
soccermomx3 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am on day #5 of my first chemo treatment for stage 2 breast cancer. When can I expect to loose my hair? I have heard that younger women may loose it quicker. I am 43 years old with three young daughters and we are all anxiously waiting!


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  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    My scalp began to get very
    My scalp began to get very tender. Hairloss began about 2 weeks after first treatment of A/C
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I was on taxotere/cytoxan
    I was on taxotere/cytoxan and I lost mine on day 15. I actually had it buzzed on a Friday, after work, so I had the weekend to get used to it. That was August 2009. I am now free of scarves, ball caps, and head coverings of any kind. My point, this is just temporary and YOU WILL have hair again. Good luck!
  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234
    Iam 45 started loosing my hair day 13....I still have enough hair for a crew cut and I just had my 2nd treatment..Wishing you all the best....
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hair Loss
    I was on carboplaten/taxotere and my hair started falling out 2 weeks after my first treatment. That was the beginning of December 2008. June 3rd will be my one year anniversary of finishing rads and treatments. My hair grew back in pretty much the way it went out, gray, straight, baby fine. Last week I got my first perm since diagnosis and today I am going to get it styled a little better. Have no fear - it will grow back, and in most cases from what I hear and read, it comes back better!
    Hugs - Pat
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    I began losing mine on day 14 after first treatment of taxotere/cytoxan. I had my daughters cut it off the day after Christmas and it became more and more sparse as treatments progressed. Your scalp will hurt a lot before it begins to fall - like as if you put your hair up on your head. My expessions page has my latest picture on it - 13 weeks out of chemo. It's great having hair again!!!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    BethInAz said:

    I began losing mine on day 14 after first treatment of taxotere/cytoxan. I had my daughters cut it off the day after Christmas and it became more and more sparse as treatments progressed. Your scalp will hurt a lot before it begins to fall - like as if you put your hair up on your head. My expessions page has my latest picture on it - 13 weeks out of chemo. It's great having hair again!!!

    I am 56, lost hair day 14.
    I am 56, lost hair day 14. Love soccer by the way. Both my boys and now grandchildren play.
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    Kat11 said:

    I am 56, lost hair day 14.
    I am 56, lost hair day 14. Love soccer by the way. Both my boys and now grandchildren play.

    Starting losing hair day 13
    I was on cytoxan and taxotere and began losing mine on day 13 after 1st treatment. Scalp will get tender first then you know it is coming. After day 16 when it started coming out in the shower in clumps I made the decision to shave my head. I could not stand to see it come out like that and it was clogging up the drain. It is so nice to say 'i was on cytoxan and taxotere' and not that I am still on it. My last treatment was this past Monday and it feels so good to be done and looking ahead to getting my strength and life back. You will be there soon too. Hang in can only get better. Be Blessed and trust God!
    Lorrie Balentine
  • chipoo
    chipoo Member Posts: 32
    I am 43. Lost my hair on
    I am 43. Lost my hair on day 17. Did not have a sensitive scalp or tenderness. It just started to fall out and I got it shaved before it could fall out in clumps.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    chipoo said:

    I am 43. Lost my hair on
    I am 43. Lost my hair on day 17. Did not have a sensitive scalp or tenderness. It just started to fall out and I got it shaved before it could fall out in clumps.

    I was around day 14 I buzzed
    I was around day 14 I buzzed it when a few hairs started coming out, it actually fell out first "down there" and actually started growing back "down there" first. completely the opposite, head hair dark and curly, the other darker and straight. I had dishwater blonde hair, that I foiled. My hair is like Beths except I have some recession on the upper sides which has to grow to cover before I get rid of the caps. Beth you look beautiful
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75
    BethInAz said:

    I began losing mine on day 14 after first treatment of taxotere/cytoxan. I had my daughters cut it off the day after Christmas and it became more and more sparse as treatments progressed. Your scalp will hurt a lot before it begins to fall - like as if you put your hair up on your head. My expessions page has my latest picture on it - 13 weeks out of chemo. It's great having hair again!!!

    Beth, thank you for posting those pictures. I was great to see the stages of hair growth. I'm 3 weeks post chemo...and can only see fuzz...white fuzz. Your pictures give me something to look forward to. Please keep posting them. That was a great idea for us skin heads. Jacki
  • tally
    tally Member Posts: 48
    I too am 43 with stage 2. My scalp also felt sore a few days before. I had waist length hair that I had gotten cut and had donated. It was about 2 weeks after my first chemo that it started falling out. I then had it cut about a finger width. I read on another post on here that one of our pink sisters used a lint roller. That worked wonderful. I just couldn't bring myself to shave my head. But everybody is different. I have just finished my third treatment of TAC and I'm used to not having hair. I find that my head and the back of my neck get really hot so its kind of nice not to have hair. Inside my house I just walk around with nothing on my head.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    tally said:

    I too am 43 with stage 2. My scalp also felt sore a few days before. I had waist length hair that I had gotten cut and had donated. It was about 2 weeks after my first chemo that it started falling out. I then had it cut about a finger width. I read on another post on here that one of our pink sisters used a lint roller. That worked wonderful. I just couldn't bring myself to shave my head. But everybody is different. I have just finished my third treatment of TAC and I'm used to not having hair. I find that my head and the back of my neck get really hot so its kind of nice not to have hair. Inside my house I just walk around with nothing on my head.

    began losing mine on day 21
    It took about 2 weeks for the 90% loss I experienced. I chose to never shave it and have not regretted that decision. The itchy tender feeling passed after about 5 days. I did have it cut very very short, though before the chemo began. I am not enjoying a full head of white hair (see pic) and it seems like I was only bald for a short time! I am one of the lucky ones who started growing back before the taxol ended. Good luck! Keep in mind it's a small gift to give up to save your life! AND unlike men who lose their hair, we get it back!!!
  • Chrispea
    Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 42. I had my first chemo
    I'm 42. I had my first chemo treatment on Sept. 30 and my scalp got tender. It started to fall out on day 16, I think. Then it all fell out after 2 showers.
  • Whytshawl
    Whytshawl Member Posts: 5
    Hair loss
    I think it just depends on the individual. Mine didn't start to fall out until I was about 2 months into my Chemo... My daughter and I had fun putting on differnt wigs...but especially different hats! Some are so cute. I'm 51 and had stage 2-3 breast cancer. My hair has just started to grow back...It's about an inch and a half long. It came back I've already been playing with color. My daughter wants me to try Manic Panic (Blue)!
    Good Luck and God Bless
  • Emilyfimily
    Emilyfimily Member Posts: 141
    mine went fast
    I'm 30, and was doing high dose single agent "red devil". Mine started on day 6, but not huge clumps, just kept stringing out when I touched it. I'd try to pull the hair off my shoulders but more hairs just kept coming with it. I didn't give it a chance for the big clumps - had my sweet husband buzz it for me that night. I went ahead and shaved it a couple days later because it was itching and driving me nuts. Kept getting little short hairs in my collar.
    I'm 5 1/2 weeks post last chemo now, though, and I have a head full of sparse but growing baby-head fuzz (:
  • Kay Allen
    Kay Allen Member Posts: 3
    Hair lose
    Well seems like mine started almost from the first chemo treatment, but I had really thick hair so not to noticable at first. Then after chemo #2 you could tell and it was so upsetting to me. Was gonna do the buzz thing but just couldn't. Have the wigs and all the other stuff but nope couldn't do the buzz. So now after treatment #3 it is very thin and totaly grey cause I am 58 years old but I wear it spiked up like and punk rocker and fell good about it lol


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