Survivor's Dinner

padee6339 Member Posts: 763
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just want to share with everyone the wonderful time I had last night at our Survivor's Dinner. It was held at our local Catholic High School, St. Vincent Palotti here in Laurel. As we came in, we stamped our hands onto a panel with our names which will be displayed at the Relay. The food was donated and baked by some of the student's parents and the student's themselves volunteered to do the serving and clean up. They were wonderful kids and seemed to have a ball with all us old fogies. They had a Chinese Auction and a Silent Auction, with baskets made up by volunteers. There was a Man's Night at the Movies, Christmas basket, make up and beauty treatment baskets, baby basket - all sorts. The silent auction was tickets to National's and Orioles games, really neat stuff. Then they had this woman who led us in "Laughter Rx", where laughter promotes healing and good self-esteem. We were then served cupcakes, and the survivor's had candles on them for the Relay's theme of "More Birthdays". This was a wonderful pre-event for the Relay next month. We were each given a "goodie bag" with our Relay T-shirt and other goodies. It was wonderful to be with other people who have gone through what I have gone through. This was a "first" for me. I made new friends and hope to see them all at our Relay!

Hugs - Pat


  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Wow, they did a great job!
    What a wonderful event. They treated you right, didn't they?! Love it when a whole community embraces this cause.


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