgeon uses them because he thinks it's important to stretch the bottom half of the pocket. With the teardrop-shaped implant, the top of the teardrop is tapered and thin and doesn't need a big area to fit smoothly against the chest wall, while the bottom is bulbous and needs a big pocket, if that makes any sense.
I shopped for a dress recently and found I can't wear even a moderately low neckline right now because of the hollow "shelf" at the top of each expander. I'll save the shopping for later ...0 -
Don't worry
That awful expander bears no resemblence to your permanent implants. They just need to stretch your skin in every direction to prepare for them. I got my fabulous new permanent breasts on April 1. They are positioned correctly, shaped beautifully and allow me to sleep on my side again. They are, in fact, larger than the original set that tried to kill me. Hang in there - it gets much, much better.0 -
13 totalhoop77 said:You are so funny! Thx for
You are so funny! Thx for the laugh! I'll ask my PS how many cc's I'll need. I don't even know what size expander he put in me. Evidently there are different sizes. I appreciate your comments so much. Best of luck to you and thx again for your help!
Oh, I forgot to ask...how many fllls did you have?
I had 10 fills of 25 cc's and 3 fills of 50 cc's...totaling 13 fills and 400 cc's.
But i think im getting one more fill of 50 cc's for them before surgery cuz 400 cc's is were i want to be. The extra is to stretch the skin a little more so its not so tight when they put the implant in and also need the extra skin cuz they remove the old incision and make a new one.
Oh I forgot this doesnt include what they started me out with when they put the expander in which im assuming was 25 cc's?
P.S. After awhile you start feeling like a blowup doll especially when you can actually see your chest rise during a fill!0 -
Hi Laura,
I had a double on 9-9-09 and had silicone put in on 3-12-10. Having nipples put on this Saturday.
It has taken months for the pain to get to the point where I haven't been protecting them from every graze.
Good news is, now you can practically grab them and juggle them.
I hated the expanders. They felt like tortoise shells. No worries. They'll be out before you know it!
Hang in there!
SamuraiMom0 -
So happy for you and gladcvolk821 said:Don't worry
That awful expander bears no resemblence to your permanent implants. They just need to stretch your skin in every direction to prepare for them. I got my fabulous new permanent breasts on April 1. They are positioned correctly, shaped beautifully and allow me to sleep on my side again. They are, in fact, larger than the original set that tried to kill me. Hang in there - it gets much, much better.
So happy for you and glad you are pleased with the final results! I am looking forward to sleeping on my side ore than you know...
God bless,
Laura0 -
Christine,Christine Louise said:Yeah, the hollow spot
Sounds like we both have the crescent-shaped expanders that leave a "dished in" area on the chest. (Not all expanders are this shape, apparently.) My plastic surgeon uses them because he thinks it's important to stretch the bottom half of the pocket. With the teardrop-shaped implant, the top of the teardrop is tapered and thin and doesn't need a big area to fit smoothly against the chest wall, while the bottom is bulbous and needs a big pocket, if that makes any sense.
I shopped for a dress recently and found I can't wear even a moderately low neckline right now because of the hollow "shelf" at the top of each expander. I'll save the shopping for later ...
Yes, that's
Yes, that's exactly what I have. He drew me a picture of the implant. Glad to now I'm not the only one with a hollow spot. Guess it will all work out in the end. Thx for alleviating my fears!0 -
Thank you so much for theSamuraiMom said:Hi
Hi Laura,
I had a double on 9-9-09 and had silicone put in on 3-12-10. Having nipples put on this Saturday.
It has taken months for the pain to get to the point where I haven't been protecting them from every graze.
Good news is, now you can practically grab them and juggle them.
I hated the expanders. They felt like tortoise shells. No worries. They'll be out before you know it!
Hang in there!
Thank you so much for the encouragement! Glad to know you are almost done! Guess you are having your surgery today, hope all goes well. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is still in pain and that it does go away. This network is so helpful and full of such amazing people. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories!
Love to all,
Laura0 -
CVOLK821 .. thank you for the encouraginghoop77 said:Thank you so much for the
Thank you so much for the encouragement! Glad to know you are almost done! Guess you are having your surgery today, hope all goes well. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is still in pain and that it does go away. This network is so helpful and full of such amazing people. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories!
Love to all,
words .. I can go back to sleeping on my side once the expander's have been exchanged?
I find myself wearing large blouses or shirts, as I can't find a proper fitting bra to keep my - expanded girls contained.
My filled up left breast hurts at night, and my right breast is not healed so we can do the exchange ..
Thanks for sharing your stories .. I am smiling ,cuz, now I know I'm not CRAZY.
Vicki0 -
Great to hear... I am not alone.Dawne.Hope said:I agree with everyone
I agree with everyone else.
I too am small framed and it is incredibly important that you take your fills slowly. My last fill was 20cc's and unfortunatly it was my last because my PS was concerned about thin skin and my scar being stretched too far.
I'm at 310cc's right now and my PS overfills ... so I'm looking at pretty small implants. I was a small C before surgery and I'm hoping to even make it to a B now.
My expanders are strangely spaced as well. My left 'breast' is too far over and feels like it is almost in my armpit. They look low as well.
I've never heard of capsular constriction happening with the expanders, but I haven't had radiation. Mine are hard as rocks. I take a yoga/tai chi class 2x a week and this past week was my first class with the 310cc's. They were in the way! And these suckers don't move. I do feel like I have rocks in my chest! I feel like I could use them as weapons! LOL!Hang in there, take it slow. I found muscle relaxers (Flexeril) to be very helpful with the pain after the fills.
It does come to an end!
Thanks to all of you. (hoop, Christine, Jojo, Dawne, Chris) Sorry we are in this club (breast cancer) but it is so reassuring to know I am not alone.
Your advice is great. I am new to this but now my pain is from the reconstruction. I know it was the right thing to do but.... I am tired of the discomfort. I love the name turtle shells... You are right on. I even joked with my doctor (that he just doesn't know what it feels likes).
Thanks, girls.0
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