? on sentinel Lymph node surgery

sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was told they would inject radioactive tracing material into the breast. Do they numb th area before doing that? Does it hurt?


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  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    No, they don't numb it. Yes, it hurts. But it is over with very quickly.
    Mine was done just before my mastectomy.

    You will be fine..

  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Mine was a bit painful
    They did not numb the area before my injections. Yes, it was a bit more painful than other injections and blood drawing have been. I distracted myself by chatting with one of the technicians and got through it fine. It was all over pretty fast. I hope it goes well for you! Remember, it's just a small, quick step in the process.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Mine was a series of 3
    Mine was a series of 3 injections. I wasn't numb but it wasn't too bad. There was a definite sting during each injection, with the last one being the worst. But, it was over within a couple of minutes and the pain was gone. You can do it. Good luck!!
  • dwolfe2791
    dwolfe2791 Member Posts: 2
    I had mine
    last Thursday. They did use novacaine and numbing cream prior to the novacaine. It wasn't as painful as the stereostatic biopsy. However after the surgery (lumpectomy with sentinal node biopsy) my underarm is 100 times more painful than my breast.
  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214
    It varies on where (which hospital)you have the injections wheather they numb the area. They didn't for me and it wasn't good. You can call and ask...I think it's the nuclear medicine department (the radiology department can get you to the area you need). And ask your Dr for a prescription for EMLA cream and apply it 1-2 hours before the injection. Also, ask exactly where to put it. I used it but not directly over the area they injected so, it wasn't much help. The radiologist insisted it wouldn't hurt...I should have asked him when was the last time somebody injected something into his scrotum....what a jerk. Anyway, the pain didn't linger for long but, it was pretty bad during.

    Wishing you a painless procedure!!!!!
    Hugs, El
  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332

    It varies on where (which hospital)you have the injections wheather they numb the area. They didn't for me and it wasn't good. You can call and ask...I think it's the nuclear medicine department (the radiology department can get you to the area you need). And ask your Dr for a prescription for EMLA cream and apply it 1-2 hours before the injection. Also, ask exactly where to put it. I used it but not directly over the area they injected so, it wasn't much help. The radiologist insisted it wouldn't hurt...I should have asked him when was the last time somebody injected something into his scrotum....what a jerk. Anyway, the pain didn't linger for long but, it was pretty bad during.

    Wishing you a painless procedure!!!!!
    Hugs, El

    I had a sentinel node
    I had a sentinel node biopsy, wire localization, and lumpectomy last Wednesday. The dye injection was the most painful part of the day for me. They used lidocaine to numb me, but the three injections were still painful. It didn't last long though, a few seconds each. The wire localization didn't bother me at all. I had two stereotactic biopsies last month, and they didn't bother me at all either. The only other painful part of my day was the IV in my hand. I hate those stupid things, esp in my hand.

    Good luck to you!
  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332

    It varies on where (which hospital)you have the injections wheather they numb the area. They didn't for me and it wasn't good. You can call and ask...I think it's the nuclear medicine department (the radiology department can get you to the area you need). And ask your Dr for a prescription for EMLA cream and apply it 1-2 hours before the injection. Also, ask exactly where to put it. I used it but not directly over the area they injected so, it wasn't much help. The radiologist insisted it wouldn't hurt...I should have asked him when was the last time somebody injected something into his scrotum....what a jerk. Anyway, the pain didn't linger for long but, it was pretty bad during.

    Wishing you a painless procedure!!!!!
    Hugs, El

    I had a sentinel node
    I had a sentinel node biopsy, wire localization, and lumpectomy last Wednesday. The dye injection was the most painful part of the day for me. They used lidocaine to numb me, but the three injections were still painful. It didn't last long though, a few seconds each. The wire localization didn't bother me at all. I had two stereotactic biopsies last month, and they didn't bother me at all either. The only other painful part of my day was the IV in my hand. I hate those stupid things, esp in my hand.

    Good luck to you!
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    JuJuBeez said:

    I had a sentinel node
    I had a sentinel node biopsy, wire localization, and lumpectomy last Wednesday. The dye injection was the most painful part of the day for me. They used lidocaine to numb me, but the three injections were still painful. It didn't last long though, a few seconds each. The wire localization didn't bother me at all. I had two stereotactic biopsies last month, and they didn't bother me at all either. The only other painful part of my day was the IV in my hand. I hate those stupid things, esp in my hand.

    Good luck to you!

    I was lucky
    From everything I read here, I was lucky. I had the radioactive dye injection the day before my lumpectomy and there was no numbing of the skin, but the injection didn't hurt. The three blue dye injections were done during surgery and obviously I was unaware (except you have blue urine for a day:)

    I hope you have the same experience.

    Good luck to you,

  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    aisling8 said:

    I was lucky
    From everything I read here, I was lucky. I had the radioactive dye injection the day before my lumpectomy and there was no numbing of the skin, but the injection didn't hurt. The three blue dye injections were done during surgery and obviously I was unaware (except you have blue urine for a day:)

    I hope you have the same experience.

    Good luck to you,


    Ms. Independent is right on!
    Check and see what they're doing to you and if you can use the cream. For me they gave me the 4 blue dye injections with NO Novocaine and it was by far the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life. I would NEVER go through that again, and don't want any one else to ever go through it. I'm wondering how some of you can say it was a little pinch.
    Even the guy who did it told me he was going to give me the worst pain I've ever had! He was right! PLEASE do yourself a favor and check it out, exactly what are they doing to you and can you use novocaine!!! Because of my complaints they changed the way they administer it at the hospital I went to.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Mama G said:

    Ms. Independent is right on!
    Check and see what they're doing to you and if you can use the cream. For me they gave me the 4 blue dye injections with NO Novocaine and it was by far the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life. I would NEVER go through that again, and don't want any one else to ever go through it. I'm wondering how some of you can say it was a little pinch.
    Even the guy who did it told me he was going to give me the worst pain I've ever had! He was right! PLEASE do yourself a favor and check it out, exactly what are they doing to you and can you use novocaine!!! Because of my complaints they changed the way they administer it at the hospital I went to.

    Yes, that's what the Dr. told me too...then they gave me a little ball to squeeze as they injected the dye. It was supposed to keep me from hurting them..lol! Or SQUEEZING them!

  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Yes, that's what the Dr. told me too...then they gave me a little ball to squeeze as they injected the dye. It was supposed to keep me from hurting them..lol! Or SQUEEZING them!


    I found the shots to be
    I found the shots to be painful. I was told nothing about the pain and so was not at all prepared. I really think it would have still hurt, but I would have been a little more ready. I so wish I had known of this site then. You will get through it and do fine.
  • Quiltngal
    Quiltngal Member Posts: 12
    Lymph node injection dye
    I was saddened to hear that so many had an awful time with this. When I had mine done..they first gave me a numbing med....they told me in advance what to expect. Honestly..it is a very intense burning sensation but it was sooo QUICK that by time I realized pain..it was over. Seconds!

    My doctor told me I couldn't take the pain without the pre med.

    Sorry for those who had to endure it without. I can't understand why they made you go through this as such.
    KMLNP Member Posts: 5
    Quiltngal said:

    Lymph node injection dye
    I was saddened to hear that so many had an awful time with this. When I had mine done..they first gave me a numbing med....they told me in advance what to expect. Honestly..it is a very intense burning sensation but it was sooo QUICK that by time I realized pain..it was over. Seconds!

    My doctor told me I couldn't take the pain without the pre med.

    Sorry for those who had to endure it without. I can't understand why they made you go through this as such.

    I am having my
    I am having my mastectomy/immediate reconstruction with sentinal node biopsy next week. I was told that they use a numbing cream but that it would still hurt as they inject the dye. From the discussion about pain with my NP it sounds like this is going to be the worst of it. It is good to read about what to expect. Thank you
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    Ewwwwww this sounds like absolutely no fun at all.
    So are you guys talking about the day of your actual surgery, when you have either a lumpectomy or a mastectomy?

    Can't they just knock us out?

    KMLNP Member Posts: 5

    Ewwwwww this sounds like absolutely no fun at all.
    So are you guys talking about the day of your actual surgery, when you have either a lumpectomy or a mastectomy?

    Can't they just knock us out?


    It is day of surgery. I was
    It is day of surgery. I was thinking the same thing about being knocked out. Apparently because this is done in nuclear medicine they can't move us about the hospital under the anesthesia. It would be nice if they figured out a way to do this in the OR someday.

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    KMLNP said:

    It is day of surgery. I was
    It is day of surgery. I was thinking the same thing about being knocked out. Apparently because this is done in nuclear medicine they can't move us about the hospital under the anesthesia. It would be nice if they figured out a way to do this in the OR someday.


    Thanks Kathy
    Seems like for every good thing I read there's something just as crummy.

    uuugggghhhh when does the nightmare end? I just want to wake up already......damn



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