A Dream To Come True....



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Sweet Dreams are Made of This.....
    Sounds like a wonderful holiday:)

    Have the greatest holiday ever and make incredible memories! You all deserve it!

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    zenmonk said:

    cool stuff
    When I was in the Navy my ship wnet into the gulf of Alaska and all the people who had never seen snow went crazy. they had a great time. I imagine this will be very exciting. Wishing you a great time and safe trip.

    If you can, check water out at night, when its quieter
    and you can really hear and feel the waves with all the stars on top......I've always lived nearby water and for me it can be calming, good for introspection. Enjoy it however you will and your kids will have a memorable vacation as well. Feel good......steve

    PS: don't stay in the sun too long--might melt your bag!!!!
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    What a wonderful oppurtunity
    What a wonderful oppurtunity to have a fantastic holiday! Enjoy + take lots of pictures!
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    AnneCan said:

    What a wonderful oppurtunity
    What a wonderful oppurtunity to have a fantastic holiday! Enjoy + take lots of pictures!

    a wonderful time you deserve it. i love the beach growing up at the santa monica pier and malibu i had the best childhood always at the beach. Have lots of fun

  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    How fabulous! I hope that you have a great time with your family. Seeing the ocean for the first time is an amazing experience and I know that you are going to have fun seeing your kid's reactions.

    I wish you a safe journey and hope you take lots of pictures along the way. We are heading to Myrtle Beach next week too so it looks like that's a popular place for the Colon Clubbers. If you get the chance the Ripley's Aquarium and Alligator Adventures are great places to take the kids.

    Much happiness to you Donna,
  • lmliess
    lmliess Member Posts: 329
    mom_2_3 said:

    How fabulous! I hope that you have a great time with your family. Seeing the ocean for the first time is an amazing experience and I know that you are going to have fun seeing your kid's reactions.

    I wish you a safe journey and hope you take lots of pictures along the way. We are heading to Myrtle Beach next week too so it looks like that's a popular place for the Colon Clubbers. If you get the chance the Ripley's Aquarium and Alligator Adventures are great places to take the kids.

    Much happiness to you Donna,

    You deserve some fun times with your family. have a safe trip and enjoy every minute of it!
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    lmliess said:

    You deserve some fun times with your family. have a safe trip and enjoy every minute of it!

    Hi Donna,
    Hi Donna,

    I wish I knew you were going to be in Myrtle Beach. My husband has to work this weekend so we cannot go. We are 4 hours away and are planning to go when he has some time off.

    Sara J's Restaurant is terrific. It is located in Garden City - not far from Myrtle Beach. The food is fresh, delicous, and reasonable. There is a beautiful view of the marsh. http://www.sarajs.com/

    Also, I have heard good things about Drunken Jack's but I have never been there. Drunken Jacks Restaurant is in business in Murrells Inlet, SC, Contact Drunken Jacks Restaurant to request a deal, get a coupon. You can visit Drunken Jacks Restaurant at:
    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 - Or call at: 843-651-3232

    We also like to go to Calabash in North Carolina. The Calabash SeaFood Hut has excellent food but the atmosphere is very plain. Calabash Seafood Hut - (910) 579-6723
    1125 River Rd SW
    Calabash, NC 28467

    Putt Putt Golf is always popular at the beach for families.

    Also they have great live theatre - http://www.alabama-theatre.com/ - Great music and shows.

    Have a great time!
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    I am sure you are going to
    I am sure you are going to have enjoyable time.Have fun.Have a safe and pleasant trip.Take care.
  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    What wonderful news!!!
    It,s going to be great for you and especially the kids,all kids loves the ocean,and the family reunion sounds even better, I am very happy for you,you deserves this break.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    That is Awesome
    How wonderful that you can take this much needed vacation along with your family. Your kids will remember this experience forever. So glad that you are getting away. Enjoy and don't think about anything else but having a great time.

    Hugs! Kim
  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    Donna - I'm soooo happy for
    Donna - I'm soooo happy for you and the kids, a much deserved break and treat for your kids! Enjoy darlin'!!!!

  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    That is so exciting! This will be a great time for all of your family. I pull a lot of energy from the ocean and sun. I need my fix every now and then. It also brings me a sense of calming and tranquility. I hope it does the same for you; re-energizing and calming.

    Have a fantastic trip!
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    That is so exciting! This will be a great time for all of your family. I pull a lot of energy from the ocean and sun. I need my fix every now and then. It also brings me a sense of calming and tranquility. I hope it does the same for you; re-energizing and calming.

    Have a fantastic trip!

    WoW! I'm Back!
    We had awesome weather there at the beach, it was beautiful...I also felt such a calmness by the ocean, I told my hubby you may sprinkle my remains there! haha..

    My kids had such a blast there seeing the ocean for the first time, they loved it! they said when they get big, they are going to live somewhere that has an ocean, and I said Go for it! Pat, my brother and I are planning on doing it again next year, hope I'm well enough too! maybe some time longer, the hotel was really nice, but I don't know why, the beds felt damp or moist? maybe because of the beach? we were oceanfront right there.

    We went to a festival that had a bunch of Disney people there, but the lines were so long. They picked their favorite, Drake Bell, and waited 2 hours to meet him, get their pics with him, and autographs.

    I uploaded some pics on my expressions page, those are my brothers pics, but I haven't gotten mine on the computer yet to upload, so I'll do it soon :)

    Thanks for the comments all, I missed you all!

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Shayenne said:

    WoW! I'm Back!
    We had awesome weather there at the beach, it was beautiful...I also felt such a calmness by the ocean, I told my hubby you may sprinkle my remains there! haha..

    My kids had such a blast there seeing the ocean for the first time, they loved it! they said when they get big, they are going to live somewhere that has an ocean, and I said Go for it! Pat, my brother and I are planning on doing it again next year, hope I'm well enough too! maybe some time longer, the hotel was really nice, but I don't know why, the beds felt damp or moist? maybe because of the beach? we were oceanfront right there.

    We went to a festival that had a bunch of Disney people there, but the lines were so long. They picked their favorite, Drake Bell, and waited 2 hours to meet him, get their pics with him, and autographs.

    I uploaded some pics on my expressions page, those are my brothers pics, but I haven't gotten mine on the computer yet to upload, so I'll do it soon :)

    Thanks for the comments all, I missed you all!


    I am so glad you had


    I am so glad you had such a wonderful time! There is nothing like the ocean + nothing like getting a break from our everyday lives. The pictures are beautiful + so are your kids + nieces. Thanks for sharing your trip.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Shayenne said:

    WoW! I'm Back!
    We had awesome weather there at the beach, it was beautiful...I also felt such a calmness by the ocean, I told my hubby you may sprinkle my remains there! haha..

    My kids had such a blast there seeing the ocean for the first time, they loved it! they said when they get big, they are going to live somewhere that has an ocean, and I said Go for it! Pat, my brother and I are planning on doing it again next year, hope I'm well enough too! maybe some time longer, the hotel was really nice, but I don't know why, the beds felt damp or moist? maybe because of the beach? we were oceanfront right there.

    We went to a festival that had a bunch of Disney people there, but the lines were so long. They picked their favorite, Drake Bell, and waited 2 hours to meet him, get their pics with him, and autographs.

    I uploaded some pics on my expressions page, those are my brothers pics, but I haven't gotten mine on the computer yet to upload, so I'll do it soon :)

    Thanks for the comments all, I missed you all!


    Hi Donna,

    Sorry I missed this post until today. That's so great that you were able to get away and have some family fun! I can just picture your kids' faces (even though I don't know what they look like- lol!) when they saw the ocean for the first time. Even though I'm on the west coast, I have been to Myrtle Beach once before on a vacation ten years ago (I know it was 10 yrs ago because my ten yr old, Allison, was a baby at the time and I remember carrying her around on the Myrtle Beach boardwalk and how hot and sticky the weather was and how having a sweaty baby stuck to me felt :~) It's a beautiful beach, though, and I'm so glad you go to go! I bet the weather wasn't hot and sticky there this time of year- hopefully it was absolutely lovely!

    You take care and hang in there with the oxi. I forgot- you took Folfiri the first time around with chemo, right- that's why you're doing the oxi now. At least the weather is warm now, which won't make the oxi as bad as during the cold weather.

    Take care-
  • coolvdub
    coolvdub Member Posts: 408 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Hi Donna,

    Sorry I missed this post until today. That's so great that you were able to get away and have some family fun! I can just picture your kids' faces (even though I don't know what they look like- lol!) when they saw the ocean for the first time. Even though I'm on the west coast, I have been to Myrtle Beach once before on a vacation ten years ago (I know it was 10 yrs ago because my ten yr old, Allison, was a baby at the time and I remember carrying her around on the Myrtle Beach boardwalk and how hot and sticky the weather was and how having a sweaty baby stuck to me felt :~) It's a beautiful beach, though, and I'm so glad you go to go! I bet the weather wasn't hot and sticky there this time of year- hopefully it was absolutely lovely!

    You take care and hang in there with the oxi. I forgot- you took Folfiri the first time around with chemo, right- that's why you're doing the oxi now. At least the weather is warm now, which won't make the oxi as bad as during the cold weather.

    Take care-

    See, dreams do come true

    Glad you and the family got to take a short break from the daily stuff. It's amazing how much good a short break like this can be. I'm also sure it will be a treasured memory your children will hold near and dear to their hearts. How lucky are they to have such a generous and loving uncle. My kids are all grown and out of the house, but when I get better. I plan on getting all the kids together with the grandkids and doing an all expense paid trip by Grandpa to Disneyworld for a week.

    This year my Sis is coming for a visit from Virginia and we are all going to spend a few days at Yosemite. I'm really looking forward to it, we are going at the end of July. I plan on being well enough to actually go and maybe we may even do a gentle river rafting trip. My younger Sis who is also from CA did it with my neices a couple of years ago and it wasn't to rough for them.So I'm crossing my fingers I will have the health and $$$ to do this. It will be right after I am supposed to return to work,so hopefully it all works out.

  • Devasted
    Devasted Member Posts: 185
    coolvdub said:

    See, dreams do come true

    Glad you and the family got to take a short break from the daily stuff. It's amazing how much good a short break like this can be. I'm also sure it will be a treasured memory your children will hold near and dear to their hearts. How lucky are they to have such a generous and loving uncle. My kids are all grown and out of the house, but when I get better. I plan on getting all the kids together with the grandkids and doing an all expense paid trip by Grandpa to Disneyworld for a week.

    This year my Sis is coming for a visit from Virginia and we are all going to spend a few days at Yosemite. I'm really looking forward to it, we are going at the end of July. I plan on being well enough to actually go and maybe we may even do a gentle river rafting trip. My younger Sis who is also from CA did it with my neices a couple of years ago and it wasn't to rough for them.So I'm crossing my fingers I will have the health and $$$ to do this. It will be right after I am supposed to return to work,so hopefully it all works out.


    So glad you enjoyed your trip :)

    So glad to hear you enjoyed your trip! It's nice to take a break and forget everything for a bit. Did you go to Broadway at the Beach? I have been away from the board for a couple days and missed your original post! We live kinda nearby...maybe we can meet you next year! So glad you had fun. The damp sheets, that's just humidity!

    Take care,
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    Devasted said:

    So glad you enjoyed your trip :)

    So glad to hear you enjoyed your trip! It's nice to take a break and forget everything for a bit. Did you go to Broadway at the Beach? I have been away from the board for a couple days and missed your original post! We live kinda nearby...maybe we can meet you next year! So glad you had fun. The damp sheets, that's just humidity!

    Take care,

    awesome pictures Donna....soooo glad you had good time.

  • iluvmms
    iluvmms Member Posts: 134 Member
    maglets said:

    awesome pictures Donna....soooo glad you had good time.


    What happened with the spheres? I've been curious to know??

  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    iluvmms said:

    What happened with the spheres? I've been curious to know??


    Hey Christy
    I'm not sure on the spheres now, the Folfox didn't give him the response yet he wants...some tumors have grown, some have shrunk, and some aren't doing anything at all, a mixed response, but I'll be doing my 5th treatment tomorrow, so maybe with the next scans he'll know more, he just wants to see how Folfox does first. I'm not doing it anymore if I get any signs of neuropathy though!

    Thanks all for the comments, I did have a great time, and I hope you do get to go to Disneyworld Don, that's another dream of mine for my kids. I have never been there myself.



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