Back from first mammo post DX and..........

pattimc Member Posts: 431
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Clear!!!! I'm not sure if this means I'm dancing with Ned but I'm so relieved that it's over. I felt so sorry for the tech, though. I walked in the room and just started crying and saying how scared and nervous I was. She was so awesome to me. I kept apologizing over and over for crying. I also ran into the tech who did my mammo last year when cancer was found. She recognized me and gave me a big hug!

So for those of you coming up to your first mammo, good luck. I think the apprehension is way worse that the mammo itself!



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  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Patti -
    Awesome, awesome news! Congratulations!
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    All clear
    CONGRATULATIONS !!! What wonderful news. My first mammogram since the diagnosis is late next month and scared doesn't even come close to describing how I am feeling about it.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    GrandmaJ said:

    All clear
    CONGRATULATIONS !!! What wonderful news. My first mammogram since the diagnosis is late next month and scared doesn't even come close to describing how I am feeling about it.


    congratulations! I am very happy for you
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Patti, that's what we wanted
    Patti, that's what we wanted to hear!! Congratulations and enjoy your dance with NED. I'm just 2 weeks behind you and I'm hoping to "cut in" on the 23rd for my dance. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my toes, too!!
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Congratulations on such
    Congratulations on such Fantastic News! Yes... you are definitely dancing with NED! Girl... get your dancing shoes on and start strutting! My first year anniversary was June 1st. It was Fabulous News for me too, Yippee!
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613

    Congratulations on such
    Congratulations on such Fantastic News! Yes... you are definitely dancing with NED! Girl... get your dancing shoes on and start strutting! My first year anniversary was June 1st. It was Fabulous News for me too, Yippee!

    Great news, ladies. Keep
    Great news, ladies. Keep the music going for everyone else who are having their first mammo or other test post treatment.

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    jk1952 said:

    Great news, ladies. Keep
    Great news, ladies. Keep the music going for everyone else who are having their first mammo or other test post treatment.


    What a relief!!
    I'm happy for you!!!!!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    In my book, ( and everyone
    In my book, ( and everyone elses) of course that means you are Dancing With NED! Shine your dancing shoes, sister! This is gonna be a sweeeeeet, music-filled weekend! Congrats to you!

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    aisling8 said:

    What a relief!!
    I'm happy for you!!!!!


    Excellent news! Dont feel
    Excellent news! Dont feel bad I used to freak all the time. drove myself so I couldnt take drugs. If you have nothing to mammo does that mean I am dancing with ned or do Ihave to have my first bloodwork? I would like a dance or two!
  • Cindy Ann
    Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
    I am so happy for you!!! Dance and dance some more!!! Do not sit a moment this weekend..Thank you so much for your gift of hope to me and all others still in the beginning of our fight and those nearing the end..
    I am truly so happpy for you!!!

    Cindy Ann
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Yeah! So happy for you!!!!
    Yeah! So happy for you!!!! :-)
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    JanInMN said:

    Yeah! So happy for you!!!!
    Yeah! So happy for you!!!! :-)

    Such great news. How long
    Such great news. How long is it before your first post treatment mammo? I still have 10 rads treatments ad I was scheduled some ime ago for a mammo to take place on July 2. Today the surgeon's office called from the breast center to say there is no way a mammo is done that soon after radiation, they would do it in Dec. I assured her I didn't suggest it, the surgeon did on my last check up some months ago. Is it usually done well after the completion of treatments? I did 4 cycles of chemo before rads. I get paranoid when one hand in the dr's office doesn't know what the other is doing.... Thanks for any help you can give.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    GayleMc said:

    Such great news. How long
    Such great news. How long is it before your first post treatment mammo? I still have 10 rads treatments ad I was scheduled some ime ago for a mammo to take place on July 2. Today the surgeon's office called from the breast center to say there is no way a mammo is done that soon after radiation, they would do it in Dec. I assured her I didn't suggest it, the surgeon did on my last check up some months ago. Is it usually done well after the completion of treatments? I did 4 cycles of chemo before rads. I get paranoid when one hand in the dr's office doesn't know what the other is doing.... Thanks for any help you can give.

    I was told they have to wait a year and a day
    for the mammo. That will be June 29th for me. And I'm totally expecting it to be clear. If it's not I'm definitely falling apart...
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    GayleMc said:

    Such great news. How long
    Such great news. How long is it before your first post treatment mammo? I still have 10 rads treatments ad I was scheduled some ime ago for a mammo to take place on July 2. Today the surgeon's office called from the breast center to say there is no way a mammo is done that soon after radiation, they would do it in Dec. I assured her I didn't suggest it, the surgeon did on my last check up some months ago. Is it usually done well after the completion of treatments? I did 4 cycles of chemo before rads. I get paranoid when one hand in the dr's office doesn't know what the other is doing.... Thanks for any help you can give.

    Six months
    My radiologist scheduled it for me 6 months after my radiation was completed. You really need to heal from radiation before a mammo should be done. I couldn't imagine having a mammo that close to completing radiation. Plus today was almost my one year from having my mammo done that caught the cancer in the first place.

    Gayle, you are almost at the finish line!!! You go girl!!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi Patti,well mine is done also.Thank God.It was terrible walking in their.I felt like my knees were going to bend up under me.I remember what you told me about imagining we were walking in their together.It really helped me.Thank you for that.My Cancer dr. will let me know as soon as she knows.And yours is clear,Thank God for that.Sounds like your dancing with NED.I know you don,t mind sharing that Dance with me and many others.I will let you know when I hear.Thanks everyone of you that is Praying for me. Pat
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!
    Your dancing with Ned!!!! Happy dance!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Celebrate Sister!!
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Celebrate Good Times C'mon! It's a celebration!
    Can you hear the tune?! Congratulations you must feel so relieved!!! I am so happy for you!! I can almost hear your deep sigh of relief right here!
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Celebrate Good Times C'mon! It's a celebration!
    Can you hear the tune?! Congratulations you must feel so relieved!!! I am so happy for you!! I can almost hear your deep sigh of relief right here!

    Thanks for the responses in
    Thanks for the responses in regards to my question about how long before first mammo. Feel a lot better. Yes Patti, I am almost at the finish line!!! Thanks for the encouraging words. Best to all!!!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I am dancing sooooo hard!!!
    YEA! One down many,many to go!!!! And ALL WILL be CLEAR!!!


    Hugs, Kathi
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    KathiM said:

    I am dancing sooooo hard!!!
    YEA! One down many,many to go!!!! And ALL WILL be CLEAR!!!


    Hugs, Kathi

    Congratulations Patti! You
    Congratulations Patti! You are dancing with NED!



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