
mrshisname Member Posts: 186
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Hubby is liking cialis for the post-op ED. Where have those of you who are on Cialis been obtaining the drug? Thanks for your replies. If you could also list prices and where you obtained.


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  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    I take Cialis and my doctor
    I take Cialis and my doctor recommended this internet company and I have used them for other drugs in the past. They have genetic Cialis (Tadalafil) and the prices are as follows and this drug is manufactured in India by a major drug company:

    (96 pills) 10 mg-$144.00
    (96 pills) 20 mg-$288.00

    NEW-free shipping for orders over $99 other wise I have paid $5 to ship orders in the past

    Anyway I am sure there are lots of internet companies to choice from but this was recommend to me by a doctor from a major medial group on "their" letter head...

    Best of luck
  • marteau
    marteau Member Posts: 27
    bdhilton said:

    I take Cialis and my doctor
    I take Cialis and my doctor recommended this internet company and I have used them for other drugs in the past. They have genetic Cialis (Tadalafil) and the prices are as follows and this drug is manufactured in India by a major drug company:

    (96 pills) 10 mg-$144.00
    (96 pills) 20 mg-$288.00

    NEW-free shipping for orders over $99 other wise I have paid $5 to ship orders in the past

    Anyway I am sure there are lots of internet companies to choice from but this was recommend to me by a doctor from a major medial group on "their" letter head...

    Best of luck

    prices, etc
    i have been paying $138 for 60 pills only 5mg each at WAlmart, so bdhilton's source is much better.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Many order from
    Many order from Alldaychemist on the web. These are generic shipped out of India. I've only order Levitra from them. I've heard that on the Cialis you have to sign something stating that the pills are for consumption outside of the US. I've read of several men that still order the Cialis and 'sign' the agreement even though they consume them in the US.
    Not sure why on the Cialis because on the Levitra and Viagra you don't have to sign that statement.

    Prices are available on the web and I've ordered the Levitra 2 times from them with no problems.

  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    lewvino said:

    Many order from
    Many order from Alldaychemist on the web. These are generic shipped out of India. I've only order Levitra from them. I've heard that on the Cialis you have to sign something stating that the pills are for consumption outside of the US. I've read of several men that still order the Cialis and 'sign' the agreement even though they consume them in the US.
    Not sure why on the Cialis because on the Levitra and Viagra you don't have to sign that statement.

    Prices are available on the web and I've ordered the Levitra 2 times from them with no problems.


    Cialis patent
    I've seen somewhere that the Cialis patent is much more restrictive and enforceable than others for Viagra, etc.
  • Evagirl
    Evagirl Member Posts: 60
    142 said:

    Cialis patent
    I've seen somewhere that the Cialis patent is much more restrictive and enforceable than others for Viagra, etc.

    how about Viagra~~??

    Well...Dencil normally took Viagra....But his
    Urologist is going to prescribe Cialis when he
    begins his "therapy" :-) in four weeks

    So I was wondering ~~~ for those of you who have tried
    both~ Which one have you found to work the best ?
    I know he has Paid $50 for 5 pills ..and that is even after
    the insurance co paid their part~ he always cuts the pill
    in half...
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    Evagirl said:

    how about Viagra~~??

    Well...Dencil normally took Viagra....But his
    Urologist is going to prescribe Cialis when he
    begins his "therapy" :-) in four weeks

    So I was wondering ~~~ for those of you who have tried
    both~ Which one have you found to work the best ?
    I know he has Paid $50 for 5 pills ..and that is even after
    the insurance co paid their part~ he always cuts the pill
    in half...

    The best ED drug is the one
    The best ED drug is the one that works for you… From my understanding a lot of surgeons an UROs recommend Cialis after surgery because it stays in your system longer if you take a 10mg-20mg dose plus they have a daily dose that I take that is 5mg…But at the end of the day it is what ever works
  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    Evagirl said:

    how about Viagra~~??

    Well...Dencil normally took Viagra....But his
    Urologist is going to prescribe Cialis when he
    begins his "therapy" :-) in four weeks

    So I was wondering ~~~ for those of you who have tried
    both~ Which one have you found to work the best ?
    I know he has Paid $50 for 5 pills ..and that is even after
    the insurance co paid their part~ he always cuts the pill
    in half...

    Too early for a verdict from me -
    Too early for me to say. My dr. put me on Cialis after DaVinci just for blood flow, since they got the nerves. However, Cialis has a normally only bothersome side effect of low back pain. That meant once I started my follow-up IGRT, I had to stop it on pre-treatment days, as the pain became unbearable for the 15 minutes that I have to be absolutely still for radiation.

    Many complain about congestion, but I live on Alegra and Nasonex, so that is not an issue.

    It is horribly expensive, although he did have a few 5 day samples, and Cialis does a "first pack" free coupon.

    So I have no feedback for you on other options.
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    142 said:

    Too early for a verdict from me -
    Too early for me to say. My dr. put me on Cialis after DaVinci just for blood flow, since they got the nerves. However, Cialis has a normally only bothersome side effect of low back pain. That meant once I started my follow-up IGRT, I had to stop it on pre-treatment days, as the pain became unbearable for the 15 minutes that I have to be absolutely still for radiation.

    Many complain about congestion, but I live on Alegra and Nasonex, so that is not an issue.

    It is horribly expensive, although he did have a few 5 day samples, and Cialis does a "first pack" free coupon.

    So I have no feedback for you on other options.

    I just got 15 pills of
    I just got 15 pills of Cialis 20 mg at $20. Of course the price of the drugs is $316. But my health insurance took care of the remaining. I don't understand why some insurance companies do not pay for the ED pills especially when ED is the result of surgery.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    zakpaga said:

    I just got 15 pills of
    I just got 15 pills of Cialis 20 mg at $20. Of course the price of the drugs is $316. But my health insurance took care of the remaining. I don't understand why some insurance companies do not pay for the ED pills especially when ED is the result of surgery.

    My insurance will give me 18
    My insurance will give me 18 20mg (or 10mg or 5mg) every 90 days for $20 but I need more than that every 90 days...My URO was kind enough to give me 90 5mg + a certificate for 30 more for free but that is getting low and I have sent away for these generic 10mg that I will split (so for my 5mg the cost is about .75 cents per dose)... Yes it is criminal that most insurance companies are getting away with not recognizing the importance of this for our post surgery therapy....that is what we need to make a louder voice in Washington DC…
  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86
    calais I love it works for me
    Hi all I have been post op now 5 months and tried a few medsall have had some success but Calais works almost back to normal and 30 minutes after taking. I am very happy with the results I got mine also from India I got a mixed variety pack calais levetra and viagra all generic for about $60 odd dollars about 30 tabs from memory I will be looking to get some more this time just calais fast delivery check out the site for prices
    Best of luck to all you guys life can be good again also found it helps with the incontenance I think . Take care and heads up .
  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    shane59 said:

    calais I love it works for me
    Hi all I have been post op now 5 months and tried a few medsall have had some success but Calais works almost back to normal and 30 minutes after taking. I am very happy with the results I got mine also from India I got a mixed variety pack calais levetra and viagra all generic for about $60 odd dollars about 30 tabs from memory I will be looking to get some more this time just calais fast delivery check out the site for prices
    Best of luck to all you guys life can be good again also found it helps with the incontenance I think . Take care and heads up .

    Hi Shane,
    I am very happy

    Hi Shane,

    I am very happy for you. I also start getting better results with Cialis than with other ED pills. I am 70 days past surgery. Could you give details with your experience with Cialis? Did it work right away or did you try many Cialis pills before reaching the almost normal erection you mentioned? Everybody is different but it always good to hear other people's experiences.

    Thank you
  • mrshisname
    mrshisname Member Posts: 186
    zakpaga said:

    Hi Shane,
    I am very happy

    Hi Shane,

    I am very happy for you. I also start getting better results with Cialis than with other ED pills. I am 70 days past surgery. Could you give details with your experience with Cialis? Did it work right away or did you try many Cialis pills before reaching the almost normal erection you mentioned? Everybody is different but it always good to hear other people's experiences.

    Thank you

    buttock pain
    Hubby is having low back and upper buttock pain after taking cialis and for many hours after. Wonder if that was it. No cialis today and no pain. hmmm
    We ended up ordering viagra from Randy's supplier. Will see how that works next week. Our best to all. Hubby is doing so great! Cancer free, no prostate, pretty much dry, and getting there on the ED!!
  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86

    buttock pain
    Hubby is having low back and upper buttock pain after taking cialis and for many hours after. Wonder if that was it. No cialis today and no pain. hmmm
    We ended up ordering viagra from Randy's supplier. Will see how that works next week. Our best to all. Hubby is doing so great! Cancer free, no prostate, pretty much dry, and getting there on the ED!!

    I tried various meds as mentioned earlier , I find somtimes I suffer from reflux hours latter that keeps me awake at night somtimes makes me vommet to get over it . or some muscular aches in my lower legs from levitra . viagra and calais somtimes not always gave me the side affects. Took about 6 or 7tablets to start really working well for me .now I find a calais 30 minutes before sex and some foreplay and good results back to normal for about 20 minutes very pleased with progress .But as they say differant rules for differant schools what works for me may not for you same with side affects good luck my friends keep the psa down and the ed up shane59
  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169

    buttock pain
    Hubby is having low back and upper buttock pain after taking cialis and for many hours after. Wonder if that was it. No cialis today and no pain. hmmm
    We ended up ordering viagra from Randy's supplier. Will see how that works next week. Our best to all. Hubby is doing so great! Cancer free, no prostate, pretty much dry, and getting there on the ED!!

    Lower back pain
    I've probably already posted this somewhere, but I have minor low back pain every morning after taking the 5mg daily Cialis at night. I've had to stop taking it on nights before IGRT, because it cases a great deal of pain if they twist my position on the table just so.

    So in current conditions, won't take it. Otherwise it would have been tolerable. I'll go back to it after the radiation is done.

    Understanding of course mine is for circulation primarily - I had nerve involvement on both sides, so that is over -
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    You have the connection I was using for my Viagra, they also sell the generic Cialis also.
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241

    buttock pain
    Hubby is having low back and upper buttock pain after taking cialis and for many hours after. Wonder if that was it. No cialis today and no pain. hmmm
    We ended up ordering viagra from Randy's supplier. Will see how that works next week. Our best to all. Hubby is doing so great! Cancer free, no prostate, pretty much dry, and getting there on the ED!!

    Side Effect
    The only side-effect for me and it is spot-on consistent is my sinuses get stuffed 1-2 hrs after taking Cialis. That's been about it.
    I recently had a routine eye appt and everything looked good.

    So my Cialis seems to be doing the job and not hurting anything else.

    For Randy----Is taking Cialis and Viagra at the same time okay? I am not doing that but, can you take two ED meds?

  • mrshisname
    mrshisname Member Posts: 186

    You have the connection I was using for my Viagra, they also sell the generic Cialis also.

    Decided to try the viagra, it comes with some free cialis too. Ordered it several days ago, never did get a confirmation email. Kind of worries me...but you haven't had any trouble with them, right??
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member

    Decided to try the viagra, it comes with some free cialis too. Ordered it several days ago, never did get a confirmation email. Kind of worries me...but you haven't had any trouble with them, right??

    The only problem is it seems like it takes forever to get them even when I added another $15 for quicker delivery...I think mine took 15 days via camel. If you choose to just do the regular delivery I don't think you can trace it through the 800 number but you could call and see anyway. I wouldn't worry....We had a great HOT day at the 500...drank plenty of beer and I only used two 1/2 pads from 3:30am when we got up to leave until 11:oo pm. It was a good bladder control practice day! The driver Dario Franchetti WON!!!

    When are you coming up here to see Dr. Scott? I see Hollensbe on Wed in the morning.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    Decided to try the viagra, it comes with some free cialis too. Ordered it several days ago, never did get a confirmation email. Kind of worries me...but you haven't had any trouble with them, right??

    The online site I use
    The online site I use ( provides you with a tracking number for about $2 per shipment via the US Postal Department if you want. Deliveries are free for any order over $99 but they do not give “free” samples of other ED drugs just the one your RX is for.

    I would personally not pay for any special/overnight delivery as the meds are coming from India and the shipping price would not be worth it to me. I plan on about 15-20 business days and order accordingly...Plus this site was give to me by a USA doctor on letterhead from a major national medical group…I have not had any problems with them. They provide email confirmations of orders etc…plus if you write them an email they will respond within 24 hours… Best to all
  • drbrr
    drbrr Member Posts: 3
    bdhilton said:

    The online site I use
    The online site I use ( provides you with a tracking number for about $2 per shipment via the US Postal Department if you want. Deliveries are free for any order over $99 but they do not give “free” samples of other ED drugs just the one your RX is for.

    I would personally not pay for any special/overnight delivery as the meds are coming from India and the shipping price would not be worth it to me. I plan on about 15-20 business days and order accordingly...Plus this site was give to me by a USA doctor on letterhead from a major national medical group…I have not had any problems with them. They provide email confirmations of orders etc…plus if you write them an email they will respond within 24 hours… Best to all

    I have heard...
    I have heard from one guy that was good. I checked their site, and you can get 100 10mg Cialis for $139. If you cut them in half, which they are scored to do, that means you are getting 200 pills for $139, which is cheaper than my current co-pay on insurance. Actually, we just switched, and the new insurance doesn't cover ED drugs at all. Go figure! Like they're going to say to a woman who has reconstruction surgery for breast cancer, "Sorry, but we won't pay for that because it's only cosmetic." Fat chance! For those of us who battle ED as a function of prostate cancer, there's nothing "cosmetic" about it! I plan to try this place out (I think it's in India).


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