3 weeks post op from lumpectomy..is this normal?

gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a lumpectomy on 4/23/10, a little over three weeks ago. I feel like I have a huge lump inside under the scar right where the original lump was? It is still sore. But I can not stop touching it and feeling it. My Pathology report was clear with all clear margins as well as all lymph nodes were clear (stageI grade III)
I am so worried that it is growing back already and fast in the same spot?

My surgeon said not to worry it is just healing and it is scar tissue. If it is how long will that hard lump be there? But, I can not stop thinking about it day and night, and I am trying to relax and rest before I start my chemo this Thursday, I am worked up about the chemo as it is........I feel like a big cry baby every time I post something on this board. I am sorry. But I always feel better hearing things from my fellow breast cancer fighters and survivors.

xoxoxox to you all.
When I pray tonight I will say a prayer for all of you wonderful, amazing and inspiring ladies.


  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    Dont forget us few men with
    Dont forget us few men with breast cancer too. Just looking out for the easily forgotton ones.

    About 1,910 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among men
    About 440 men will die from breast cancer
  • sparklewings
    sparklewings Member Posts: 29
    Oh hunny, my heart goes out
    Oh hunny, my heart goes out to you! Everything we go through is so scary the first time, we just don't know anything about it. It is just scar tissue that you are feeling, its not coming back. I read somewhere it takes years before you can actually feel it!

    I'm going for my second chemo today and now i know how crap i felt the first week, feeling sick, head pressure etc, i'm not worried in the slightest. Don't get me wrong its not pleasant by any means and everyone has different symptons but it doesn't last forever.

    This is a fantastic site, so go ahead and post all your concerns on here, its better out than in!

    take care x
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    please share
    I agree with sparklewings please feel free to share it is definitely better out that in. I had lumpectomy on 3-22-10 I still have a large spot under my incision. My original lump was really small and I never could feel it, this I can. My nurse told me at my 1 week follow up that it was perfectly normal and could be there for months. I can tell that it has gotten a little smaller but just recently. Always feel free to ask your onc or nurse or on here, there are some very smart women and men! I always find an answer to my worries! I had my 1st chemo on 4-30 I did absolutely fine, had some diarrhea, was tired and a little foggy feeling but it was not near as bad as I thought. I go back this Fri. and am really not dreading it. I am not looking forward to it but not dreading it either, you will do just fine. I am on taxotere and cytoxin. What will you be doing? Will keep you in my prayers God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    please share
    I agree with sparklewings please feel free to share it is definitely better out that in. I had lumpectomy on 3-22-10 I still have a large spot under my incision. My original lump was really small and I never could feel it, this I can. My nurse told me at my 1 week follow up that it was perfectly normal and could be there for months. I can tell that it has gotten a little smaller but just recently. Always feel free to ask your onc or nurse or on here, there are some very smart women and men! I always find an answer to my worries! I had my 1st chemo on 4-30 I did absolutely fine, had some diarrhea, was tired and a little foggy feeling but it was not near as bad as I thought. I go back this Fri. and am really not dreading it. I am not looking forward to it but not dreading it either, you will do just fine. I am on taxotere and cytoxin. What will you be doing? Will keep you in my prayers God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I know how scared you are. I
    I know how scared you are. I had my lumpectomy June 09 and it's still sore. I was told it takes 1 year from the end of a treatment for everything to get back to "normal". My surgeon moved a lot of tissue around in there to re-shape me and said she didn't want it touched for 4 months. Take a deep breath and trust your medical team to take care of you.

  • gobluegirl90
    gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53

    Dont forget us few men with
    Dont forget us few men with breast cancer too. Just looking out for the easily forgotton ones.

    About 1,910 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among men
    About 440 men will die from breast cancer

    My apologies to all the men with breast cancer
    HeartofSoul, I am very sorry that I did not include men in my post.

    Do you have advice on how to get my husband to understand that fact that I have not started chemo yet..(i do on 5/20/10) that I am still tired and can not do everything around the house cleaning, cooking, laundry and the 2 kids ages 9 and 10? and I work full time as a Supervisor of a Water Billing Department.

    It seems he is almost mad at me sometimes about the silliest things. Maybe it's his way of dealing with it? But he has to start doing more around the house, laundry and cleaning are the two big ones. maybe once my hair falls outs and I am puking my guts up, he will see that I am sick, because I look fine now? who knows?

    Once again, HeartofSoul, I am truly sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you too.
  • gobluegirl90
    gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53

    please share
    I agree with sparklewings please feel free to share it is definitely better out that in. I had lumpectomy on 3-22-10 I still have a large spot under my incision. My original lump was really small and I never could feel it, this I can. My nurse told me at my 1 week follow up that it was perfectly normal and could be there for months. I can tell that it has gotten a little smaller but just recently. Always feel free to ask your onc or nurse or on here, there are some very smart women and men! I always find an answer to my worries! I had my 1st chemo on 4-30 I did absolutely fine, had some diarrhea, was tired and a little foggy feeling but it was not near as bad as I thought. I go back this Fri. and am really not dreading it. I am not looking forward to it but not dreading it either, you will do just fine. I am on taxotere and cytoxin. What will you be doing? Will keep you in my prayers God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    my treatments are AC then T (reply to Bobby_of_3)
    I start my chemo 5/20/10 in two days!!!
    I will receive AC on Thursdays followed by a shot of Neulasta on Fridays every two weeks for 4 rounds, then 12 rounds of Taxore (sp) (not sure weekly, or 2 weeks yet) then follow it up with 5 to 7 weeks of radiation.
    I am scared about that first day of chemo...what happens when I walk into that infusion room?
    I have my my amend or amendol (sp) anti nauseous pills that melt under my tongue and phenergan, and my lydocaine numbing cream and I am ready to go.....so lets get this going.

    I am scared, but I have been told that I am in wonderful hands at the Cancer center I go to for my infusions. My neighbors have family who have and friends that are still attending treatment there now. They are amazing caring people, they make you feel like a first class passenger on an airplane, catering to you every need.

    i am ready. I hate the waiting and not knowing how or when or if I will react?

    thanks Boppy...my thought are with you too..God Bless.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402

    my treatments are AC then T (reply to Bobby_of_3)
    I start my chemo 5/20/10 in two days!!!
    I will receive AC on Thursdays followed by a shot of Neulasta on Fridays every two weeks for 4 rounds, then 12 rounds of Taxore (sp) (not sure weekly, or 2 weeks yet) then follow it up with 5 to 7 weeks of radiation.
    I am scared about that first day of chemo...what happens when I walk into that infusion room?
    I have my my amend or amendol (sp) anti nauseous pills that melt under my tongue and phenergan, and my lydocaine numbing cream and I am ready to go.....so lets get this going.

    I am scared, but I have been told that I am in wonderful hands at the Cancer center I go to for my infusions. My neighbors have family who have and friends that are still attending treatment there now. They are amazing caring people, they make you feel like a first class passenger on an airplane, catering to you every need.

    i am ready. I hate the waiting and not knowing how or when or if I will react?

    thanks Boppy...my thought are with you too..God Bless.

    I Think
    the staff at cancer centers are very special angels and very used to dealing with our anxieties and fears. Your center may be different than mine (and your cocktail is a little different) but don't fret too much about how that day will go. At mine, I go in and have lab work drawn first and then see the oncologist. After that, I go to get my chemo. There is a separate chemo room with reclining chairs, pillows, blankets, curtains. They hook me up through my port and give me all the pre-meds and then my chemo. They always tell me to be sure and eat before I go as it will help with the nausea. They have juice and snacks there but I usually take a bottle of water with me as well (it's a good time to keep up with that drink, drink, drink motto). I has someone with me the first time but once we knew I would do OK, I have driven myself and just sit there and read. I really don't feel much of anything until 2 days after my chemo (and the day of my Neulasta shot) when I get tired and foggy but it usually only lasts 1 1/2-2 days. I have a friend who had your coktail and she said she did really well with it so just take it a day at a time and try not to worry. Like they all say, it's not fun but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

    I'm sorry about your husband - I wish I had an answer for you on that one. Hopefully he is just adpating to the change and stress and will come around for you. Best wishes!

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member

    my treatments are AC then T (reply to Bobby_of_3)
    I start my chemo 5/20/10 in two days!!!
    I will receive AC on Thursdays followed by a shot of Neulasta on Fridays every two weeks for 4 rounds, then 12 rounds of Taxore (sp) (not sure weekly, or 2 weeks yet) then follow it up with 5 to 7 weeks of radiation.
    I am scared about that first day of chemo...what happens when I walk into that infusion room?
    I have my my amend or amendol (sp) anti nauseous pills that melt under my tongue and phenergan, and my lydocaine numbing cream and I am ready to go.....so lets get this going.

    I am scared, but I have been told that I am in wonderful hands at the Cancer center I go to for my infusions. My neighbors have family who have and friends that are still attending treatment there now. They are amazing caring people, they make you feel like a first class passenger on an airplane, catering to you every need.

    i am ready. I hate the waiting and not knowing how or when or if I will react?

    thanks Boppy...my thought are with you too..God Bless.

    gobluegirl, there is a
    gobluegirl, there is a service out there for people on chemo that may help you, and your husband, out. It's called Cleaning for a Reason. They will clean your home while you are on chemo. Check it out to see if they are available in your area. Your oncologist would confirm that you are on chemo and I think they clean once a month. It could be more often but I'm not sure. I actually found out about this service after I had completed chemo. Good luck and I think you will surprise yourself and do very well on Thursday. Keep us updated on your treatments and ask away with any questions. Take care.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138

    my treatments are AC then T (reply to Bobby_of_3)
    I start my chemo 5/20/10 in two days!!!
    I will receive AC on Thursdays followed by a shot of Neulasta on Fridays every two weeks for 4 rounds, then 12 rounds of Taxore (sp) (not sure weekly, or 2 weeks yet) then follow it up with 5 to 7 weeks of radiation.
    I am scared about that first day of chemo...what happens when I walk into that infusion room?
    I have my my amend or amendol (sp) anti nauseous pills that melt under my tongue and phenergan, and my lydocaine numbing cream and I am ready to go.....so lets get this going.

    I am scared, but I have been told that I am in wonderful hands at the Cancer center I go to for my infusions. My neighbors have family who have and friends that are still attending treatment there now. They are amazing caring people, they make you feel like a first class passenger on an airplane, catering to you every need.

    i am ready. I hate the waiting and not knowing how or when or if I will react?

    thanks Boppy...my thought are with you too..God Bless.

    Boppy again!
    I think all of us are scared the first time, the nurses in the treatment at my cancer center are wonderful!! I too had my own little room with curtains around you, recliner and a flat screen TV. A kitchen area is available with water, juice and a microwave. I took lunch with me, snacks. book magazine and my laptop oh and snacks. They gave me anti-nausea meds before and steroids to help with side effects. They start the IV (I do not have port) in the top of my hand. I was done in about 3 hrs and drove myself home. I never threw up at all, I did feel a little nauseas but took meds as soon as I did. Just remember water, water, water it really does make a difference God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • gobluegirl90
    gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53

    Boppy again!
    I think all of us are scared the first time, the nurses in the treatment at my cancer center are wonderful!! I too had my own little room with curtains around you, recliner and a flat screen TV. A kitchen area is available with water, juice and a microwave. I took lunch with me, snacks. book magazine and my laptop oh and snacks. They gave me anti-nausea meds before and steroids to help with side effects. They start the IV (I do not have port) in the top of my hand. I was done in about 3 hrs and drove myself home. I never threw up at all, I did feel a little nauseas but took meds as soon as I did. Just remember water, water, water it really does make a difference God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Thanks for the support/ I do have a port cath, I just had it installed on the 14th, still sore and i can;t sleep on the side it is on, the right one and that is the one I like to sleep on, and my boob is still tender and sore on the left side from the lumpectomy so can sleep to well on that side either. I hate to sleep on my back, always have. But i am getting use to it, I hope this port is worth it. It feels weird and I want to just yank it out and go to sleep.
    I take zanaxx daily to get thru this and I was prescribed a ambein to sleep at night, but I am too scared to take the ambein, so i have not had a good full nites sleep since 4/8/10. when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, plus my 10 yr son wakes up a few times a week at night with asthma attacks, and my husband works 3rd shift so I get woke up a lot. I am going to try to take a cat nap before the kids get home from school. My son has a baseball game tonight.
    I am afraid I might miss my daughters and my son's last few games once I start chemo, cuz i was told to avoid crowds? Not how strict my Dr is about that one? I will ask on Thursday.

    thanks and talk to you soon.
  • GregStahl
    GregStahl Member Posts: 188
    As far as your husband not understanding....all I can suggest is that you explain to him that your tired and he needs to help. Marriage is 50/50.
    Cancer is exhausting. Just thinking about everything that needs to get done is mentally draining, throw in the fear, anxiety, anger, bills, then add the surgeries, chemo, radiation.....it can be and is devasting.
    wife is tired, husband steps up!!!!
  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155

    Thanks for the support/ I do have a port cath, I just had it installed on the 14th, still sore and i can;t sleep on the side it is on, the right one and that is the one I like to sleep on, and my boob is still tender and sore on the left side from the lumpectomy so can sleep to well on that side either. I hate to sleep on my back, always have. But i am getting use to it, I hope this port is worth it. It feels weird and I want to just yank it out and go to sleep.
    I take zanaxx daily to get thru this and I was prescribed a ambein to sleep at night, but I am too scared to take the ambein, so i have not had a good full nites sleep since 4/8/10. when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, plus my 10 yr son wakes up a few times a week at night with asthma attacks, and my husband works 3rd shift so I get woke up a lot. I am going to try to take a cat nap before the kids get home from school. My son has a baseball game tonight.
    I am afraid I might miss my daughters and my son's last few games once I start chemo, cuz i was told to avoid crowds? Not how strict my Dr is about that one? I will ask on Thursday.

    thanks and talk to you soon.

    scar area
    I had lumpiness where my scar was, the physical therapist told me to put some gentle cream on the area, and massage the lump. I was surprised that it did go away, but it hurt like heck! I wish you the best as you go through your treatment! Mary
  • Youcandothis
    Youcandothis Member Posts: 79

    Thanks for the support/ I do have a port cath, I just had it installed on the 14th, still sore and i can;t sleep on the side it is on, the right one and that is the one I like to sleep on, and my boob is still tender and sore on the left side from the lumpectomy so can sleep to well on that side either. I hate to sleep on my back, always have. But i am getting use to it, I hope this port is worth it. It feels weird and I want to just yank it out and go to sleep.
    I take zanaxx daily to get thru this and I was prescribed a ambein to sleep at night, but I am too scared to take the ambein, so i have not had a good full nites sleep since 4/8/10. when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, plus my 10 yr son wakes up a few times a week at night with asthma attacks, and my husband works 3rd shift so I get woke up a lot. I am going to try to take a cat nap before the kids get home from school. My son has a baseball game tonight.
    I am afraid I might miss my daughters and my son's last few games once I start chemo, cuz i was told to avoid crowds? Not how strict my Dr is about that one? I will ask on Thursday.

    thanks and talk to you soon.

    Talk to your doctor!!
    First, about the sleep deprivation: there are meds that are for only a couple hrs' sleep. That might work to get you to sleep but let you be up in the night if you must. It's really important to get your rest, discuss the problem with your dr. About crowds: I had cytoxin/taxotere every three weeks. I flew across country after my second treatment with my drs permission, stayed to visit child in school for 2 wks. Attended sports events throughout chemo, had a flu shot, made sure to eat liver and spinach to keep my blood count up. My dr said the positive effects of continuing to do these things were more important to my treatment than staying isolated. I also continued 4x/wk workouts, made me feel better. It sounds like your hubby needs a dose of reality. Does he go to drs appts with you? He needs to hear your oncologist on the subject of stress, rest, and fighting cancer. Be strong for yourself, you can get through this but it helps to be a little selfish. Good luck!
  • sparklewings
    sparklewings Member Posts: 29
    GregStahl said:

    As far as your husband not understanding....all I can suggest is that you explain to him that your tired and he needs to help. Marriage is 50/50.
    Cancer is exhausting. Just thinking about everything that needs to get done is mentally draining, throw in the fear, anxiety, anger, bills, then add the surgeries, chemo, radiation.....it can be and is devasting.
    wife is tired, husband steps up!!!!

    hi hun, re your hubby, my
    hi hun, re your hubby, my mum had bc 9 years ago and unfortunately for her my dad put his head in the sand and she had to carry on cooking and cleaning as normal. Theres just the two of them at home but still plenty to do, not that he was uncaring just scared. I think it was just my dads way of coping and could be your hubbys too.

    Perhaps as already suggested on here you should sit him down and explain how you feel and that you need his support whilst you go through this to make it easier on everyone.

    My hubby is totally the other way, he's fantastic! Unfortunately for him i've always done everything for him and the 3 kids and find it hard to let go but have come up with a plan that for about a week after chemo, he does everything and then i gradually take over until the next round. Do whats best for you.

    i hope your 1st chemo goes ok for you, take care x
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    hi hun, re your hubby, my
    hi hun, re your hubby, my mum had bc 9 years ago and unfortunately for her my dad put his head in the sand and she had to carry on cooking and cleaning as normal. Theres just the two of them at home but still plenty to do, not that he was uncaring just scared. I think it was just my dads way of coping and could be your hubbys too.

    Perhaps as already suggested on here you should sit him down and explain how you feel and that you need his support whilst you go through this to make it easier on everyone.

    My hubby is totally the other way, he's fantastic! Unfortunately for him i've always done everything for him and the 3 kids and find it hard to let go but have come up with a plan that for about a week after chemo, he does everything and then i gradually take over until the next round. Do whats best for you.

    i hope your 1st chemo goes ok for you, take care x

    It will be a year this June
    It will be a year this June that I had surgery ( lumpectomy ). I have a few lumps, bumps. I told my doctor I will never be able to tell if I really get something I need to worry about. I was told I would get used to it and I would know. I still get pain and if you had nodes removed there could be pain in the arm pit and down the arm.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi gobluegirl
    My lumpectomy was March 2 and I have the same hard lumps under my scar. I'm sure its scar tissue since its so close to the scar, right under it. I had my chemo before surgery and have just finished rads. I still have shooting pains in breast and under arm. Alot of nerve damage was done and trying to repair. I hope the lumps go away, I hate feeling it. Other than that, I feel good. Good luck with chemo tomorrow.